Kurama (Japan). «Poets tackling mental scars» — a poem about war in Ukraine (about the mental scars of this terrible war)


On this video: Ukraine war. Mental health concerns for population after Russian invasion — BBC News.
Officials in Ukraine say they are preparing for about half the population to need mental health support in the coming months. It comes as a result of Russia’s full scale invasion last year. But the country’s health system is already under strain with doctors having to prioritise patients with physical injuries from the fighting.







“When you go to bed you see it;

The comrades I lost.

How I pulled them out with no limbs.

How they died in my arms.”

“This will stay with us.

For the rest of our lives.”

There is a darkness.

Etched across his eyes.

The eyes of a soldier.

Recently returned.

From the front line.

After 15 months of fighting.

He tightly holds.

His wife’s hand.

In a recovery centre.

In north-eastern Ukraine.

His wife travelled 600 miles.

To this innocuous collection of buildings.

In the Kharkiv region.

After he was granted a week off.

People are connected.

To the war.

In countless ways.

Regardless of their location.

“We'll suffer.

The consequences.

For the rest of our lives.”

He says as his eyes moisten.

He has promised to not shave.

His beard until the war is over.

Its length reflects the 400-plus days.

Since ‘Mordor’’s full-scale invasion.

His wife thinks.

Her husband is different.

Beyond his appearance, too.

“He has changed a lot.”

“He has proved he's capable of many things;

Protecting us.

And standing up for Ukraine.

He's shown he can do a lot.”

People are connected.

To the war.

In countless ways.

Regardless of their location.

Last year.

Around 2,000 troops came here.

For counselling.

And physiotherapy.

Organisers admit.

This is just respite.

Not rehabilitation.

Most head back to the front.

Staff at the centre say.

Ukraine is trying to keep.

Its soldiers well enough to.

“Stand until the end”.

His wife returned home.

After visiting her husband.

At a psychotherapy clinic.

He headed back to the front lines.

People are connected.

To the war.

In countless ways.

Regardless of their location.

He is taking a break.

From being a drone pilot.

He struggles to sleep.

He says in the leafy gardens.

“Sometimes, you don't know.

What to talk about.

With old friends.

Because old interests change.”

“I don't want to share all.

That I've seen with them.

I am no longer interested in things.

We used to have in common.”

“Something has changed.

Even snapped.”

His role means.

He is a target.

And he is exposed to horrors.

Most don't have to witness.

It's left him.

In a psychological no man's land.

“Every day that.

I'm on the front line.

I want to go home.

But when I come home.”

“I get this strange feeling of wanting.

To go back to my comrades.

It's a very strange feeling.

Of being out of place.”

Managers at this recovery centre.

Believe it will take up.

To 20 years to mentally rehabilitate.

Ukraine's population after this war.

People are connected.

To the war.

In countless ways.

Regardless of their location.

For a class of six in Kharkiv.

That means body therapy.

They take part.

In a session.

Where they sit.

And share feelings.

Before exploring touch and movement.

With each other.

She comes here.

To take care of her own mental health.

So she can help others.

As a therapist.

“It's really important for me.

To stay in shape.

To have a resource.

That I can give to people.”

She can also see.

How people have changed.

In her city.

Since the start of the war.

“Nowadays, people live.

More in the present.

They don't postpone life.

For the future.”

“And these are good changes in my opinion.

But there are also a lot of.

Traumatic experiences.

PTSD, and depression.”

“Which require the help of psychiatrists.”

A reminder of how.

The weight of this conflict.

Isn't contained to the trenches.


Painting by Olena Zviaginceva.

Painting by Olena Zviaginceva.

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story:

Ukraine war: Taking steps to tackle the mental scars of conflict — BBC News



Read more:

Kurama (Japan). Poems about war in Ukraine (2022)

"Aware of a poet?
Aware of a poet?
A poet of Cossack broods over the land.
Not noting a bullet.
Not noting a bullet.
You see a poet of Cossack in Borodyanka."





Вірші про війну"Коли закінчиться війна,
Я хочу тата обійняти,
Сказати сонячні слова
І повести його до хати,
Ти – наш Герой! Тепер щодня
Я буду дякувати Богу 
За мирне небо, за життя,
Всім, хто здобув нам ПЕРЕМОГУ!"
(Ірина Мацкова)​


Вірші про Україну

УкраїнаДумки українських поетів про рідну країну, їхні відчуття до української землі і нашого народу — все це юні читачі зможуть знайти в представленій добірці віршів про Україну від Ганни Черінь, Юрка Шкрумеляка, Наталки Талиманчук, Іванни Савицької, Уляни Кравченко, Яни Яковенко, Василя Симоненка, Івана Франка, Володимира Сосюри, Катерини Перелісної, Богдана-Ігоря Антонича, Марійки Підгірянки, Миколи Чернявського, Володимира Сіренка, Іванни Блажкевич, Грицька Бойка, Миколи Вінграновського, Платона Воронька, Наталі Забіли,  Анатолія Камінчука, Анатолія Качана,  Володимира Коломійця, Тамари Коломієць, Ліни Костенко, Андрія Малишка, Андрія М’ястківського, Івана Неходи, Бориса Олійника, Дмитра Павличка, Максима Рильського, Вадима Скомаровського, Сосюра Володимир, Павла Тичини, Петра Осадчука, Варвари Гринько та інших відомих українських поетів.



вчимо мовиДуже корисними для вивчення іноземних мов є саме вірші, пісні, казки, римівки, а також ігри. Природнім шляхом діти розвивають слух, навчаються вимові, інтонації та наголосу; вивчають слова та мовні структури. Пісні та римівки чудово сприймаються дітьми, малята люблять усе ритмічне та музичне, вони засвоюють це легко та швидко, тому що дістають від цього задоволення.

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