Kurama (Japan). «Poets separated» — a poem about war in Ukraine 2022


Volodymyr with his family before the russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 — BBC News.

Volodymyr with his family before the russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 — BBC News.






He lights two candles.
One is for his daughter.
The other is for her daughter.
Both were killed by an ‘orcs’ shell in Mariupol.

Every day in Vinnytsia.
At the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral.
Stunningly ornate.
‘My dear girls, time will come when we meet.’

“I come here.
And I talk to them.
I stand around a bit, cry.
And it gives me relief.” in a quiet, reflective garden.

“This is a house of God.
And I find solace here.
And I keep telling them.
‘My dear girls, time will come when we meet.’”

Three months ago in Zaporizhzhia.
He was inconsolable.
With grief over the loss of both.
But trying to stay strong for his surviving daughter.

He couldn’t hide his pain.
“God, why would you bring all this upon me?
I failed to protect you.
I was not supposed to bury my children, my lovely girls.”

But his miraculous girl.
To Germany for the complicated surgery.
The attack left shrapnel in her brain.
Damaging much of the right side of her body.

“I miss my dance classes.
I want to dance again so much.”
She was a talented dancer.
Before the war she travelled all over Europe competing.

As the only surviving child.
A clear bond between father and daughter.
She needs her beloved dad by her side.
With her still in a bad way, this bereaved family needs to be together.

“It does help.
It brings some relief.
Sometimes we talk, and it's comforting.”
Says her mother about coping with the loss of a child and grandchild.

“For us, they didn’t die.
As if they stayed in a different city.
As if they stayed in a different country.”
And her daughter is due to undergo another brain operation.

“I need to go to Germany to support them.
For the sake of my daughter.
For the sake of my wife.
Even for the sake of my deceased children.”

As a man of fighting age.
He lobbied the President directly.
His prayers were quite literally answered.
He received permission to be by his seriously ill daughter’s side.

He lights two candles.
One is for his daughter.
The other is for her daughter.
‘My dear girls, time will come when we meet.’



Diana was a talented dancer before the war and travelled all over Europe competing — BBC News.

Diana was a talented dancer before the war and travelled all over Europe competing — BBC News.


Doctors were not sure if Diana would survive at first — BBC News.

Doctors were not sure if Diana would survive at first — BBC News.​

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story on the BBC news:

The family separated by war in both life and death — BBC News

In Mariupol, children bear the brunt of Vladimir Putin's war — BBC News



Please read more poems by Kurama about 2022 russian invasion of Ukraine:

Kurama (Japan). Poems about war in Ukraine (2022)

"Aware of a poet?
Aware of a poet?
A poet of Cossack broods over the land.
Not noting a bullet.
Not noting a bullet.
You see a poet of Cossack in Borodyanka."





Вірші про війну"Коли закінчиться війна,
Я хочу тата обійняти,
Сказати сонячні слова
І повести його до хати,
Ти – наш Герой! Тепер щодня
Я буду дякувати Богу 
За мирне небо, за життя,
Всім, хто здобув нам ПЕРЕМОГУ!"
(Ірина Мацкова)​


Вірші про Україну

УкраїнаДумки українських поетів про рідну країну, їхні відчуття до української землі і нашого народу — все це юні читачі зможуть знайти в представленій добірці віршів про Україну від Ганни Черінь, Юрка Шкрумеляка, Наталки Талиманчук, Іванни Савицької, Уляни Кравченко, Яни Яковенко, Василя Симоненка, Івана Франка, Володимира Сосюри, Катерини Перелісної, Богдана-Ігоря Антонича, Марійки Підгірянки, Миколи Чернявського, Володимира Сіренка, Іванни Блажкевич, Грицька Бойка, Миколи Вінграновського, Платона Воронька, Наталі Забіли,  Анатолія Камінчука, Анатолія Качана,  Володимира Коломійця, Тамари Коломієць, Ліни Костенко, Андрія Малишка, Андрія М’ястківського, Івана Неходи, Бориса Олійника, Дмитра Павличка, Максима Рильського, Вадима Скомаровського, Сосюра Володимир, Павла Тичини, Петра Осадчука, Варвари Гринько та інших відомих українських поетів.



вчимо мовиДуже корисними для вивчення іноземних мов є саме вірші, пісні, казки, римівки, а також ігри. Природнім шляхом діти розвивають слух, навчаються вимові, інтонації та наголосу; вивчають слова та мовні структури. Пісні та римівки чудово сприймаються дітьми, малята люблять усе ритмічне та музичне, вони засвоюють це легко та швидко, тому що дістають від цього задоволення.

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