Публікації за тегом: Поезії

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Kurama (Japan). Poems about war in Ukraine (2022)

"Aware of a poet?
Aware of a poet?
A poet of Cossack broods over the land.
Not noting a bullet.
Not noting a bullet.
You see a poet of Cossack in Borodyanka."




Melitopol"For now, the sound of birdsong.
And the occasional bark of a dog.
Masks what has happened.
To this small community of Komyshuvakha.
As you drive south.
Towards the front line from Zaporizhzhia city.
The roads seem to empty.
Fewer people walk along the roadside..."



Painting by Anton Logov. Izyum. russian genocide in Ukraine 2022."This broken city is just beginning.
To tell its stories.
And reveal how many victims.
‘Orcs’ left behind.
The occupiers had a menu of abuses.
For those held in the dank basement cells.
Of a makeshift ‘orcs’ prison in Izyum.
There was more than one type of torture..."




An estimated 90% of the buildings destroyed were residential - BBC News."In early March, a local ecologist.
Had been trying to find.
A place to bury his father.
Who had been killed in the fighting.
He found to his disgust that.
The mortuaries were full.
He went to the local authorities to ask.
Where he could bury his father..."



Painting by Matiz.“‘Mordor’’s anthem.
Booms through loudspeakers.
And the tricolour flag.
Is unfurled.
But look a little closer.
And it's clear that.
None of the children's lips.
Are moving...”



​Painting by Anton Logov."In the police station, the Lord's Prayer was scratched.
On the wall of one of the cramped cells.
Alongside markings to indicate.
How many days had passed.
“Not only did he kill our children.
But he killed us, their mothers.
These days I’m a dead woman. And I want to address.
All mothers of the world: rebel against that assassin.”..."



Painting by Mariia Zhuravel.

«On Tuesday.
A hospital maternity ward was shelled.
No-one was hurt but.
It has further escalated fear among people.
Kherson is a city haunted by.
Relentless and indiscriminate attacks.
The city was liberated.
On 11 November...»



Painting by Mari Kinovych (instagram: @marikinoo)."Over a hundred people live.
In the village of Velyki Prohody.
The inscription on the gate says.
“People live here”..." 






Painting by Nikita Titov."All that time we were praying."
Numerous ‘orcs’ checkpoints.
Passing through the horror.
"We thought those were our last minutes.
It was extremely scary.
But we were lucky." 




Картина Олега Шупляка. Час рікою пливе.

"Words terrify when they remain not spoken,
When suddenly, they tuck themselves away,
When you don’t known how silence can be broken,
For someone else has said all you might say..."

(Lina Kostenko, translated by Ivan Doan)






Painting by Mars Hanson"... Я бажаю залишити те, що
Значно краще
Від слів
І звуків.
Пошукайте мене
У людях, що любила їх
До розлуки..."

Галини Мирослави)


Тарас Шевченко. Мені тринадцятий минало. Вірш для дітей."Мені тринадцятий минало.
Я пас ягнята за селом.
Чи то так сонечко сіяло,
Чи так мені чого було?.."

(Тарас Шевченко)

Painting by Nikita Titov."Pokrovsk in eastern Ukraine.
Is the birthplace of one of.
The world's favourite carols.
The Carol of the Bells.
But there are few.
Signs of Christmas.
In the city.
This year..."




Painting by Nikita Titov."In the treatment room.
Of a cramped makeshift field unit.
— the first point of treatment.
For injured soldiers.
“This is the most dangerous.
Of all front lines.”
Says the head of a medical unit for.
The ‘elves’ army's 25th Brigade.
“The ‘orcs’ Federation.
Is pushing very hard.
We have not been able.
To stabilise the front.”"



Painting by Nikita Titov.«‘Elves’ forces continue.
To leverage.
Western-provided weapons.
To conduct strikes.
Using more complex.
strike packages.
Against military objects.
In ‘Mordor’’s deep rear.
— some coming.
In high and fast.
Others coming.
In low and slow »


Painting by Heorhiy Narbut. Fairy Tales (1910)."what to tell children 
what fairy tales to recite 
what songs to sing them 
what lullabies when the wind 
growls like a bear in the night?"

(Gabriel Rosenstock)





Посилання на твори Тараса Шевченка за абеткою

Щоб швидко знайти на нашому сайті твір Тараса Григоровича Шевченка, скористайтесь абетковим покажчиком, де посилання на вірші та поеми Кобзаря розміщені у порядку "від А до Я".





Авторські пісні поетеси Олени Лози.Дивімося, читаймо, слухаймо авторські пісні української поетеси Олени Лози.







Ілюстрації Нікіти Тітова"Злітає в небо синє пісня солов'їна,
на світі завжди буде вільна Україна!
Міста і села світлом сповнені любові —
не віддамо нікому душі їх без бою.
...Злітає в небо синє пісня солов'їна,
а серце крається: триває зла година..."

(Алла Пахарь)



"Колись ми думали -
            Героі лиш в кіно -
То десь далеко і давно бувало…
… в хустині чорній жінка
дивиться в вікно…
… у небо… яке з милим роз’єднало…
І це не фільм, не сон, а зараз…
тут-у нас, сьогодні й вчора…
…в нашій Україні…"

(Алла Хоровко-Доманська)


На початок
Поточна сторінка: 15
10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20  
В кінець

Споріднені мітки:     Art, workmanship, creation (мистецтво, творчість)    Марія Пригара    Ігор Римарук    Анатолій Качан    Василь Голобородько    Верлібри (вірші)    Василь Шаройко    Петро Гулак-Артемовський     Наталка Поклад    Софія Майданська    Леся Українка    Олена Пчілка    Грицько Бойко    Володимир Підпалий    Василь Герасим'юк    Іван Малкович    Анатолій Мойсієнко    Уляна Кравченко    Абетка, літери, азбука, букварик    Олена Журлива    Богдан Лепкий    Ігор Павлюк    Ганна Черінь    Книжковий огляд   