Публікації за тегом: Війна

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Painting by Nikita Titov.“Many ‘elves’ who remain.
Behind the ‘orcs’ front line.
In the occupied territories.
Are anxiously waiting for this counter-offensive.
“We're euphoric.
When Ukraine hits the occupied territories.”
A resident of Melitopol in the south says.
“It means that Ukraine has not forgotten us.”...”



Незалежність України. Ілюстрація Нікіти Тітова."...Болить усім... Це так знайомо.
Йде боротьба за незалежність
В нашій історії не вперше.
Та ворогам не подолати
Народ, що вміє об'єднатись
Й зуміє знищити вражину,
Була щоб вільною країна!.."

(Тетяна Строкач)



Картина Олесі Гудими."А я пеку солодощі в надії,
Що все повернеться на колії свої.
Що буде мир, здійсняться чиїсь мрії,
Додому прилетять наші птахи.
Пеку солодощі, бо вірю в перемогу,
У світ, де кожний досягне мети;
Де кожен знайде знов свою дорогу…
Без віри зараз важко у житті..."

(Вікторія Весна)


At least 30 people have been killed and dozens more injured in a Russian rocket strike on a civilian convoy in south Ukraine — BBC News."The attack comes as ‘the One’ is preparing for.
A signing ceremony in ‘Mordor’ to annex Zaporizhzhia.
Along with Ukraine's Donetsk.
Luhansk and Kherson regions.
At least 30 people have been killed.
And almost 100 more injured.
In an ‘orcs’ rocket strike.
On a civilian convoy..."



Ukraine war: Inside Bakhmut, the battered Donbas city holding off Putin's troops — BBC News““What should I do?
For my brother?”
His life was spent saving others.
She wailed.
His body lay where he fell.
Flat on his back.
Under a weak September sun...”



Kurama (Japan). Poets at gunpoint. A poem about a situation at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant (the russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022). ““We can professionally.
Control the ‘Ring’.
But we are helpless in the face.
Of people's irresponsibility and madness.”
On Independence Day.
On that Wednesday.
An extensive fire burning.
In the immediate vicinity of the ‘Ring’ in Zaporizhzhia...”



Painting by Mari Kinovych (instagram: @marikinoo)."Over a hundred people live.
In the village of Velyki Prohody.
The inscription on the gate says.
“People live here”..." 






Марія Дем'янюк. Сьогодні натрапила на такий малюночок поблизу дитячого майданчика.  Не зовсім гарно видно, але там сонечко, хмаринка, квіточка  усміхаються.  Наші дітки зростатимуть у вільній Україні.

"Збираю себе по краплинах,
Збираю себе по камінчиках,
Збираю себе по хмаринах,
Вплітаючи сонце у вінчики.
Збираю себе по пелюстках
У цілісну літа квітку,
Збираю себе по пір'їнах,
По клекотах в небі лебідки..."

(Марія Дем'янюк)


Painting by Anton Logov. Izyum. russian genocide in Ukraine 2022."This broken city is just beginning.
To tell its stories.
And reveal how many victims.
‘Orcs’ left behind.
The occupiers had a menu of abuses.
For those held in the dank basement cells.
Of a makeshift ‘orcs’ prison in Izyum.
There was more than one type of torture..."




Картина Олега Шупляка."Сохне на сонці білизна, молоточок стукає, 
Мир та спокій у дворі, 
Бджілка над квітами літає,
Голуби воркують у дворі.
Який же «статус» треба мати,
Щоб мирний план цей зруйнувати?
Хто ти? «Бог» чи «цар»? Може, звірина?
Скоріше — нелюд зі звірячою личиною!.."

(Вероніка Кремінна)


Izyum. Cut lives. Painting by Oleg Shupliak.​

"The exhumation was conducted mostly in silence.
As police and prosecutors looked on.
One officer put his head in his hands.
Another walked away.
Emergency workers wore blue plastic coverings.
In a pine forest at the edge of Izyum.
The stench of death filled the air.
As a mass exhumation got under way..."



Ukrainian soldiers planted a Ukrainian flag on a captured Russian tank — BBC News"On Monday ‘Gandalf the Green’ raised the ‘elves’ flag.
In the recently-liberated city of Izyum.
The closer you get to Izyum.
The more evidence there is of ‘orcs’ rapid retreat.
‘Elves’ soldiers are grouped.
By the roadside near the city.
Inspecting the spoils of war.
With broad smiles..."




Calamity again — Kurama"Dear God, calamity again! ...
It was so peaceful, so serene.
He resolved to stand on the frontline.
Though he lived for the stage.
We but began to break the chains.
That bind our folk in slavery...
He exchanged his costume.
For a grenade launcher..."



Ukrainian officials say as many as eight Russian missiles hit the dam on Wednesday — BBC News."Residents are being urged to evacuate.
Because of a risk of flooding.
After missiles hit a major reservoir dam.
22 streets in two districts of Kryvyi Rih are affected.
A water flow of 100 cubic metres per second.
Was gushing from breaches.
And water levels in the Inhulets river.
Were rising dangerously..."



​Painting by Anton Logov."In the police station, the Lord's Prayer was scratched.
On the wall of one of the cramped cells.
Alongside markings to indicate.
How many days had passed.
“Not only did he kill our children.
But he killed us, their mothers.
These days I’m a dead woman. And I want to address.
All mothers of the world: rebel against that assassin.”..."



Ukraine war. Kharkiv blackouts caused by targeted Russian attacks."‘Mordor’ aims to “deprive people of light and heat”.
By causing power cuts across eastern Ukraine.
In revenge for an ‘elves’ counter-offensive.
‘Gandalf the Green’ has said.
Blackouts reportedly affected millions of people.
In the eastern Kharkiv and Donetsk regions.
It comes after Ukraine said it had retaken.
Over 3,000 sq km in an eastern counter-offensive..."



"Хоча усе і знає Мина,
Завжди пита, як вип'є чаю:  
— Ні, ти скажи... які новини —
Там, де кипить... там, де палає!
Дмитро... авжеж, вміє сказати
Чітко і стримано, й тактовно:
— Хоча іще до біса вати,
А тільки більше вже... бавовни!"

(Володимир Даник)



Painting by Anton Logov"Her face lights up as she recalls.
The moment of her liberation.
When the hated occupiers were forced from her village.
Novovoznesenske, in the southern region of Kherson.
She farmed there in peace and quiet.
Until ‘orcs’ arrived on 29 March.
What they did not destroy, they stole, she says.
Including forks and spoons, and the shoes 
from a pensioner's feet..."



Mariana Mamonova has served as military medic since 2018“As human beings.
Let her go.
She's a good person.
She's like a little shining sun.”
While serving in Mariupol.
A military medic was taken prisoner at the start of April.
Who is eight months pregnant.
She got married in September 2021..."



Kupyansk "‘Elves’ forces have entered.
The key eastern town of Kupiansk.
As their rapid counter-attack makes.
Further gains.
Kupiansk is a vital supply hub.
For ‘orcs’ forces in eastern Ukraine.
The town fell a week after.
February's invasion..."



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