On this video: Ukrainian prisoners of war have said they were subjected to torture, including frequent beatings and electric shocks, while held in Russia, a BBC investigation has heard. A dozen former captives described extreme violence and ill-treatment, apparent violations of international humanitarian law. Many of them surrendered in the city of Mariupol last year. They were taken to a detention facility in the southern Russian city of Taganrog — before being released in exchanges. Russia's defence ministry did not respond to several requests to comment on the allegations. It has previously denied torturing or mistreating captives.
‘Orcs’ captured the land.
‘Orcs’ captured, but he’ll be back to.
‘Orcs’ captured the land.
He has been searching for.
His brother for nearly two years.
His brother is one of thousands.
Of ‘elves’ civilians.
Being held in prisons.
In ‘Mordor’.
And the occupied territories.
For opposing the war.
But with no charges.
Formal investigation.
Trial, or release date.
Their location is a mystery.
And unlike.
Prisoners of war.
There is no formal mechanism.
To secure their freedom.
‘Orcs’ captured the land.
‘Orcs’ captured, but he’ll be back to.
‘Orcs’ captured the land.
When ‘Mordor’ invaded Ukraine.
In February 2022.
He and his brother, their mother.
And his brother's girlfriend fled their home.
In Chernihiv.
In the north of the country.
To avoid the conflict.
They went to the village of Mykhailo-Kotsiubynske.
But by early March.
‘Orcs’ soldiers arrived there too.
“We've come to liberate you.
From your government.”
But by early March.
‘Orcs’ soldiers arrived there too.
“‘The One’ is cool.”
The soldiers exclaimed.
The soldiers searched the village.
Confiscating phones.
And accusing his family of sharing.
The location of the ‘orcs’ army.
Something they all deny.
Then the soldiers set up.
What sounded like.
A fake execution.
‘Orcs’ captured the land.
‘Orcs’ captured, but he’ll be back to.
‘Orcs’ captured the land.
“They took my brother.
And others behind some trees.
And told them to line up against a wall.
Yelling: ‘Get ready! Aim!’”
“Then they took my brother 's girlfriend.
And made her kneel next to him.
Aiming a rifle at her head.
They said to my brother:”
‘If you don't confess.
We'll shoot her.’
That was the last time.
He saw his brother.
“He may have confessed.
To save his girlfriend.
Because they let her go.
They told us:”
‘He admitted everything.
He's facing up to.
15 years in prison.’
That was the last time.
‘Orcs’ captured the land.
‘Orcs’ captured, but he’ll be back to.
‘Orcs’ captured the land.
Desperate to track his brother down.
His brother’s friends and relatives.
Started to use.
The prisons letter service.
Which allows you to send messages.
To some penal colonies.
And investigative isolation units.
Eventually they received a response.
Confirming he was being held.
In a pre-trial detention centre.
Called SIZO-3 in Belgorod.
Just over the border in ‘Mordor’.
But when a lawyer.
Went to visit.
The prison said nobody of.
That name was there.
‘Orcs’ captured the land.
‘Orcs’ captured, but he’ll be back to.
‘Orcs’ captured the land.
He has been searching for.
His brother for nearly two years.
His brother is one of thousands.
Of ‘elves’ civilians.
Being held in prisons.
In ‘Mordor’.
And the occupied territories.
For opposing the war.
But with no charges.
Formal investigation.
Trial, or release date.
Their location is a mystery.
And unlike.
Prisoners of war.
There is no formal mechanism.
To secure their freedom.
‘Orcs’ captured the land.
‘Orcs’ captured, but he’ll be back to.
‘Orcs’ captured the land.
Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/
‘Orcs’ tortured the land.
‘Orcs’ tortured, but he’s back to.
‘Orcs’ tortured the land.
A police officer in Kherson.
Was not able to get away.
When the ‘orcs’ invasion began.
So he hid.
Then in the summer of 2022.
He also disappeared.
And his family.
Could not find him.
He had gathered.
Some information.
Which he passed on.
To the ‘elves’ military.
He was betrayed by a colleague.
Who was bringing him supplies.
Captured by the ‘orcs’ army and taken to.
A temporary detention facility in Kherson.
‘Orcs’ tortured the land.
‘Orcs’ tortured, but he’s back to.
‘Orcs’ tortured the land.
“During the journey.
They used a taser.
On my legs.
And other parts of my body.”
“They staged a mock execution.
And led me out to.
A hole in the ground.
They made me kneel and told me to pray.”
“They loaded their guns.
And fired just past.
My left ear.
There were three or four short bursts.”
“Then a mobile phone rang.
They put it on loud speaker.
And someone at the other end said.
Not to shoot me.”
‘Orcs’ tortured the land.
‘Orcs’ tortured, but he’s back to.
‘Orcs’ tortured the land.
When he got to the centre.
He was interrogated, beaten, threatened.
And doused with cold water.
Almost causing him to choke.
His account matches the testimony.
Of other prisoners held at the institution.
At the time the city of Kherson was.
Occupied by ‘orcs’ forces.
“One time.
They told me.
To lift my legs.
With my heels up.”
“I refused.
They put a gun to my genitals.
And gave me a choice.
Of course, I chose to raise my feet.”
“They took two rubber truncheons.
And bludgeoned my heels.
With them.
For a long time.”
“Any time I lowered my feet.
I was made to lift them again.
Otherwise they'd beat me.
Hitting my head and back.”
‘Orcs’ tortured the land.
‘Orcs’ tortured, but he’s back to.
‘Orcs’ tortured the land.
He shared a cell.
With seven other men:
One was a former.
‘Elf’ police officer.
And another lived.
In the centre of Kherson.
Near the building.
Where ‘orcs’ military were stationed.
Both were accused of.
Being ‘elves’ intelligence agents.
The other cellmates could not explain.
Why they had been imprisoned.
He was transferred twice.
And his family was only able to.
Locate him with the help of.
A friend who had an ‘orc’ passport.
He was finally released.
After 104 days.
Penniless and.
Without documents.
‘Orcs’ tortured the land.
‘Orcs’ tortured, but he’s back to.
‘Orcs’ tortured the land.
Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/
Please read the original story:
The Ukrainians 'disappearing' in Russia's prisons — BBC News
Read more:
"Aware of a poet?
A poet of Cossack broods over the land.
Not noting a bullet.
Not noting a bullet.
You see a poet of Cossack in Borodyanka."

Я хочу тата обійняти,
Сказати сонячні слова
І повести його до хати,
Ти – наш Герой! Тепер щодня
Я буду дякувати Богу
За мирне небо, за життя,
Всім, хто здобув нам ПЕРЕМОГУ!"
Думки українських поетів про рідну країну, їхні відчуття до української землі і нашого народу — все це юні читачі зможуть знайти в представленій добірці віршів про Україну від Ганни Черінь, Юрка Шкрумеляка, Наталки Талиманчук, Іванни Савицької, Уляни Кравченко, Яни Яковенко, Василя Симоненка, Івана Франка, Володимира Сосюри, Катерини Перелісної, Богдана-Ігоря Антонича, Марійки Підгірянки, Миколи Чернявського, Володимира Сіренка, Іванни Блажкевич, Грицька Бойка, Миколи Вінграновського, Платона Воронька, Наталі Забіли, Анатолія Камінчука, Анатолія Качана, Володимира Коломійця, Тамари Коломієць, Ліни Костенко, Андрія Малишка, Андрія М’ястківського, Івана Неходи, Бориса Олійника, Дмитра Павличка, Максима Рильського, Вадима Скомаровського, Сосюра Володимир, Павла Тичини, Петра Осадчука, Варвари Гринько та інших відомих українських поетів.
Дуже корисними для вивчення іноземних мов є саме вірші, пісні, казки, римівки, а також ігри. Природнім шляхом діти розвивають слух, навчаються вимові, інтонації та наголосу; вивчають слова та мовні структури. Пісні та римівки чудово сприймаються дітьми, малята люблять усе ритмічне та музичне, вони засвоюють це легко та швидко, тому що дістають від цього задоволення.