Публікації за тегом: Вірші

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Ukraine war. On the front line with engineers working to fix stricken power grid. Engineer repairing power lines.“But if necessary.
We'll come back and repair.
The lines every day.
The people need light.”





Painting by Neil Simone."А що найкраще – то труд.
Бо він і є добро.
Хай мізерним заробком і не нагодуєшся,
так і слізьми ж не запиватимеш.
Бо завтра легша праця,
якщо сьогодні багато встиг."

(Сергій Губерначук)




 Painting by Arthur Avakyan."Long bursts of automatic gunfire.
Rattled across.
The grey, stubbled fields.
On the front line.
Between Soledar and.
The neighbouring town of Bakhmut.
During an intense gun and.
Artillery battle."



Painting by Harumi Kosugi."Але звідки берешся ти, рідне натхнення?
А найперше тебе відчуваю в легенях.
Щонайширше у серці всю кров каламутиш.
Розкумедиш – і враз якнайглибше засмутиш…
Просто ти як знайшло, то ніяк не одпустиш.
Знову кров каламутиш… Думки каламутиш…"

(Сергій Губерначук)




Painting by Liza Yablonska-Mykhailus"Against a backdrop.
Of muffled booms.
From the frontlines.
To the south and east.
People sank to their knees.
And threw roses.
In front of the van.
As it inched past them..."



Ілюстрація Ані Черненко."Моя найкраща в світі сторона,
Одна-єдина рідна наша мати!
Яка ж ти неповторна, осяйна.
У мирі тут ми хочемо зростати!
Квітучий краю, чарівна краса
Річок, лугів, лісів, полів безкрайніх.
А ці бездонні сині небеса!
Їх неосяжність просто незвичайна!
Надія, віра в серці не згаса,
А ще любов, безмежна, життєдайна!"
(Тетяна Строкач)


"Вітає зі святами
Миколай святий,
Зичить радості і щастя
На весь рік новий!"

(Alex Marti)





«Щастя,  лишенько ж твоє,  
мов зачмелене цабе
їдко ф'юкне, ґрече хрусне,
з гіркотою піде й лусне.»

(Галина Мирослава)





Painting by Ther1ko.«Remains of a damaged helicopter.
Removed after this week's crash.
In Brovary in which.
Three senior officials died.
A devastating missile strike.
In Dnipro where 46 people died.
Was followed by a helicopter crash.
Near Kyiv, which killed 14...»



Ukraine war. Resilient civilians return to liberated town of Lyman - BBC News““I live on the seventh floor.
The rocket hit the fifth floor.
Early this morning, at around five.
But I'm fine.”
A 73-year-old retired businessman.
And the only remaining resident.
Of a large apartment block.
On the edge of town...”



Painting by Neivanmade."He moved his elderly mother.
To Dnipro last year.
Believing it to be a safer place.
To live during the war.
On Saturday 40 people.
Were killed in the strike.
He is a son in search of his mother.
Who is still missing..."



Painting by David Lloyd Glover.

"Багато щастя не треба.
Безмежно багато людині не треба.
У зайвому сяйві осліпнеш.
Шукай джерело."

(Сергій Губерначук)






The National Opera Theatre of Ukraine in Japan (2023)"As singing a word.
As playing a character.
My voice is streaming.
How far in the world?
How far in the land?
How far in the sea?
How far in the air?
How far in the war?.."




Painting by Mariia Zhuravel.

«On Tuesday.
A hospital maternity ward was shelled.
No-one was hurt but.
It has further escalated fear among people.
Kherson is a city haunted by.
Relentless and indiscriminate attacks.
The city was liberated.
On 11 November...»



The making of a young Hero of Ukraine. This is a war where Ukrainian fathers and sons serve on the same frontlines. And this was how it was for 22-year-old Eugene Gromadskyi. (BBC News)«Fathers and sons serve.
On the same frontlines.
How was it for a 22-year-old?
At least at the very beginning.
Fathers and sons serve.
On the same frontlines.
How would it go on for a 22-year-old?
His father would face a different fate...»



Lviv. Painting by Radoslaw Popek"My heart is jumping.
In front of our bus...
My heart is jumping.
In front of our bus...
I'll see my dear son.
I'll see my dear son.
My dear son has been in the hospital.
He was injured in a heavy battle..."




Christmas Eve«“Let's endure this winter.
Because we know what we are fighting for.”
“Freedom comes at a high price.
But slavery has an even higher price.”
“Let's endure this winter.
Because we know what we are fighting for.”
“The world must see and understand.
What absolute evil we are fighting against.”...»




Hero of Ukraine - Vadym Voroshylov (Karaya), in love with the sky, 28-year-old fighter pilot.«With the call sign Karaya.
An ‘elf’ military pilot.
Shot down five Iranian drones.
Over Vinnytsia and ejected.
With the call sign Karaya.
He is already waiting for.
A new aircraft.
A little more — and he returns to the ranks...»



Kurama (Japan). Mariupol. War in Ukraine 2022. Poets from a theatre, Poets in the dead — two poems about 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine“From the days before the attack.
The ‘orcs’ word “children” was.
Clearly painted on the lawn.
In front of the theatre....

...Remember. Remember.
Don’t forget this theatre.
Remember. Remember.
Don’t forget this scream.
From the days before the attack.
The ‘orcs’ word “children” was.
Clearly painted on the lawn.
In front of the theatre.
Remember. Remember...”



Молитва за Україну"...Поклонюся Богам,
За здоров'ячко роду,
на зцілення Воякам:
Щоби кісточки укріплялися,
Як потрощені злим — ізросталися,
Щоб всі рани умить заживлялися.
А ворожі кістки розпадалися!"

(Галина Римар)



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В кінець

Споріднені мітки:     Марія Пригара    Ігор Римарук    Анатолій Качан    Євген Гуцало    Василь Голобородько    Верлібри (вірші)    Василь Шаройко    Петро Гулак-Артемовський     Наталка Поклад    Софія Майданська    Леся Українка    Андрій М’ястківський    Грицько Бойко    Володимир Підпалий    Роман Завадович    Василь Герасим'юк    Анатолій Мойсієнко    Уляна Кравченко    Леонід Глібов    Абетка, літери, азбука, букварик    Олена Журлива    Богдан Лепкий    Ігор Павлюк    Наталя Забіла    Катерина Перелісна    Безконечники (вірші)    Книжковий огляд   