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Поезії Сергія Губерначука з різних збірок. Духовна поезія. Філософська лірика. Поезії про кохання. Вірші про рідне село. Добірка віршів для дітей. Вірші про Тараса Шевченка, про Україну, про Чорнобиль, про маму, про театр, про школу, про осінь, про Новий рік, про Різдво. Вірші, присвячені Героям Крут, про війну. Лічилки."Дай, я буду таким, як хочу,
Щоб не всі мене розуміли...
Ти вбачаєш у цьому злочин?
Я вбачаю у цьому — крила!.."
(Сергій Губерначук)

1 жовтня – День захисників і захисниць України та День українського козацтва1 жовтня, окрім релігійного свята Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці, наша країна відзначає День захисників і захисниць України та День українського козацтва.







Painting by Nikita Titov."Witnesses said.
The city was targeted.
At about 05:40.
In the heart of Lviv.
Lviv’s Mayor said.
‘Orcs’ attack had damaged.
More than 50 buildings.
In the historic heart of Lviv.
Including homes.
Schools and clinics.
He posted a picture.
On social media..."



Галина Римар. 7 легенд. Ілюстрація Вікторії ДунаєвоїЗміст:

1. Легенда про Ясеня-красеня, що всім серцем любив земленьку рідную (відео)
2. Легенда про Писанки (відео)
3. Легенда про сучасного  Котигорошка (відео)
4. Про чарівні Зернятка (відео)
5. Чому собачки котиків недолюблюють (відео)
6. Про Сонце і планети (відео)
7. Про дивовижних майстрів-павучків (відео)




Photo by Dmytro Kozatskyi."Pinning shadows against walls.
Raise me up. Raise me up.
Feeling the breathing of fire blazes.
Raise me up. Raise me up.
Creeping frozen darkness up on me.
Warm me up. Warm me up.
Leading flames on my own.
Warm me up. Warm me up."



"...I’m waiting for you to hear your voice.
I’m praying for you to read your words.
What a long long long silence is passing and passing at home.
Wherever you go now, I’m calling your name, my dear son.
Where do you go now? My hair is turning whiter, my dear son.
Wherever you stand now, I’m calling your name, my dear son.
Where do you stand now? My hair is turning whiter, my dear son."



Hero of Ukraine - Vadym Voroshylov (Karaya), in love with the sky, 28-year-old fighter pilot.«With the call sign Karaya.
An ‘elf’ military pilot.
Shot down five Iranian drones.
Over Vinnytsia and ejected.
With the call sign Karaya.
He is already waiting for.
A new aircraft.
A little more — and he returns to the ranks...»



Painting by Nikita Titov."‘Orcs’ captured the land.
‘Orcs’ captured, but she’s back to.
‘Orcs’ captured the land.
‘Gandalf the Green’ announced her release from ‘Mordor’.
“I’m grateful to everyone who worked for this result. Tayra is already home.”
“I know that everything will work out and we’ll all be home as I’m now.”
Tayra thanked ‘Gandalf the Green’ for his efforts to get her released.
Tayra and her driver were taken prisoner by ‘orcs’ on March 16.
The same day an ‘orcs’ airstrike hit a theater, killing around 600 people..."



Illustration by Nikita Titov"For a moment of life,
For a moment of death,
A poet left already love for home.
For a moment of peace,
For a moment of fight,
A poet left already Lviv for Luhansk.
For a moment of smile,
For a moment of sigh,
A poet left already love for home."


Lysychansk Gymnasium. Photo by Sergiy Gayday."Red-brick and stone walls.
Blue sky and a white cloud.
The glory of the heritage.
Survived two world wars.
Black smoke poured out.
Red flames blazed up.
Through a targeted shelling.
In the school of hard knocks..."




Mariana Mamonova has served as military medic since 2018“As human beings.
Let her go.
She's a good person.
She's like a little shining sun.”
While serving in Mariupol.
A military medic was taken prisoner at the start of April.
Who is eight months pregnant.
She got married in September 2021..."



War in Ukraine (2022). The russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Borodyanka-2022. Бородянка. Квітень 2022 року. Наслідки російського вторгнення в Україну."Where am I coming?
It’s a wrong road.
Shot and burnt.
Familiar cars need familiar faces.
Where am I coming?
It’s a wrong road.
Twisted and crumbled away.
Familiar fences need familiar faces..."



Low-flying fighters are part of daily life now on the farm — BBC News"He carries on farming as shells explode.
On the nearby frontline.
A boom, like distant thunder rolled.
Over the wheat fields due west of Slovyansk.
Perched on his seat in a combine harvester.
He could see clouds of smoke.
From missiles hitting an industrial area.
Then another, thinner plume from ‘orcs’ on the frontline..."



Ukraine war: The deadly landmines killing hundreds. Russia has laid down mines to defend positions and slow Ukraine's counter attacks - BBC News.“In the small town of Balakliya.
On a patch of land next to an apartment block.
His team have already found.
Six anti-personnel mines.
They'd earlier uncovered.
Around 200 nearby.
“My family calls me every morning.
To tell me to watch where I tread.””



At least 30 people have been killed and dozens more injured in a Russian rocket strike on a civilian convoy in south Ukraine — BBC News."The attack comes as ‘the One’ is preparing for.
A signing ceremony in ‘Mordor’ to annex Zaporizhzhia.
Along with Ukraine's Donetsk.
Luhansk and Kherson regions.
At least 30 people have been killed.
And almost 100 more injured.
In an ‘orcs’ rocket strike.
On a civilian convoy..."



Painting by Neivanmade."He moved his elderly mother.
To Dnipro last year.
Believing it to be a safer place.
To live during the war.
On Saturday 40 people.
Were killed in the strike.
He is a son in search of his mother.
Who is still missing..."



The cost of occupation in Kherson region. Watermelon is the Kherson region's symbol as it's mostly grown here — BBC News."Witnessing the visible trauma.
In the village of Kreshchenivka.
Is one of those moments.
When this war feels utterly mindless.
The villages here are mostly destroyed.
From both their occupation and recent liberation.
Despite the eerie quiet and visible destruction.
There is movement..."



Ukrainian officials say as many as eight Russian missiles hit the dam on Wednesday — BBC News."Residents are being urged to evacuate.
Because of a risk of flooding.
After missiles hit a major reservoir dam.
22 streets in two districts of Kryvyi Rih are affected.
A water flow of 100 cubic metres per second.
Was gushing from breaches.
And water levels in the Inhulets river.
Were rising dangerously..."



"This morning shook my home,
from whole prospects of peace at hand. 
This morning struck me,
shattering sense of safety at all.
This morning pained Lviv,
to decide the only move to fight at once.
This morning changed land,
just before to focus in Donbas."



Painting by Romana Ruban."A new ‘elves’ flag was flying atop.
A captured ‘orcs’ T72 tank.
Parked by the roadside.
In the strategic town of Lyman.
Some ‘orcs’ fighters joke bitterly that.
The “special military operation”.
As ‘orcs’ government publicly terms.
It “has no goals.
It only has a path”..."



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