Публікації за тегом: Англійська мова

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A damaged building can be seen in Lysychansk as black smoke rises from the nearby city of Severodonetsk — BBC News.““In Lysychansk, if you are alive.
It’s a good day,” now almost in ‘orcs’ hands.
Leaving nothing but scorched earth.
‘Mordor’ is erasing history.
Some still trying to get out of their homes.
Rushing to board an armoured truck.
Scattering and ducking for cover.
At the sound of another shell...”


Painting by Alona Shostko."Ukraine has ordered.
Some residents to leave Kupiansk.
As ‘Mordor’ seeks to re-take the city.
It left last year.
Kharkiv's regional authorities said.
Families with children and people.
“With limited mobility” must leave due to.
“Constant” shelling by ‘orcs’ forces..."



War in Ukraine. Russia’s kamikaze drones rain down on Ukraine - BBC News. Tetiana and her baby being driven to safety.“Soldiers, of course.
Have the advantage.
Of armour.
Civilians do not.
And around Kupiansk.
The city ‘elves’ recaptured last September.
‘Orcs’ guns are again.
Shelling people's homes...”



War in Ukraine, the russian invasion of Ukraine, Avdiivka,“After months of heavy fighting.
‘Orcs’ forces appear.
Close to surrounding.
The ruins of Avdiivka.
Where frostbite is taking its toll.
On ‘elves’ troops.
The man's fist looked unrecognisable.
Like a split and bruised peach...”




"‘Orcs’ torture the land.
‘Orcs’ torture, but he’ll be back to.
‘Orcs’ torture the land."






Ukrainian prayer"Three evacuation buses entered, but only one returned.
From the front line town of Popasna, in eastern Ukraine's Donbas.
‘Orcs’ everyday advance a little further.
Food supplies in Popasna are expected to run out within a week.
Playing a key role in helping to evacuate people.
But five volunteer drivers and staff are either missing or captured..."




Painting by Nikita Titov."An ‘elves’ drone team.
From the Nemesis group.
Scored one of the more.
Impressive kills.
Of ‘orcs’ 31-month.
Wider war on Ukraine.
Last week.
When it spotted.
A fast-moving ‘orcs’.
Turtle tank and.
Carefully leading.
The speeding vehicle..."


Painting by Nikita Titov."It translates.
As “crooked horn”.
But ‘Gandalf the Green’ calls.
Kryvyi Rih his “big soul and heart”.
‘Gandalf the Green’ credits.
This gritty, industrial city.
With moulding.
His character..."



Kurama (Japan). Poems about war in Ukraine (2022)

"Aware of a poet?
Aware of a poet?
A poet of Cossack broods over the land.
Not noting a bullet.
Not noting a bullet.
You see a poet of Cossack in Borodyanka."




Painting by Matiz.“‘Mordor’’s anthem.
Booms through loudspeakers.
And the tricolour flag.
Is unfurled.
But look a little closer.
And it's clear that.
None of the children's lips.
Are moving...”



Painting by Nikita Titov."All that time we were praying."
Numerous ‘orcs’ checkpoints.
Passing through the horror.
"We thought those were our last minutes.
It was extremely scary.
But we were lucky." 




Картина Олега Шупляка. Час рікою пливе.

"Words terrify when they remain not spoken,
When suddenly, they tuck themselves away,
When you don’t known how silence can be broken,
For someone else has said all you might say..."

(Lina Kostenko, translated by Ivan Doan)






Painting by Mars Hanson"... Я бажаю залишити те, що
Значно краще
Від слів
І звуків.
Пошукайте мене
У людях, що любила їх
До розлуки..."

Галини Мирослави)


Bye, baby BuntingВіршики-забавлянки "Clap, clap handies", "Bye, baby Bunting", "Clap hands, clap hands" в англомовній та українській версіях.







Painting by Nikita Titov."In the treatment room.
Of a cramped makeshift field unit.
— the first point of treatment.
For injured soldiers.
“This is the most dangerous.
Of all front lines.”
Says the head of a medical unit for.
The ‘elves’ army's 25th Brigade.
“The ‘orcs’ Federation.
Is pushing very hard.
We have not been able.
To stabilise the front.”"



Spike Milligan. My sister Laura"My sister Laura's bigger than me
And lifts me up quite easily.
I can't lift her, I've tried and tried;
She must have something heavy inside."

(Spike Milligan)

Painting by Heorhiy Narbut. Fairy Tales (1910)."what to tell children 
what fairy tales to recite 
what songs to sing them 
what lullabies when the wind 
growls like a bear in the night?"

(Gabriel Rosenstock)





Viktoria Stasiv. The rhymes in English for kids. Parrot."Always say Bon appetit!
To all people when they eat
Or just say Enjoy your meal!
And it'll show them how you feel."

(Viktoria Stasiv)

Англійська для дітей - повчальні мультики (відео онлайн)За допомогою цих навчальних мультиків нашим найменшим діткам легко сприймати інформацію і запам'ятовувати нові слова, бо то сприймається через зорову пам'ять і у формі гри. Дивимось мультики разом з малятами і заохочуємо їх до легкого навчання з мультиками.




Марач Віктор СильвестровичУ кожного народу життя дитини від народження і аж до юності супроводжує дитячий фольклор – зібрання колискових пісень, віршів, забавлянок, закличок, прозивалок, загадок, лічилок, скоромовок, звуконаслідувань, покликаних сприяти формуванню фізичних, розумових та моральних якостей дитини та її підготовці до суспільно-корисної діяльності в дорослому житті. В англомовних країнах (Великобританії, Ірландії, США, Канаді, Австралії, Новій Зеландії) антологія дитячого фольклору отримала назву “Матінка Гусиня”, що стала улюбленою книгою не одного покоління.

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