Kurama (Japan). Poems about the "filtration" of Ukrainians who risk everything to leave the temporarily occupied territory (war in Ukraine 2022)






Like many ‘elves’.

Trying to leave ‘orcs’-occupied areas.

A 28-year-old marketing officer was forced.

To go through a process called filtration.


He watched anxiously.

As ‘orcs’ soldiers connected his mobile.

To their computer.

Trying to restore some files.

He was attempting to leave Mariupol.

He had deleted everything.

He thought an ‘orc’ soldier could use.

Against him.

Such as text messages.

Discussing ‘orcs’ invasion of Ukraine.

Or photos of the devastation in his city.

Caused by weeks of relentless shelling.

But the internet in Mariupol.

A once bustling port in southern Ukraine.

Had been cut off as part of the siege.

Imposed by ‘Mordor’.

And he had not been able to take down.

Some of his posts on social media.

He remembered the first days.

Of the war.

When he had shared.

Some anti-‘orcs’ messages.

And speeches from ‘Gandalf the Green’.

“I'm screwed,” he thought.

The soldiers already had their focus on him.

On that day in early May, when he first joined.

The queues for filtration in Bezimenne.

A small village to the east of Mariupol.

One of the soldiers noticed his beard.

Filtration is how the process.

Of scrutinising civilians.

Wishing to leave ‘orcs’-occupied areas is known.

The soldier instantly assumed.

The beard was a sign.

That he was a fighter.

With the Azov regiment.

A former militia in the city.

Which once had links with the far right.

“Is it you and your brigade?

Killing our guys?,” he was asked.

He replied he had never served in the army.

He started working directly.

After graduating.

But “they didn't want to hear it”.

As the soldiers went through his phone.

They turned to his political views.

And asked his opinion.

Of ‘Gandalf the Green’.

He cautiously said.

‘Gandalf the Green’ was “okay”.

And one of the soldiers wanted to know.

What he meant by that.

He told the soldier ‘Gandalf the Green’ was.

Just another president.

Not very different from those.

Who had come before.

And that in fact, he was not.

Very interested in politics.

“Well,” the soldier replied.

“You should just say you aren't interested in politics.”

They kept his phone and told him to wait outside.

He met his grandmother, mother and aunt.

Who had arrived with him and had already been given.

A document that allowed them to leave.

A few minutes later, he was ordered.

To go to a tent where.

Members of ‘orcs’ security service, the FSB.

Were carrying out further checks.

Five officers were sitting.

Behind a desk.

Three wearing balaclavas.

They showed him a video.

He had shared on Instagram of a speech.

‘Gandalf the Green’ had given.

From 1 March.

With it was a caption.

Written by him:

“A president we can be proud of.

Go home with your warship!”

One of the officers took the lead.

“You told us you're neutral to politics.

But you support the Nazi government.”

He recalled being told, and continued.

“He hit me in the throat. He basically started the beating.”

He noticed two other people.

With their hands tied behind them.

Who had been left in a corner.

While the officers paid attention to him.

“They started to beat me way harder.”


At one point, after a blow to the stomach.

He felt as if he was about to faint.

He managed to sit on a chair.

“I wondered what would be better.

To lose consciousness and fall down.

Or tolerate the pain further.”

At least, he thought.

He had not been taken.

Somewhere else.

Away from his family.

“I was very angry about everything.

But, at the same time.

I know it could've been.

Much worse.”

His mother tried to get into the tent.

But was stopped.

By the officers.

“She was very nervous.”

“She later said they had told her that.

My ‘re-education’ had started.

And that she shouldn't be worried.”

His ordeal continued for two and a half hours.

He was even forced to make.

A video saying “Glory to ‘orcs’ army!”

A mockery of “Slava Ukraini!”.

The ‘elves’ slogan.

The officers’ final question.

For him was whether he had.

“Understood his mistakes”.

And “I obviously answered yes”.

As he was being released.

Officers brought in another man.

Who had previously served in ‘elves’ military.

And had several tattoos.

“They immediately pushed him.

To the ground.

And started to beat him.

They didn't even talk to him.”

He and his family.

Have now settled in Germany.

After also having been forced.

To go to ‘Mordor’.

Looking back, he believes.

The occupying forces seemed to be.

Using filtration to show.

Their “absolute power”.

Soldiers acted as if it was.

A “type of entertainment”.

Something to “satisfy.

Their own ego”.

“I even try to justify.

The process somehow.

Try to convince myself there's some logic.”

But “there's no logic”.


‘Elves’ officials say thousands of people.

Are believed to have been sent.

To detention centres and camps set up.

In ‘orcs’-controlled areas during filtration.

In almost all cases.

Their relatives do not know.

Where they are being held.

Or why.


A 48-year-old steelworker was forced.

To strip naked.

While officers in Bezimenne checked.

Even the seams of his clothes.

He was asked whether he was.

From the Azov regiment.

Or was a Nazi sympathizer.

He denied being either.

And he was asked why.

He wanted to leave Mariupol.

“I said, ‘Actually, it's you.

Who are on ‘elves’ soil.’”

One of the officers, who he said.

Were all ‘orc’ reacted.

By hitting him with the gun butt.

In his chest.

He fell.

“I leaned my head on the ground.

Holding my ribs.

I couldn't get up.”

“It was very painful to breathe.”

He was taken to what.

He described as a “cage”.

Where others were being held.

He noticed that one man.

A weightlifter.

Had a tattoo of Poseidon.

The Greek god, with a trident.

The soldiers thought it was.

The ‘elves’ coat of arms.

“He explained it to them.

But they didn't understand.”

Those detained in the “cage” were given.

No water or food.

And had to urinate in a corner.

In front of everyone.

At one point, exhausted.

He tried to sleep on the ground.

An officer came in and kicked him in the back.

Forcing him to stand.

People would be taken.

To be interrogated and.

When they returned.

“You saw the person had been beaten.”

He witnessed a woman in her 40s.

Lying in pain.

Apparently after being hit.

In the stomach.

A man, who seemed to be around 50.

Had a bleeding lip.

And red bruises.

On his neck.

He believed he had been strangled.

No-one in the “cage” asked.

Or said anything to each other.

They were afraid that FSB could be disguised as prisoners.

After about four or five hours.

He was released and allowed to leave Mariupol.

Days later, he reached safety.

In ‘elves’-controlled territory.

And went to a hospital to treat.

The persistent pain in his chest.

The diagnosis:

Four broken ribs.


‘Elves’ officials say thousands of people.

Are believed to have been sent.

To detention centres and camps set up.

In ‘orcs’-controlled areas during filtration.

In almost all cases.

Their relatives do not know.

Where they are being held.

Or why.


A 43-year-old used to work.

At a state-owned company in Mariupol.

He was tortured in Bezimenne in March.

Separatist soldiers had questioned his wife.

After finding out she had “liked”.

The ‘elves’ army page on Facebook.

And restoring a receipt on her phone.

Of a donation she had made to them.

“I tried to stand up for her.

But was knocked down.”

He got up.

But was beaten once more.

A pattern, he said, that happened.

Again and again.

When ‘orcs’ soldiers realised.

Where he worked.

They took him to a different building.

There, he said, separatist soldiers.

Asked him “stupid things”.

And started to beat him.

“They used electricity. I almost died.

I fell and choked on my dental fillings.

Which had come out from my teeth.”

He vomited and fainted.

“They were furious.

When I recovered consciousness.

They told me to clean everything up.

And continued to give me electric shocks.”

The torture only stopped.

After ‘orcs’ officers intervened.

They carried out another round of questioning.

Before finally freeing him.

As he left the building.

He saw a young woman.

Who had been identified during the process.

As a court clerk, being carried out.

“A plastic bag was put on her head.

And her hands were tied.

Her mother was on her knees.

Begging for her daughter not to be taken away.”

With the help of his friends.

He moved to another European country.

He did not want to reveal the exact location.

He had lost some of his vision.

And doctors said this was a result of.

Head injuries from the beating.

“I feel better now.

But rehabilitation will take a long time.”

What does he think about filtration?

“They separate families.

People are being disappeared.”

“It's pure terror.”


Painting by Nato Mikeladze.

Painting by Nato Mikeladze.

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story:

'The Russians said beatings were my re-education' - BBC News

Russia transfers thousands of Mariupol civilians to its territory - BBC News









“‘Orcs’ told me:

‘You can eat your passport.

It doesn't matter.

This matters.’”

A filtration slip saying.

He was fingerprinted at Manhush.

A village about 20km west.

Of Mariupol, on 13 May.


A 33-year-old says.

Those who paid could go through the process faster.

He had gone through filtration.

When he lived outside Mariupol;

He and his family slept on folding cots.

In the basement of a school.

For six weeks.

Until their turn for filtration came.

Conditions he called “luxury”.

Compared to what others had to endure.

“We had water.

We had flour, eggs, food.”

“But we had no idea how long.

We'd be there, in the school.

So we had to stay hungry.

We ate one meal a day.”

When his turn for filtration came.

They queued at a command post.

For 14 hours.

Until ‘orcs’ forces finally interviewed him.

Earlier that week he had fallen from his bike.

And bruised his knees.

Something the interviewers found suspicious.

Thinking he may have been a soldier.

They stripped him.

And checked for tattoos and marks.

On his shoulder.

Where a rifle butt may have made bruises.

But he was able to pass the process quickly.

Despite all the waiting.

He was fingerprinted and given an official slip.

Showing he had gone through filtration.


“‘Orcs’ told me:

‘You can eat your passport.

It doesn't matter.

This matters.’”

A filtration slip saying.

He was fingerprinted at Manhush.

A village about 20km west.

Of Mariupol, on 13 May.


On 18 May he was.

In a Ford Transit van to escape.

With his friend’s family.

Going from Mariupol to Berdyansk.

On 24 May from Berdyansk.

It took the group three days.

To travel to Georgia.

Through occupied Crimea and ‘Mordor’.


Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story:

Ukraine war: Families risking all to escape through Russia to Georgia - BBC News






The Russians said beatings were my re-education – Andriy said about filtration (BBC News)

The Russians said beatings were my re-education – Andriy said about filtration (BBC News).





A 34-year-old history teacher.

Had his phone confiscated.

At a checkpoint as he tried.

To leave Mariupol in late March.

The soldiers came across the word “ruscist”.

A play on “Russia” and “fascist”.

In a message to a friend.

The soldiers slapped and kicked him.

And “everything happened.

Because I used that word.”

He was taken, with four other people.

To a police station in the village of Nikolske.

At this filtration point.

“The highest-ranking officer punched me.

Four times in the face.”

“It seemed to be part of the procedure”.

His interrogators said teachers like him.

Were spreading pro-‘elves’ propaganda.

They also asked what he thought.

About “the events of 2014”.

The year that ‘Mordor’ annexed the Crimea peninsula.

And started supporting pro-‘orcs’ separatists.

In Donetsk and Luhansk.

He replied that.

The conflict was known as the Russo-‘elves’ war.

“They said ‘Mordor’ was not involved.

And asked me whether I agreed that it was.

In fact, an ‘elves’ civil war.”

The officers checked his phone again.

And this time found a photo of a book.

Which had the letter H in its title.

“We got you!” the soldiers told him.

‘The One’ claims his war in Ukraine is.

An effort to “de-Nazify” the country.

And the soldiers believed.

He was reading books about Hitler.

The next morning, he was transferred.

With two women to a prison in Starobesheve.

A separatist-controlled village in Donetsk.

He counted 24 people in the four-bunk cell.

After four days.

And another detailed interrogation.

He was finally released.

And eventually reached ‘elves’-held territory.

Weeks later.

He still does not know.

What happened to his cell mates.

Through a process called filtration.


‘Elves’ officials say thousands of people.

Are believed to have been sent.

To detention centres and camps set up.

In ‘orcs’-controlled areas during filtration.

In almost all cases.

Their relatives do not know.

Where they are being held.

Or why.


“You can't imagine.

How horrible the conditions were.”

He and his wife are two of the lucky few.

Who managed to escape from Mariupol.

But chilling accounts of life.

In ‘orcs’ so-called filtration camps set up.

Outside Mariupol to house civilians.

Before they are evacuated.

He and his wife, speaking from the relatively safe.

Western city of Lviv, say.

They ended up at one of the centres.

When they tried to escape the city.

After walking from their home.

To an evacuation point.

They were driven to an ‘orcs’ refugee hub.

At a former school in the village of Nikolske.

The centres have been compared by ‘elves’ officials.

To those used during ‘Mordor’’s war in Chechnya.

When thousands of Chechens were brutally interrogated.

And many disappeared.

He and his wife were fingerprinted.

Photographed from all sides.

And interrogated for several hours.

By ‘orcs’ security officers.

“Like in a prison”.

He, a 49-year-old, says.

“It was like a true concentration camp.”

They worried that ‘orcs’ would look at their phones.

And so they cleared all evidence.

From their devices of anything to do with Ukraine.

Including photos of their daughter.

In front of an ‘elves’ flag.

During their interrogation, ‘orcs’ examined.

Photographs, phone call history and contact numbers.

On their devices for links with journalists.

Or government and military officials.

“If a person was suspected of being an ‘Elves’ Nazi’.

They took them to Donetsk.

For further investigation or murder.”

“It was very dangerous and risky.”

“Any small doubt, any small resistance.

And they could take you to the basements.

For interrogation and torture.

Everybody was afraid to be taken to Donetsk.”

‘The One’ has stated one of the aims of his invasion.

Is to clear Ukraine of Nazis.

And ‘orcs’ propaganda has made numerous baseless allegations.

That Ukraine is somehow aligned with Nazism.


‘Elves’ officials say thousands of people.

Are believed to have been sent.

To detention centres and camps set up.

In ‘orcs’-controlled areas during filtration.

In almost all cases.

Their relatives do not know.

Where they are being held.

Or why.


Elderly people slept in corridors.

Without mattresses or blankets.

There was only one toilet and one sink.

For thousands of people.

Dysentery soon began to spread.

His wife says.

“There was no way to wash or clean.

It smelt extremely awful.”

Soap and disinfectant ran out.

On the second day they were there.

Soon, too, did toilet paper.

And sanitary pads.

The couple were told they had permission.

To leave on the 148th evacuation bus.

But a week later.

Just 20 buses had left the facility.

In contrast, there were many buses.

Organised to go to ‘orcs’ territory.

Authorities even tried to force the couple on.

To a coach heading east.

In the end the couple felt compelled.

To seek the help of private drivers.

Who they feared could be.

‘Orcs’ or collaborators.

His wife says.

“We didn't have any choice.

Either be forcibly deported to ‘Mordor’.

Or risk it with these private drivers.”

The pair’s driver managed.

To get them from their filtration camp.

To ‘orcs’-occupied city of Berdyansk.

Through “fields, dirt roads, narrow pathways.”

“Behind all the checkpoints”.

Because they didn't have the proper documents.

To pass an ‘orcs’ inspection.

They then spent three days.

Looking for a route out.

Before finding another driver.

Who was willing to risk everything.

To get them to ‘elves’-controlled territory.

The driver managed to get.

Around 12 ‘orcs’ checkpoints.

And safely deliver them to Zaporizhzhia.

The couple then took an overnight train to Lviv.

“From filtration camps you can only escape.

Using these risky local private drivers.”

He says, “Fortunately.

There are good people among them.”

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story:

'The Russians said beatings were my re-education' - BBC News

'You can't imagine the conditions' - Accounts emerge of Russian detention camps - BBC News










“When we finally escaped and saw.

The ‘elves’ fighters and the flag.

When we heard ‘elves’ language.

Everyone in the bus started to cry.”

“The city does not exist anymore.

Even walls.

Just huge piles of ruins.

I could never have imagined such violence.”


They managed to flee Mariupol last week.

Arriving in Lviv, they were boarding a coach.

To a smaller city in western Ukraine.

Desperate for safety after their ordeal.

They survived by sheltering in a basement.

Living of tinned goods.

A handful of potatoes they grew in their garden.

And water taken from the boiler.

The filtration process was speedy for them.

Perhaps because of their age.

And because her husband has a disability.

But it was far worse for younger people.

She says, “‘Orcs’ divide people into groups.

Those who were suspected of having connections.

With ‘elves’ army, territorial defence.

Journalists, workers from the government.”

“The filtration camps are like ghettos.”

“It's very dangerous for them.

They take those people to prisons.

To Donetsk, torture them.”

Many were sent from the filtration camps to ‘Mordor’.

Sometimes people were told they were destined.

For ‘elves’-controlled territory.

Only for the coach to head to ‘orcs’-held territory instead.

She says it was only because of their driver.

That they managed to escape.

“It was just unbelievable that.

We stayed alive and finally fled from hell.”


“When we finally escaped and saw.

The ‘elves’ fighters and the flag.

When we heard ‘elves’ language.

Everyone in the bus started to cry.”

“The city does not exist anymore.

Even walls.

Just huge piles of ruins.

I could never have imagined such violence.”



Painting by Mariia Zhuravel.

Painting by Mariia Zhuravel.

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story:

'You can't imagine the conditions' - Accounts emerge of Russian detention camps - BBC News




Read more:

Kurama (Japan). Poems about war in Ukraine (2022)

"Aware of a poet?
Aware of a poet?
A poet of Cossack broods over the land.
Not noting a bullet.
Not noting a bullet.
You see a poet of Cossack in Borodyanka."





Вірші про війну"Коли закінчиться війна,
Я хочу тата обійняти,
Сказати сонячні слова
І повести його до хати,
Ти – наш Герой! Тепер щодня
Я буду дякувати Богу 
За мирне небо, за життя,
Всім, хто здобув нам ПЕРЕМОГУ!"
(Ірина Мацкова)​


Вірші про Україну

УкраїнаДумки українських поетів про рідну країну, їхні відчуття до української землі і нашого народу — все це юні читачі зможуть знайти в представленій добірці віршів про Україну від Ганни Черінь, Юрка Шкрумеляка, Наталки Талиманчук, Іванни Савицької, Уляни Кравченко, Яни Яковенко, Василя Симоненка, Івана Франка, Володимира Сосюри, Катерини Перелісної, Богдана-Ігоря Антонича, Марійки Підгірянки, Миколи Чернявського, Володимира Сіренка, Іванни Блажкевич, Грицька Бойка, Миколи Вінграновського, Платона Воронька, Наталі Забіли,  Анатолія Камінчука, Анатолія Качана,  Володимира Коломійця, Тамари Коломієць, Ліни Костенко, Андрія Малишка, Андрія М’ястківського, Івана Неходи, Бориса Олійника, Дмитра Павличка, Максима Рильського, Вадима Скомаровського, Сосюра Володимир, Павла Тичини, Петра Осадчука, Варвари Гринько та інших відомих українських поетів.



вчимо мовиДуже корисними для вивчення іноземних мов є саме вірші, пісні, казки, римівки, а також ігри. Природнім шляхом діти розвивають слух, навчаються вимові, інтонації та наголосу; вивчають слова та мовні структури. Пісні та римівки чудово сприймаються дітьми, малята люблять усе ритмічне та музичне, вони засвоюють це легко та швидко, тому що дістають від цього задоволення.

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«Kurama (Japan). Poems about the "filtration" of Ukrainians who risk everything to leave the temporarily occupied territory (war in Ukraine 2022) »:
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