Публікації за тегом: Світ

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Painting by Olha Wilson."It was a beautiful sunny day.
And she was smiling.
Pushing her pink chair.
In front of her.
Her pink pushchair lies on its side.
Smeared with blood on a strip of grass.
Outside the ruins of the Jubilee building.
On 14 July..."



Painting by Maria Bilinska"On the corner of Yablonska Street.
He was a welder who lived a quiet life.
His wife stands outside their destroyed home.
“I wish ‘orcs’ had killed me too.”
On the corner of Yablonska Street.
Her father stands in their destroyed home.
“I felt empty when they killed him.
I only wanted to die.”
On the corner of Yablonska Street..."



Yablunska Street (map) — BBC News​."Taxi driver and father of four.
He is the sole survivor in Bucha.
In the early hours of 24 February.
He was driving his taxi in Kyiv and heard explosions.
He struggled to believe it was actually happening.
His first thought that morning was to get the family's IDs.
If they were going to have to flee, they needed passports.
He quickly drove the 40km towards Brovary where they lived..."




"...I’m waiting for you to hear your voice.
I’m praying for you to read your words.
What a long long long silence is passing and passing at home.
Wherever you go now, I’m calling your name, my dear son.
Where do you go now? My hair is turning whiter, my dear son.
Wherever you stand now, I’m calling your name, my dear son.
Where do you stand now? My hair is turning whiter, my dear son."



"Be patient. Be patient. 
Too much patient but not enough to see you.
Be patient. Be patient. 
On my way from home to where you have a few days.
Be patient. Be patient. 
Too much patient but not enough to call you.
Be patient. Be patient.
On my way through half of Ukraine by bus..."



CCTV shows missile striking Ukrainian shopping mall — BBC News"One missile hit close.
While the other struck.
The mall in the centre of Kremenchuk.
“We were working.”
At 16:00 on Monday.
“We thought we were far away from the frontier.”..."





Painting by Nikita Titov."‘Orcs’ captured the land.
‘Orcs’ captured, but she’s back to.
‘Orcs’ captured the land.
‘Gandalf the Green’ announced her release from ‘Mordor’.
“I’m grateful to everyone who worked for this result. Tayra is already home.”
“I know that everything will work out and we’ll all be home as I’m now.”
Tayra thanked ‘Gandalf the Green’ for his efforts to get her released.
Tayra and her driver were taken prisoner by ‘orcs’ on March 16.
The same day an ‘orcs’ airstrike hit a theater, killing around 600 people..."



Illustration by Nikita Titov."He lights two candles.
One is for his daughter.
The other is for her daughter.
Both were killed by an ‘orcs’ shell in Mariupol.
Every day in Vinnytsia.
At the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral.
Stunningly ornate.
‘My dear girls, time will come when we meet.’"



A damaged building can be seen in Lysychansk as black smoke rises from the nearby city of Severodonetsk — BBC News.““In Lysychansk, if you are alive.
It’s a good day,” now almost in ‘orcs’ hands.
Leaving nothing but scorched earth.
‘Mordor’ is erasing history.
Some still trying to get out of their homes.
Rushing to board an armoured truck.
Scattering and ducking for cover.
At the sound of another shell...”


Illustration by Nikita Titov."The true extent of the horror is hard to uncover.
The true existence of the hellhole is hard to uncover.
Telliing as her eyes water.
She fled Mariupol just two weeks ago.
With the help of her daughter..."






Illustration by Nikita Titov"Irpin is on the doorstep of Kyiv.
A haven for families before the war.
In a red coat for four weeks.
In a street of the leafy town.
Lying where she’d been trampled once.
Under the wheels of ‘orcs’ armoured vehicles.
In a red coat for four weeks.
Not once but over and over again..."




The Sviatohirsk Lavra ablaze"For the passion to the skies.
The Sviatohirsk Lavra ablaze.
A wooden monastery.
All Saints Monastery.
Prayers engulfed.
Upon Holy Hill..."





Kira from Mariupol. Russians killed her father and abducted the wounded girl to the territory not controlled by Ukraine — Охматдит (ohmatdyt.com.ua)"‘Orcs’ captured the land.
‘Orcs’ captured, but she’s back to.
‘Orcs’ captured the land.
From her native Mariupol almost to ‘Mordor’.
She miraculously returned to Kyiv through ‘Gandalf the Green’.
She smiles and doesn’t let go of her grandpa.
So that no one would kidnap her anymore.
The most precious thing with her is her dad’s mobile phone.
This is the only thing she has left from her dad..."



Painting by Svitlana Chebanova (fragment). Mykolaiv."Pummelling surrounding villages.
Forcing thousands to flee.
‘Orcs’ are on the outskirts.
To the east and south.
She has decided.
For her youngest children.
It’s time to leave Mykolaiv.
To hug and goodbye..."



Painting by Nezoriy."For the freedom.
For the freedom of the entire civilised world.
The light and the darkness.
The light and the darkness between ‘Mordor’ and the entire world.
Three months a soldier.
Three months a soldier had put university on hold.
Engaged he believes.
Engaged he believes in the mission of his life..."




Hlib Stryzhko suffered a broken pelvis and jaw when he came under attack from a Russian tank."“I am ready to continue my fight.”
In a hospital bed in his home city, Poltava.
His pelvis is supported by metal scaffolding.
His recovery should take around eight months.
Despite the concerned look on his mother's face.
He has no doubt what he wants to do next.
“It could be both at the frontline or somewhere else.”
“I’ll help the army to bring victory over ‘orcs’ closer.”
A smiling 25-year-old soldier.
Suffered many injuries while trying to defend Mariupol..."


The road from Severodonetsk to Bakhmut has been bombed out by Russian forces. Photo by Sergiy Haidai."To flee the heavily-bombed city.
My "craziest journey" by bicycle unharmed.
From Severodonetsk to Bakhmut.
At least two air strikes near me.
There were holes on the road.
Everything there was smashed up.
It's a frontline road, after all.
Thank God, there were no corpses..."



Painting by Anta Frirean"Sleep, my sweet heart.
Sleep at home.
You are my sweet heart.
I am your sweet home.
Sleep, my sweet heart.
Sleep at home.
You are living on the breast.
Today is another day..."



War in Ukraine (2022). The russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Borodyanka-2022. Бородянка. Квітень 2022 року. Наслідки російського вторгнення в Україну."Where am I coming?
It’s a wrong road.
Shot and burnt.
Familiar cars need familiar faces.
Where am I coming?
It’s a wrong road.
Twisted and crumbled away.
Familiar fences need familiar faces..."



Photo by Dmytro Kozatskyi."Pinning shadows against walls.
Raise me up. Raise me up.
Feeling the breathing of fire blazes.
Raise me up. Raise me up.
Creeping frozen darkness up on me.
Warm me up. Warm me up.
Leading flames on my own.
Warm me up. Warm me up."



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