Публікації за тегом: Англійська мова

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Ілюстрація Олесі Вакуленко."In a glorious country
Hard working people
Flourish happily
Ever after.
Their houses are decorated
With flowers and gardens.
In the spickandspan homes
Songs to the Sun are sang..."

(Galyna Rymar)


Sunset. Painting by Volodymyr Orlovsky  (1896).

"sun dies again 
in a crimson agony 
time repeats itself 
a thousand children are born 
in blood each day in Ukraine"

(Gabriel Rosenstock)





З вершин і низин. Збірник поезій Івана Франка. Львів: накладом Ольги Франко, 1893."Против ро́жна перти,
Против хвиль плисти́,
Сміло аж до смерти
Хрест важкий нести!
Правда против сили!
Боєм против зла!
Між народ похилий
Вольности слова!
З світочем науки
Против бре́хні й тьми —
Гей, робучі руки,
Світліі уми́!.."
(Іван Франко)


The best UK royal garden"My gardens sweet, enclosed with walles strong,
Embanked with benches to sytt and take my rest
The Knotts so enknotted, it cannot be exprest,
With arbours and alys so plesaunt and so dulce."

(George Cavendish)

This is the house that Jack built"This is the house that Jack built.
This is the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built...."

"Ось будинок, який збудував Джек.
Ось овес,
Який помістився увесь
В будинку, який збудував Джек..."
(Переклад Віктора Марача)


This is the key of the kingdom"This is the key of the kingdom.
In that kingdom there is a city.
In that city there is a town..."

"Ось ключ від королівства:
В цім королівстві графство є,
У цьому графстві місто є,
У цьому місті вулиця є..."
(Переклад Віктора Марача)


 Sara Coleridge. Trees. Poem. Переспів Галини Мирослави. Дерева."​The Oak is called the king of trees,
The Aspen quivers in the breeze,
The Poplar grows up straight and tall,
The Peach tree spreads along the wall,
The Sycamore gives pleasant shade,
The Willow droops in watery glade,
The Fir tree useful timber gives,
The Beech amid the forest lives."

(Sara Coleridge)

Боброві витребеньки - як же звучатиме назва туристичної компанії польською та англійською? Як перекласти польською? Блог Ольги Шарко про мову. The best from Українські перекладачі. Як перекласти іноземними мовами. Як перекласти англійською?


Робоча пора. Як сказати англійською?  Блог Ольги Шарко про мову. Переклад англійською мовою. Перекласти з української іншими мовами.


““During the First World War.
Aviation was born.”
Says the drone commander.
“Now we are starting.”
The future war of drones.
Which maybe in two decades.
Will turn the tide.
Of any war.”...”



Photo by Kateryna Hamula. Ohmatdyt."Today ‘Mordor’ once again.
Demonstrated its cruelty:
A missile attack on.
The Ohmatdyt Children’s Hospital.
Buildings and facilities.
Were damaged.
There are wounded.
And dead..."



Painting by Nikita Titov."Witnesses said.
The city was targeted.
At about 05:40.
In the heart of Lviv.
Lviv’s Mayor said.
‘Orcs’ attack had damaged.
More than 50 buildings.
In the historic heart of Lviv.
Including homes.
Schools and clinics.
He posted a picture.
On social media..."



Gabriel Rosenstock presents a bilingual haiku in English and  Irish about war in Ukraine 2022.








Painting by Nikita Titov.“The ‘elves’ army’s 33rd.
Mechanized Brigade and its.
German-made Leopard 2A4 tanks
Stand in their way.
“Effective work.
Just blows the heads.
Off the enemies.”
The 33rd Mechanized Brigade crowed.
The battle in Dalnje.
Was a return.
To form for.
‘Elves’ tanks...”


Gabriel Rosenstock — poet, tankaist, haikuist, novelist, essayist, playwright, author-translator of over 180 books, mostly in Irish (Gaelic).Gabriel Rosenstock — poet, tankaist, haikuist, novelist, essayist, playwright, author/translator of over 180 books, mostly in Irish (Gaelic). Rosenstock is one of the foremost poets in Ireland in both English and Irish. He also writes haikus and he works as translator and as assistant editor for an Irish-language publishing house. He writes primarily in Irish and is the author or translator into Irish of over one hundred books. He is member of several literary societies and organisations, such as the Innti group and Aosdána.




З вершин і низин. Збірник поезій Івана Франка. Львів: накладом Ольги Франко, 1893."Swim against the current,
Shove against the lance,
Bear the cross’s burden
Boldly unto death!
Truth will battle power!
Evil will be cowed!
’Midst a people bound to
Freedom of the word!"

(Ivan Franko)



Painting by Nikita Titov."Within the first hour.
Of you arriving.
There were two sirens.
And incoming artillery fire.
This city Kupiansk was occupied.
For six months.
And then liberated.
Last year..."



mordor"‘Orcs’ tortured the land.
‘Orcs’ tortured, but he’s back to.
‘Orcs’ tortured the land..."








Kateryna said she is grateful to the many people who have helped her and her daughter reach safety. Photo by Kateryna Sievodnieva.

““My daughter kept.
Screaming and crying.
That we forgot daddy.
I needed to be strong.”
On 24 February 2022.
‘Mordor’ invaded Ukraine.
That morning.
Her life “changed forever”...”



Hero of Ukraine - Vadym Voroshylov (Karaya), in love with the sky, 28-year-old fighter pilot.«With the call sign Karaya.
An ‘elf’ military pilot.
Shot down five Iranian drones.
Over Vinnytsia and ejected.
With the call sign Karaya.
He is already waiting for.
A new aircraft.
A little more — and he returns to the ranks...»



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