"This broken city is just beginning.
To tell its stories.
And reveal how many victims.
‘Orcs’ left behind.
The occupiers had a menu of abuses.
For those held in the dank basement cells.
Of a makeshift ‘orcs’ prison in Izyum.
There was more than one type of torture..."(Kurama)
"Сохне на сонці білизна, молоточок стукає,
Мир та спокій у дворі,
Бджілка над квітами літає,
Голуби воркують у дворі.
Який же «статус» треба мати,
Щоб мирний план цей зруйнувати?
Хто ти? «Бог» чи «цар»? Може, звірина?
Скоріше — нелюд зі звірячою личиною!.."(Вероніка Кремінна)
"The exhumation was conducted mostly in silence.
As police and prosecutors looked on.
One officer put his head in his hands.
Another walked away.
Emergency workers wore blue plastic coverings.
In a pine forest at the edge of Izyum.
The stench of death filled the air.
As a mass exhumation got under way..."(Kurama)
"On Monday ‘Gandalf the Green’ raised the ‘elves’ flag.
In the recently-liberated city of Izyum.
The closer you get to Izyum.
The more evidence there is of ‘orcs’ rapid retreat.
‘Elves’ soldiers are grouped.
By the roadside near the city.
Inspecting the spoils of war.
With broad smiles..."(Kurama)
"Dear God, calamity again! ...
It was so peaceful, so serene.
He resolved to stand on the frontline.
Though he lived for the stage.
We but began to break the chains.
That bind our folk in slavery...
He exchanged his costume.
For a grenade launcher..."(Kurama)
Kurama (Japan). «Poets in Kryvyi Rih» — a poem about the russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 (video)
"Residents are being urged to evacuate.
Because of a risk of flooding.
After missiles hit a major reservoir dam.
22 streets in two districts of Kryvyi Rih are affected.
A water flow of 100 cubic metres per second.
Was gushing from breaches.
And water levels in the Inhulets river.
Were rising dangerously..."(Kurama)
"In the police station, the Lord's Prayer was scratched.
On the wall of one of the cramped cells.
Alongside markings to indicate.
How many days had passed.
“Not only did he kill our children.
But he killed us, their mothers.
These days I’m a dead woman. And I want to address.
All mothers of the world: rebel against that assassin.”..."(Kurama)
Kurama (Japan). «Poets in blackouts» — a poem about the russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022
"‘Mordor’ aims to “deprive people of light and heat”.
By causing power cuts across eastern Ukraine.
In revenge for an ‘elves’ counter-offensive.
‘Gandalf the Green’ has said.
Blackouts reportedly affected millions of people.
In the eastern Kharkiv and Donetsk regions.
It comes after Ukraine said it had retaken.
Over 3,000 sq km in an eastern counter-offensive..."(Kurama)
"Her face lights up as she recalls.
The moment of her liberation.
When the hated occupiers were forced from her village.
Novovoznesenske, in the southern region of Kherson.
She farmed there in peace and quiet.
Until ‘orcs’ arrived on 29 March.
What they did not destroy, they stole, she says.
Including forks and spoons, and the shoes
from a pensioner's feet..."(Kurama)
“As human beings.
Let her go.
She's a good person.
She's like a little shining sun.”
While serving in Mariupol.
A military medic was taken prisoner at the start of April.
Who is eight months pregnant.
She got married in September 2021..."(Kurama)
Kurama (Japan). «Poets in Kupiansk» — a poem about the russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022
"‘Elves’ forces have entered.
The key eastern town of Kupiansk.
As their rapid counter-attack makes.
Further gains.
Kupiansk is a vital supply hub.
For ‘orcs’ forces in eastern Ukraine.
The town fell a week after.
February's invasion..."(Kurama)
"‘Elves’ soldiers on Sunday.
Raising the ‘elves’ flag over Vysokopillya.
“Vysokopillya, Kherson Region. Ukraine. Today.”
Which had nearly 4,000 residents before the war.
The ‘orcs’ occupation authorities.
In Ukraine's southern city of Kherson.
Have postponed a so-called referendum.
On joining ‘Mordor’, on security grounds.
Heavy ‘elves’ shelling had made.
A key Kherson bridge impassable..."(Kurama)
““Our kids keep asking.
Why their schools have been dressed.
With a flag of another state.
What can I say...”
In ‘orcs’-controlled Melitopol.
Her 13-year-old child is getting ready.
To begin the 8th grade.
She is worried...”(Kurama)
““The most important thing is.
For our children to learn.”
A generation forever moulded.
By this attack on their country.
“I'm more scared of the fact.
I'll have a new teacher.
Than of the war.”
He says with a smile...”(Kurama)
"Я вірю, що закінчиться війна,
І будуть люди рахувати втрати.
Понівечила скільки доль вона?
А скільки діточок ростуть без тата?
В землиці свіжі рани заживуть,
Нові будинки можна збудувати...
Руїни, сльози — війн кровава суть.
Ніколи сина не поверне мати..."(Марія Яновська)
"Let’s celebrate your return to the classroom.
For the new school year on 1 September.
The nation's children are also taking important steps.
Today is Knowledge Day.
Let’s celebrate your return to the classroom.
Even if it has felt very different for you.
‘Gandalf the Green’ attends a ceremony in Irpin.
Today is Knowledge Day..."(Kurama)
"Так все влаштовано у світі,
Щось настає, а щось мина.
Хто бореться за право жити,
Той наче промінь запала."(Артем Кулигін)
"Континентальний тихий клімат,
М'яка зима і тепле літо.
Красиві люди і привітні.
Самодостатні, дружні, рідні.
Сонячно вдень, яскраво в ночі.
Київ — це місто барв Землі.
У злагоді всі стилі й мерчі,
Всі течії, традиції."(Alex Marti)
"Ukraine spent Wednesday.
Marking its annual Independence Day.
‘Gandalf the Green’ had previously said.
‘Mordor’ might do something “cruel”
to disrupt the celebrations.
An ‘orc’ rocket strike on a railway station.
Killed 25 people.
On the day marking six months.
Since ‘Mordor’’s invasion began..."(Kurama)
Валентина Матвіїв — львівська поетеса з волинським корінням. Тож, без сумніву, унікальне поєднання ментальностей цих країв вплинуло на своєрідне формування її особистості та становлення творчого потенціалу. Своє професійне життя присвятила педагогічній діяльності, навчаючи школярів рідної мови та літератури. Саме нагода щодня торкатися неймовірно щедрих на любов і добро дитячих душ допомагають поетесі дивитись на світ щирими очима дитини, щоб потім відтворити це особливе світосприйняття у поетичних рядках. Її лірична героїня завжди винятково відверта зі своїм читачем, сповнена вселенської любові до світу, до життя, до всього, що її оточує та надихає. У 2019 році побачила світ дебютна збірка поезій Валентини Матвіїв, яка має назву «Легкокрила».