Публікації за тегом: Poems, rhymes, poetry in English

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Ukraine war: The deadly landmines killing hundreds. Russia has laid down mines to defend positions and slow Ukraine's counter attacks - BBC News.“In the small town of Balakliya.
On a patch of land next to an apartment block.
His team have already found.
Six anti-personnel mines.
They'd earlier uncovered.
Around 200 nearby.
“My family calls me every morning.
To tell me to watch where I tread.””



Ukraine war. The lethal minefields holding up Kyiv's counter-offensive — BBC News. Ukrainian sapper teams come across dozens of russian mines every day."An‘elf’ soldier drags himself.
Through the long grass.
One leg trailing limply.
Behind him.
Seconds later.
A flash of bright orange.
And a cloud of white smoke.
Mark the spot..."



F-16 fighter jets ““A launch has been detected.
The order of the ‘elves’ ground team.
Is clear.
An ‘orcs’ Su-35 fighter jet has fired.
A missile at his aircraft.
He knows he has to abort.
The mission in order to survive...”



Painting by Nikita Titov."In a shrinking, brackish pool of water.
Within earshot of Ukraine's front lines.
Two small fish gasped and flopped.
In the midday heat.
Around them, vast expanses of.
Mud and rock were exposed to the sun.
A huge grain barge lay.
Sprawled across a nearby sandbank..."




Ukraine forces liberate village of Blahodatne in Donetsk region"In Ukraine's favour is morale.
Its soldiers are highly-motivated.
And fighting to liberate.
Their own country from an invader...
...“The brigade's units.
Continue to increase.
Their success!
Victory will be ours!”"



Картина Олега Шупляка. Час рікою пливе.

"Words terrify when they remain not spoken,
When suddenly, they tuck themselves away,
When you don’t known how silence can be broken,
For someone else has said all you might say..."

(Lina Kostenko, translated by Ivan Doan)






Picture on the wall of the Bakhmut Vocational College of Culture and Arts named after I. Karabyts."Residents of Bakhmut describe.
The city before the war.
As cosy and comfortable.
To live in.
The eastern ‘elves’ town of Bakhmut is now.
Known across the world as the site.
Of the longest and possibly bloodiest battle.
In ‘Mordor’’s war on Ukraine..."



Painting by Matiz.“‘Mordor’’s anthem.
Booms through loudspeakers.
And the tricolour flag.
Is unfurled.
But look a little closer.
And it's clear that.
None of the children's lips.
Are moving...”



Painting by Oleg Shupliak.«I can only pray all the time.
I can only pray all the time.
My son and his team are in Bakhmut now.
I cannot sleep.
I can only pray all the time.
I can only pray all the time.
My son and his team are in Bakhmut now.
I cannot work...»




"What is alive in the sky?
What is dead in the air?
You are keeping your eyes on Bakhmut.
You need 8 seconds to see Bakhmut.
What is sound in the earth?
What is silent in the mud?
You are keeping your eyes on Bakhmut.
You need 8 seconds to see Bakhmut..."




 Painting by Alona Shostko.“She was getting dressed.
To leave their house.
When “both doors were smashed out.
By the explosion wave”.
“I ran outside.
And saw that the garage was destroyed.
Everything was on fire.
Glass shards everywhere.”...”



Painting by Olga Wilson. Uman. 28.04.2023."Rescuers in Uman.
Pulled casualties.
From the rubble.
During Friday morning.
In Uman, a town.
That has been largely spared ‘orcs’ attack.
A nine-storey apartment building partially.
Collapsed after it was hit by a missile..."



Painting by Olena Zviaginceva.““When you go to bed you see it;
The comrades I lost.
How I pulled them out with no limbs.
How they died in my arms.”
“This will stay with us.
For the rest of our lives.”
There is a darkness.
Etched across his eyes.
The eyes of a soldier.
Recently returned.
From the front line.
After 15 months of fighting...”


Paintings by Olena Zviaginceva."In a bunker just outside.
The city limits of Bakhmut.
Ukraine's 77th Brigade direct artillery.
Fire to support their infantry.
Their last line of defence.
On the western edge of the city.
Ukraine is still clinging.
To the last few streets here..."



Painting by Nikita Titov.“He had been fighting.
For 200 hours without a break.
When he was killed by an ‘orc’ sniper.
In the city of Bakhmut.
“For eight days.
He did not eat, or sleep.
He couldn't even close his eyes for five minutes.
Because the sniper could shoot...””



Ukraine war. Bakhmut defender remembered by comrades. Pavlo Kuzin was killed in Bakhmut. Ukrainians are trying to fight off Russia's human wave attacks - similar to tactics used during World War One - BBC News."Suffering from shell-shock.
And with one arm bandaged.
He was the only soldier.
Still able to fight.
The 37-year-old fired.
At the waves of ‘orcs’ soldiers.
He was the only soldier.
Still able to fight..."




Painting by Yuliya Zinchenko."The line of trees appears to fragment.
And disappear as it winds its way towards.
The ‘orcs’ positions on the outskirts of.
The small town of Velyka Novosilka.
On this front line.
‘Orcs’ eyes are always watching.
Waiting for.
An opportunity to attack..."



Painting by Alona Shostko."Ukraine has ordered.
Some residents to leave Kupiansk.
As ‘Mordor’ seeks to re-take the city.
It left last year.
Kharkiv's regional authorities said.
Families with children and people.
“With limited mobility” must leave due to.
“Constant” shelling by ‘orcs’ forces..."



Who is like God. Painting by Oleg Shupliak.​"It was in early September last year.
During Ukraine's grinding counter-offensive.
In the southern Kherson region.
That his war ended abruptly.
The soldier's tank drove.
Over a mine as it headed into combat.
When the 30-year-old regained consciousness.
He was surrounded by fire..."



Painting by Mari Kinovych."The winter was very hard.
But it was now over.
Declared ‘Gandalf the Green’.
‘Elves’ are enjoying the onset of spring.
Ukraine still had heat.
And the country was unbreakable.
Was the message.
‘Elves’ are enjoying the onset of spring..."



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