“But if necessary.
We'll come back and repair.
The lines every day.
The people need light.”(Kurama)
"In Ukraine's favour is morale.
Its soldiers are highly-motivated.
And fighting to liberate.
Their own country from an invader...
...“The brigade's units.
Continue to increase.
Their success!
Victory will be ours!”"(Kurama)
“‘Elves’ energy infrastructure.
Has come under attack from ‘Mordor’.
Once again this week.
Leaving millions without power.
As temperatures drop below.
Freezing around the country.
There are fears ‘Mordor’.
Is “weaponising winter”...”(Kurama)
“With the help of his friends.
He moved to another European country.
He did not want to reveal the exact location.
He had lost some of his vision.
And doctors said this was a result of.
Head injuries from the beating.
“I feel better now.
But rehabilitation will take a long time.”
What does he think about filtration?
“They separate families.
People are being disappeared.”
“It's pure terror.””(Kurama)
"Aware of a poet?
Aware of a poet?
A poet of Cossack broods over the land.
Not noting a bullet.
Not noting a bullet.
You see a poet of Cossack in Borodyanka."(Kurama)
"For now, the sound of birdsong.
And the occasional bark of a dog.
Masks what has happened.
To this small community of Komyshuvakha.
As you drive south.
Towards the front line from Zaporizhzhia city.
The roads seem to empty.
Fewer people walk along the roadside..."(Kurama)
"This broken city is just beginning.
To tell its stories.
And reveal how many victims.
‘Orcs’ left behind.
The occupiers had a menu of abuses.
For those held in the dank basement cells.
Of a makeshift ‘orcs’ prison in Izyum.
There was more than one type of torture..."(Kurama)
"In early March, a local ecologist.
Had been trying to find.
A place to bury his father.
Who had been killed in the fighting.
He found to his disgust that.
The mortuaries were full.
He went to the local authorities to ask.
Where he could bury his father..."(Kurama)
“‘Mordor’’s anthem.
Booms through loudspeakers.
And the tricolour flag.
Is unfurled.
But look a little closer.
And it's clear that.
None of the children's lips.
Are moving...”(Kurama)
"In the police station, the Lord's Prayer was scratched.
On the wall of one of the cramped cells.
Alongside markings to indicate.
How many days had passed.
“Not only did he kill our children.
But he killed us, their mothers.
These days I’m a dead woman. And I want to address.
All mothers of the world: rebel against that assassin.”..."(Kurama)
«On Tuesday.
A hospital maternity ward was shelled.
No-one was hurt but.
It has further escalated fear among people.
Kherson is a city haunted by.
Relentless and indiscriminate attacks.
The city was liberated.
On 11 November...»(Kurama)
"Over a hundred people live.
In the village of Velyki Prohody.
The inscription on the gate says.
“People live here”..."(Kurama)
"All that time we were praying."
Numerous ‘orcs’ checkpoints.
Passing through the horror.
"We thought those were our last minutes.
It was extremely scary.
But we were lucky."(Kurama)
"In the treatment room.
Of a cramped makeshift field unit.
— the first point of treatment.
For injured soldiers.
“This is the most dangerous.
Of all front lines.”
Says the head of a medical unit for.
The ‘elves’ army's 25th Brigade.
“The ‘orcs’ Federation.
Is pushing very hard.
We have not been able.
To stabilise the front.”"(Kurama)
"what to tell children
what fairy tales to recite
what songs to sing them
what lullabies when the wind
growls like a bear in the night?"(Gabriel Rosenstock)
Щоб швидко знайти на нашому сайті твір Тараса Григоровича Шевченка, скористайтесь абетковим покажчиком, де посилання на вірші та поеми Кобзаря розміщені у порядку "від А до Я".
"Уклін тобі, солдате, материнський
За стійкість, за відвагу, героїзм,
За те, що нищиш намір сатанинський...
Даєш серцям надію й оптимізм!
Чи їв, чи спав... в холодному окопі
Ціною свого власного життя
Ти носа втер Америці й Європі
Борониш світ без неба покриття.
Зі слів молитви зшию сорочину
Ворожа куля серця не торкнись!
Живим і неушкодженим в родину,
Будь ласка, кожен воїн, повернись!"(Тетяна Радюк)
"Мамина калина" - пісня, слова і музику якої написала молода співачка з Тернопольщини Ольга Монастирська-Ярема.
"Ще до Богдана Хмельницького, а саме в 1635 році, був на Січі запорозьким кошовим отаманом Іван Сулима. За своїх молодих літ Сулима придбав собі великого войовничого хисту й завзяття, бо козакував саме під час славних походів гетьмана Сагайдачного. З Сагайдачним Сулима і Кафу турецьку у Криму здобував, і Трапезонтза Чорним морем аж двічі руйнував, і околиці Царгорода огнем випалював, а нарешті під Хотином, рятуючи Польщу, бився з турками у великому бойовищі; скільки ж менших походів та сутичок з ворогами відбув він, так того й не підлічити. Недобре оддячили поляки козакам за те, що вони врятували їх під Хотином од турків, а Сагайдачний навіть смертельну рану собі там здобув,— вони полякалися козацької сили та й почали після того всякі утиски козакам чинити..." (Адріан Кащенко)
"Злітає в небо синє пісня солов'їна,
на світі завжди буде вільна Україна!
Міста і села світлом сповнені любові —
не віддамо нікому душі їх без бою.
...Злітає в небо синє пісня солов'їна,
а серце крається: триває зла година..."(Алла Пахарь)