Публікації за тегом: Поезії

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Author photo: Orest, Kozatsky_D / Twitter"Welcome home, dear sunshine.
A gracious smile. Yes, I’m alive.
Welcome home, dear sunshine.
Deep in the sky. Yes, I’m alive.
Welcome home, dear sunshine.
Long absence. Yes, I’m alive...."




The Sviatohirsk Lavra ablaze"For the passion to the skies.
The Sviatohirsk Lavra ablaze.
A wooden monastery.
All Saints Monastery.
Prayers engulfed.
Upon Holy Hill..."





The eyes of war. Painting by Oleg Shupliak."You heard the screams.
From far away.
They came floating.
Across the rows of the dead.
Across the rows of the dead.
Over other graves.
Still waiting.
To be filled...“



Professor Fedir Shandor giving lectures to his students.

"“I like to see students.
So please turn on the cameras.
Please do not sleep.
Mine is also almost always on.”
“They understand where I am.
So, they have to get out of bed.”
Says a professor in a trench.
Where he dug deep with his hands."



Snake Island  is a symbol of Ukrainian resistance — BBC News.““I want to thank from here.
From this place of victory.
Each of our soldiers.
For these 500 days.”
‘Gandalf the Green’.
Was shown arriving.
On Zmiinyi Island by boat.
And leaving flowers at a memorial...”



Mariana Mamonova has served as military medic since 2018“As human beings.
Let her go.
She's a good person.
She's like a little shining sun.”
While serving in Mariupol.
A military medic was taken prisoner at the start of April.
Who is eight months pregnant.
She got married in September 2021..."



Calamity again — Kurama"Dear God, calamity again! ...
It was so peaceful, so serene.
He resolved to stand on the frontline.
Though he lived for the stage.
We but began to break the chains.
That bind our folk in slavery...
He exchanged his costume.
For a grenade launcher..."



War in Ukraine (2022). The russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Borodyanka-2022. Бородянка. Квітень 2022 року. Наслідки російського вторгнення в Україну."Where am I coming?
It’s a wrong road.
Shot and burnt.
Familiar cars need familiar faces.
Where am I coming?
It’s a wrong road.
Twisted and crumbled away.
Familiar fences need familiar faces..."



Kurama (Japan). ​A poet on a toe — a poem about the incredible performances in Japan by the dancers of the Kyiv Ballet. Ukraine lives and will always live!"In the wordless war.
In the wordless world.
My land is alive on my toes.
In the wordless war.
In the wordless world.
My land is kicking on my toes..."





Christmas Eve«“Let's endure this winter.
Because we know what we are fighting for.”
“Freedom comes at a high price.
But slavery has an even higher price.”
“Let's endure this winter.
Because we know what we are fighting for.”
“The world must see and understand.
What absolute evil we are fighting against.”...»




"Celebrate our Easter,
the resurrection of Christ.
We show the world,
nothing can defeat our Ukraine."






A Ukrainian flag is raised with balloons on Independence Day in Avdiivka in the Donetsk region of Ukraine. — BBC News"He “had no idea”.
That after achieving independence.
His country would one day be at war.
With his country’s closest neighbour.
He was “sure we'd be friends with our neighbours”.
“Trust me, I had no idea.
That our closest neighbour would turn out.
To be the most impudent and cunning one.”..."



Unconquered. Painting by Oleg Shupliak.““None of us will allow.
Our Ukraine to end.”
‘Gandalf the Green’ said.
In an address in the capital Kyiv.
He was joined by Western leaders.
In a show of solidarity.
‘Gandalf the Green’ said.
In his speech on Saturday that...”




Ukraine war: Nothing but rubble in shattered ghost town Avdiivka (bbc.com)“A volunteer who evacuates civilians.
Showed you a message.
From a resident.
A few days ago.
“The basement where people were.
Staying on Soborna Street.
Has been hit,” it says.
“A lot of people have died.”...”



Painting by Oleg Shupliak.«I can only pray all the time.
I can only pray all the time.
My son and his team are in Bakhmut now.
I cannot sleep.
I can only pray all the time.
I can only pray all the time.
My son and his team are in Bakhmut now.
I cannot work...»




Hlib Stryzhko suffered a broken pelvis and jaw when he came under attack from a Russian tank."“I am ready to continue my fight.”
In a hospital bed in his home city, Poltava.
His pelvis is supported by metal scaffolding.
His recovery should take around eight months.
Despite the concerned look on his mother's face.
He has no doubt what he wants to do next.
“It could be both at the frontline or somewhere else.”
“I’ll help the army to bring victory over ‘orcs’ closer.”
A smiling 25-year-old soldier.
Suffered many injuries while trying to defend Mariupol..."


War in Ukraine. The Ukrainians 'disappearing' in Russia's prisons. Ukrainian detainees have told the BBC they have experienced mock executions in Russian captivity. BBC News (fragment).“‘Orcs’ captured the land.
‘Orcs’ captured, but he’ll be back to.
‘Orcs’ captured the land.
He has been searching for.
His brother for nearly two years.
His brother is one of thousands.
Of ‘elves’ civilians...”




Ukraine war: The renowned airman fighting from a low-flying helicopter - BBC News"The best way to come back alive.
Is to stay low.
Hugging the ground.
And skimming the treetops.
Too low and you can be shot down.
By machine gun fire.
Too high and you can be detected.
By enemy air defence systems."



Battle of storks with necrophages. Painting by Oleg Shupliak.“He has the sort of chuckle.
That's hard to resist.
Deep and treacly and mischievous.
“I'm still alive.”
He said, tilting his head.
To one side in his wheelchair.
Like a spectator marvelling at.
Someone else's magic trick...”



Painting by Sophia Suliy.“Every night I was going berserk.
Knowing that my son was lying out.
There in the freezing cold and.
There was nothing to cover him.”





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