101 new poems about the war in Ukraine by the Japanese poetess Kurama (events of the second half of 2024)






«My poems is my fight to show what I can do for Ukraine and the world now by Koryu, 
like Javelin or Bayraktar. 
To stand on the frontline of culture is my great honor, dear my Ukrainian friends!»

(Kurama, Japan)








On this video: concert for the Independence Day of Ukraine "THE ENERGY OF VICTORY" 2024.








‘Gandalf the Green’ had said.

The Kursk operation.

Aimed to capture.

‘Orcs’ soldiers.

- which led to a prisoner swap.

And the release of.

115 ‘elves’.

On Saturday –

Among other goals.

He could not disclose.

He had also said.

The operation was.

A preventative strike.

To deter.

‘Orcs’ attacks.

Towards Sumy.

Despite the sense of.

Justice and retribution.

The Kursk incursion.

Has brought.

It remains.

A risky strategy.

For Kyiv.

The rapid gains must be.

Considered alongside.

Losses in the east of Ukraine.

Where ‘orcs’ continue to make.

Ground in a grinding battle.

‘Orcs’ troops are.

Drawing nearer to the city.

Of Pokrovsk.

Which was home.

To around 60,000.

Before the fighting.

It is one of.

The biggest cities.

In the Donetsk region.

Still under ‘elves’ control.

And is an important hub.

For the defending forces.


An estimated 10,000.

Elite ‘elves’ troops.

Burst across the border.

On 6 August.

Taking more ground.

In a matter of days than.

‘Orcs’ had won in Ukraine.

So far this year.


One of the ‘elves’ fighters.

Now in ‘Mordor’.

In his latest messages.

He revealed that.

The situation was tougher now.

“‘Mordor’ has gotten stronger.

We see this in the number of.

Strikes by drones.”

“By artillery, and aviation.

Their sabotage and.

Reconnaissance groups.

Began to operate too.”


An estimated 10,000.

Elite ‘elves’ troops.

Burst across the border.

On 6 August.

Taking more ground.

In a matter of days than.

‘Orcs’ had won in Ukraine.

So far this year.


All meant the ‘elves’.

Were taking.

More casualties.

He said.

“At the beginning.

Of the operation.

We were on the rise.

We had minimal losses.”

“Now, because of.

The ‘orcs’ firepower.

We are losing.

A lot of guys.”

“Moreover, the ‘orcs’ here are.

Fighting for their land.

Just as we are.

Fighting for ours.”


An estimated 10,000.

Elite ‘elves’ troops.

Burst across the border.

On 6 August.

Taking more ground.

In a matter of days than.

‘Orcs’ had won in Ukraine.

So far this year.


He says his.

Earlier elation is.

Giving way.

To some scepticism.

“Many of us.

Do not understand.

The meaning of.

This operation.”

“It's one thing.

To fight for.

Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia.

It's a different matter.”

“It's a different matter.

For the Kursk region.

Which we don't need.”

“It's a different matter.”


An estimated 10,000.

Elite ‘elves’ troops.

Burst across the border.

On 6 August.

Taking more ground.

In a matter of days than.

‘Orcs’ had won in Ukraine.

So far this year.


‘Gandalf the Green’ had said.

The Kursk operation.

Aimed to capture.

‘Orcs’ soldiers.

Among other goals.

He could not disclose.

He had also said.

The operation was.

A preventative strike.

To deter.

‘Orcs’ attacks.

Towards Sumy.


“It’s a really difficult situation.”

A 23-year-old man.

A former TV journalist.

Now a volunteer.

With the 33rd.

Mechanised Brigade.

Defending Pokrovsk.

Said on a crackly phone line.


You asked if he was.

Aware of ‘orcs’ troops.

Being diverted to defend.

Their own soil.

“No, no, I don't feel that.

I think ‘orcs’.

Have a big resource.

Of troops in the Kursk region.”

“And elsewhere in ‘Mordor’.

And they’re using them.

In this operation that.

The ‘elves’ forces started.”


“It’s a really difficult situation.”

A 23-year-old man.

A former TV journalist.

Now a volunteer.

With the 33rd.

Mechanised Brigade.

Defending Pokrovsk.

Said on a crackly phone line.


You asked if.

It had relieved.

Any pressure on.

‘Elves’ troops in the area.

- a key hope of Kyiv's.

“I don't feel like.

It’s become easier.

We still have enemies.”

“In all directions.

And just last week.

They tried again.

To approach.”

“They used approximately.

10 armoured vehicles.

And infantry to.

Capture our positions.”

“But we made.

A nice defence.

We won this battle.

And now we wait for.”

“And now we wait for.

Their next fight.

So no, they're still here.”

“So no, they're still here.”


“It’s a really difficult situation.”

A 23-year-old man.

A former TV journalist.

Now a volunteer.

With the 33rd.

Mechanised Brigade.

Defending Pokrovsk.

Said on a crackly phone line.


‘Orcs’ forces in August.

Advanced on.

477 sq km.

Of ‘elves’ territory.

- the biggest monthly increase.

By ‘Mordor’.

Since October.

2022 –

Meanwhile, in ‘orcs’ Kursk region.

- where ‘elves’ launched.

A surprise incursion.

On 6 August –

Progress has slowed.

with Kyiv most recently.

Claiming to control.

1,294 sq km of territory.

Including 100 settlements.

Nearly 600 ‘orcs’ soldiers.

Have also been captured.

It added.

Some critics in Ukraine.

Have suggested that.

The incursion in Kursk.

Has diverted.

Seasoned troops.

From the Donbas frontline.

At a critical moment.


‘Gandalf the Green’.

Defended the offensive.

On Monday.

Saying it was proceeding.


“According to the plan”.

He said the attack could.

Ease the pressure.

On the eastern front.

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story:

Gains on Russian soil shape Ukraine independence celebrations (bbc.com)

Ukraine war: Russian missiles target Kyiv on first day of school (bbc.com)












The five crew of.

An entrenched ‘elves’.

AS-90 self-propelled howitzer.

Might be the luckiest.

Might be the luckiest.

Artillery crew members.

In ‘orcs’ 28-month.

Wider war on Ukraine.

Somewhere along.

The 700-mile front line.

Of the war recently.

The tracked AS-90 was.

Located by.

An ‘orcs’ drone.

And came under.

Relentless fire.

In a short period.

The ‘orcs’ attacked.

The 50-ton vehicle.

At least six times.

— damaging but.

Not destroying it.

That the crew may have survived.

Is partly a matter of chance.

But it also underscores.

The importance of.

Artillery fortifications.

In a war where the side.

With the most.

— and most durable —

Howitzers usually.

Wins a battle.

The five crew of.

An entrenched ‘elves’.

AS-90 self-propelled howitzer.

Might be the luckiest.

Might be the luckiest.

Artillery crew members.

In ‘orcs’ 28-month.

Wider war on Ukraine.

The ‘orcs’ circulated.

A drone video of the attack.

On the British-made.


— one of at least 50.

The United Kingdom has pledged.

To Ukraine —

On or before Wednesday.

After locating.

The 1990s-vintage.


In its treeline hideout.

Presumably within.

15 miles of the front line.

The range of the AS-90’s.

155-millimeter gun.

The ‘orcs’ attacked.

First, they fired.

Artillery at it.

When the rounds failed.

To score a direct hit.

They flung two explosive.

FPV drones.

At the howitzer.

The five crew of.

An entrenched ‘elves’.

AS-90 self-propelled howitzer.

Might be the luckiest.

Might be the luckiest.

Artillery crew members.

In ‘orcs’ 28-month.

Wider war on Ukraine.

As the smoke.

And dust cleared.

The AS-90 was.

Still mostly intact.

More artillery rained down.

And then.

A Lancet strike drone.

Zoomed in.

After six.

Back-to-back attacks.

The AS-90 was.

Apparently badly damaged.

But it didn’t explode and burn.

Meaning its crew had.

A chance to bail out.

And flee on foot.

The five crew of.

An entrenched ‘elves’.

AS-90 self-propelled howitzer.

Might be the luckiest.

Might be the luckiest.

Artillery crew members.

In ‘orcs’ 28-month.

Wider war on Ukraine.

There are thousands of.

Artillery pieces.

On both sides.

Of the ‘Mordor’-Ukraine war.

And every day.

And every day.

Some of them.

Come under attack.

The ‘orcs’ went to war with.

around 5,000 big guns.

And rocket launchers and.

Have lost around a third of them.

The ‘elves’ had fewer than.

2,000 guns and launchers.

28 months ago and.

Have lost around 500.

Including at least.

Seven AS-90s.

To replace losses.

Both sides have built.

Both sides have built.

New guns and launchers.

And pulled older systems.

Out of long-term storage.

Ukraine has also.

Acquired hundreds of.

Artillery pieces.

From its allies.

The five crew of.
An entrenched ‘elves’.

AS-90 self-propelled howitzer.

Might be the luckiest.

Might be the luckiest.
Artillery crew members.

In ‘orcs’ 28-month.

Wider war on Ukraine.

The intensity.

Of the artillery fight.

Has compelled gunners.

On both sides.

To find tactics.

That give them.

The best chance.

Of surviving.

If there’s.

An artillery consensus.

As the war grinds into.

Its third year.

It’s that drones.

Are the biggest threat.

— and hiding from drones.

Is the top priority.

The five crew of.

An entrenched ‘elves’.

AS-90 self-propelled howitzer.

Might be the luckiest.

Might be the luckiest.

Artillery crew members.

In ‘orcs’ 28-month.

Wider war on Ukraine.

It’s now standard practice.

For the crew of.

An ‘orcs’ or ‘elves’ howitzer.

To tuck their gun into a treeline.

Cover it with branches.

And camouflage netting.

And anti-drone screens.

And emerge from hiding.

Just far enough.

And long enough.

To fire a few rounds before.

Scurrying back under cover.

If the gunners.

Relocate their weapon.

To a new firing position.

They do it carefully.

— and only when.

They’re reasonably confident.

Enemy drones.

Aren’t watching.

The five crew of.

An entrenched ‘elves’.

AS-90 self-propelled howitzer.

Might be the luckiest.

Might be the luckiest.

Artillery crew members.

In ‘orcs’ 28-month.

Wider war on Ukraine.

The alternative to.

This entrenched approach.

To artillery warfare.

Is a more mobile approach.

Known as “shoot and scoot.”

Where a crew rolls up.

To a new firing position.

Shoots a few rounds.

Then immediately speeds to.

A new position.


Miles away.

The theory behind.

Shoot and scoot is.

That constantly moving.

Can thwart enemy efforts.

To triangulate.

The source of.

Incoming rounds.

— and shoot back.

The five crew of.

An entrenched ‘elves’.

AS-90 self-propelled howitzer.

Might be the luckiest.

Might be the luckiest.

Artillery crew members.

In ‘orcs’ 28-month.

Wider war on Ukraine.

Shoot and scoot.

Might’ve worked back.

Before the current era of.

Nearly constant drone surveillance.

But now that all modern armies.

Watch the entire battlefield.

Practically around the clock.

Hitting the road.

— especially during daytime—

Is virtually suicidal.

It’s better to hunker down.

And ride out enemy bombardment.

An analyst, who tallies vehicle losses.

In the ‘Mordor’-Ukraine war.

Has long railed against.

The shoot and scoot philosophy.

He cited the example of ‘elves’.

German-made PzH 2000 howitzers.

Which were designed.

To be highly mobile but.

In Ukraine.

Mostly stick.

To their disguised and.

Fortified firing positions.

The five crew of.

An entrenched ‘elves’.

AS-90 self-propelled howitzer.

Might be the luckiest.

Might be the luckiest.

Artillery crew members.

In ‘orcs’ 28-month.

Wider war on Ukraine.

“I've seen a lot of people.

Claim the PzH 2000.

Survives due to.

Shoot and scoot in Ukraine.”

“But every video.

I have ever seen.

Of PzH 2000.

— all of them, without exception—"

“It wasn't shooting and scooting.

And, very frequently.

the reason the PzH 2000.

Survived was because.”

“It wasn’t shooting and scooting.”

“Shoot and scoot”.

Isn’t a thing.

He insisted.

He’d presumably argue that.

The embattled AS-90.

Would’ve taken more hits.

More quickly.

If its admittedly lucky crew.

Had decided to.

Break cover and.

Make a run for it.

The five crew of.

An entrenched ‘elves’.

AS-90 self-propelled howitzer.

Might be the luckiest.

Might be the luckiest.

Artillery crew members.

In ‘orcs’ 28-month.

Wider war on Ukraine.

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story:

The Luckiest Gunners In The Ukrainian Army May Have Survived 6 Attacks (forbes.com)













A 14-year-old girl.

Has been killed after.

An ‘orcs’ guided bomb strike.

Hit a playground.

On the north-eastern.

‘Elves’ city of Kharkiv.

Hit a playground.

Local officials say.


At least six other people.

Were killed and.

59 injured.

As a building was also hit.

As a 12-storey.

Residential building.

Was also hit in the city.

Near the ‘orcs’ border.

Pictures showed flames.

And thick black smoke.

Coming from the upper part.

Of the building.

As firefighters carried.

People to safety.

‘Gandalf the Green’.

Renewed his calls.

For all ‘elves’ international partners.

To allow it to hit.

Targets inside ‘Mordor’ in order to.

Prevent such attacks.

His office said ‘orcs’ forces.

Had fired more than.

400 drones and missiles.

At Ukraine over the past week.

The attack came just.

Hours before.

‘Gandalf the Green’ dismissed.

The head of his air force.


A 14-year-old girl.

Has been killed after.

An ‘orcs’ guided bomb strike.

Hit a playground.

On the north-eastern.

‘Elves’ city of Kharkiv.

Hit a playground.

Local officials say.


Regional head said that.

At least 59 people.

Including nine children.

Had been wounded.

With 20.

In a serious condition.

And some.

Requiring amputations.

Further photos showed.

Part of the building's.

Outer wall collapsed and.

Numerous cars outside it on fire.

Regional head said the strikes.

Had been launched.

From ‘orcs’ Belgorod region.

Which sits just across the border.

“Let's say unequivocally.

That there were guidance systems.

On the missiles.

We draw one conclusion.”

“These streets are.

Exclusively parks.

With large gatherings.

Of civilians.”

“This is a residential building.

This is, again.

Mass terror against.

Our civilian population.”


A 14-year-old girl.

Has been killed after.

An ‘orcs’ guided bomb strike.

Hit a playground.

On the north-eastern.

‘Elves’ city of Kharkiv.

Hit a playground.

Local officials say.


‘Gandalf the Green’ said.

‘Orcs’ had targeted.

“Ordinary” people and the strikes.

Could have been prevented.

If Ukraine.

“Had the capability to.

Destroy ‘orcs’ military aircraft.

At their bases”.

“This is an absolutely.

Legitimate need.

There is no rational reason.

To limit ‘elves’ defence.”


A 14-year-old girl.

Has been killed after.

An ‘orcs’ guided bomb strike.

Hit a playground.

On the north-eastern.

‘Elves’ city of Kharkiv.

Hit a playground.

Local officials say.

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story:

Ukraine war: Girl, 14, killed as Russian strike hits Kharkiv playground (bbc.com)












‘Orcs’ air strikes.

Have injured.

At least 41 people.

In the ‘elves’ city of Kharkiv.

Regional head said.

Five children were.

Among those wounded.

And he accused.

‘Mordor’ of.

“Aiming exclusively.

At civilian infrastructure”.

In the city.


Among the buildings.

Damaged are a supermarket.

And a sports complex in areas.

Residents go to every day.

People may be buried.

Under the rubble in some areas.

And rescue operations.

Are continuing, he added.


“‘Mordor’ is once again.

Terrorizing Kharkiv.

Striking civilian infrastructure.

And the city itself.”

‘Gandalf the Green’ said.

In the wake of the attacks.

He repeated his calls.

For Western allies to.

“Give Ukraine everything.

It needs to defend itself”.

“Give Ukraine everything.

It needs to defend itself”.


Among the buildings.

Damaged are a supermarket.

And a sports complex in areas.

Residents go to every day.

People may be buried.

Under the rubble in some areas.

And rescue operations.

Are continuing, he added.


Regional head said at least.

10 separate ‘orcs’ strikes.

Had been recorded.

Including the use of ballistic missiles.

From several videos.

Shared on social media.

Of the attacks.

One strike has been located.

To the northeast of.

The centre of Kharkiv.

Along Akademika Pavlova St.

And another.

And another.

Three miles south.

Which damaged the city's.

Palace of Sport buildings.

Images from each attack.

Include the moment of.

Impact and explosion.

From missiles.


Among the buildings.

Damaged are a supermarket.

And a sports complex in areas.

Residents go to every day.

People may be buried.

Under the rubble in some areas.

And rescue operations.

Are continuing, he added.


The attack comes after.

‘Elves’ launched a wave of.

Overnight drone attacks.

Against targets in ‘Mordor’.

Where fire broke out.

At two energy facilities.

No injuries or deaths have been.

Reported by ‘orcs’ officials.

‘Elves’ forces have been.

Stepping up long-range strikes.

Inside ‘Mordor’.

Over the past few months.

Launching scores.

Of drones simultaneously.

At strategic targets.

Several times a week.

The most recent ‘elves’ attacks.

On ‘orcs’ energy facilities.

Also come.

A day after.

An ‘orcs’ guided bomb strike.

On a playground.

In Kharkiv killed.

A 14-year-old girl.


Among the buildings.

Damaged are a supermarket.

And a sports complex in areas.

Residents go to every day.

People may be buried.

Under the rubble in some areas.

And rescue operations.

Are continuing, he added.


A similar attack.

On a residential building.

In the city in north-eastern Ukraine.

Also killed six other people.

It also follows ‘Mordor’.

Hitting ‘elves’ energy grid with.

A massive wave of deadly drone.

And missile strikes last week.

– which led to at least.

Nine people.

Being killed.

Over two days.

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story:

Ukraine war: Russian air strikes injure dozens in Kharkiv (bbc.com)













Teachers and parents.

Tried to keep.

A sense of.


With music playing.

While smiling students.

Were welcomed by.

A sea of flowers.


‘Mordor’ has fired.

A barrage of missiles.

At ‘elves’ capital, Kyiv.

Hours before.

Thousands of children.

Returned to school.

For the first day.

Of the academic year.


Teachers and parents.

Tried to keep.

A sense of.


With music playing.

While smiling students.

Were welcomed by.

A sea of flowers.


One parent, who hid.

With her daughter at home.

During the missile attack.

Before taking her to school.

Said they were showing.

Once more “that.

This nation is invincible”.

“Children are smiling.”

“Children are smiling.

But you can see the strain.

On the faces of their teachers.

Who carry this burden.”

“I’m so thankful to them.

For all they did.

To make it a real holiday.

For the kids.”


Teachers and parents.

Tried to keep.

A sense of.


With music playing.

While smiling students.

Were welcomed by.

A sea of flowers.


‘Mordor’ has fired.

A barrage of missiles.

At ‘elves’ capital, Kyiv.

Hours before.

Thousands of children.

Returned to school.

For the first day.

Of the academic year.


Teachers and parents.

Tried to keep.

A sense of.


With music playing.

While smiling students.

Were welcomed by.

A sea of flowers.

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story:

Ukraine war: Russian missiles target Kyiv on first day of school (bbc.com)












For a 33-year-old.

Who was taking.

Her six-year-old daughter.

To school for the first time.

The day was marred by fear.

“Her hands were shaking.

Our apartment started.

To stink of smoke.”

“But we still need to go to school, right?

We are ‘elves’.”

She said she told her daughter.

That morning.

For schoolchildren.

Across the capital.

Monday's bombardment.

Coincided with.

The first day.

Of the school year.

A day of celebration.

In Ukraine.

For a 33-year-old.

Who was taking.

Her six-year-old daughter.

To school for the first time.

The day was marred by fear.

“Her hands were shaking.

Our apartment started.

To stink of smoke.”

“But we still need to go to school, right?

We are ‘elves’.”

She said she told her daughter.

That morning.

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story:

Ukraine war: Russian missiles target Kyiv on first day of school (bbc.com)












A student.

At the damaged university.

Said she “started screaming”.

When the air raid alert sounded.

With everyone.

Running into.

Their dormitory's.

Bomb shelter.

Air raid sirens rang out.

For nearly two hours.

During the attack.

Before the skies were deemed.

Clear by the military.

“We were very scared.”

She said, adding they saw a fire.

Following the sound of explosions.

“All our schools.

All higher education institutions.

That are working today.

Are proof.”

“Of the resilience.

Of our people.

And the strength.

Of Ukraine.”

The mayor says.

A water treatment plant and.

The entrance of a metro station.

Used as a shelter were hit.

The mayor says.

Two schools and.

A university.

Were also damaged.

Following the attack.

‘Gandalf the Green’ called.

The first day of school.

“One of the most important days.”

“One of the most important days.

Of the year”.

For children, and.

Their families and teachers.

“All our schools.

All higher education institutions.

That are working today.

Are proof.”

“Of the resilience.

Of our people.

And the strength.

Of Ukraine.”

All of Ukraine.

Was placed on alert.

For several hours.

And neighbouring Nato state.

Poland said it had deployed.

Its own as well as.

Allied aircraft to secure its airspace.

During the ‘orcs’ strikes.

According to ‘elves’ military.

22 cruise and.

Air ballistic missiles were.

Destroyed by the air force.

Local authorities say.

Three people were injured.

By debris from.

Destroyed missiles.

“All our schools.

All higher education institutions.

That are working today.

Are proof.”

“Of the resilience.

Of our people.

And the strength.

Of Ukraine.”

A student.

At the damaged university.

Said she “started screaming”.

When the air raid alert sounded.

With everyone.

Running into.

Their dormitory's.

Bomb shelter.

Air raid sirens rang out.

For nearly two hours.

During the attack.

Before the skies were deemed.

Clear by the military.

“We were very scared.”

She said, adding they saw a fire.

Following the sound of explosions.

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story:

Ukraine war: Russian missiles target Kyiv on first day of school (bbc.com)












People did not have.

Enough time to get.

To bomb shelters after.

The air raid alarm sounded.

At least 51 people.

Have been killed and.

271 others.

Injured in an ‘orcs’ missile strike.

On the city of Poltava.

In central Ukraine.

A military academy and.

A nearby hospital were hit.

‘Elves’ land forces.

Confirmed that.

Military personnel were killed.

In the attack.

‘Gandalf the Green’ promised that.

What he called “‘orcs’ scum”.

Would pay for the attack.

And repeated calls for more.

More air defences so that.

Ukraine could protect itself.

by carrying out its own.

Long-range missile attacks.

People did not have.

Enough time to get.

To bomb shelters after.

The air raid alarm sounded.

People nearby said.

Their windows were blown out.

By the force.

Of the impact.

A 26-year-old cadet.

Only started at the Poltava.

Military Communications Institute.

Two weeks ago.

He described the moment.

The attack unfolded.

Just after 09:00 local time.

On Tuesday morning.

Saying the second missile.

Hit just three seconds.

After the first.

“I ran outside.”

“There was smoke.

And dust everywhere…

Lots of people were outside.

Having a cigarette.”

“And many were killed…”

He says that what he saw.

Has affected him.

Psychologically, that there was.

“Too much blood.

Too many dead bodies.”

“Too much blood.

Too many dead bodies.”

People did not have.

Enough time to get.

To bomb shelters after.

The air raid alarm sounded.

Alarms sounded.

At 09:08 local time.

And everyone headed.

To the shelter.

The explosions started.

A few minutes after the alarms.

A thirty-year-old.

Was one of them.

She was woken.

By the air raid siren.

But did not have time.

To reach a shelter.

For her, the attack is personal.

Her husband is fighting.

On the front line.

In the Donbas region.

“Soldiers have died here.

And I know there are still soldiers.

Still under the rubble.

Their wives are waiting for them.”

People did not have.

Enough time to get.

To bomb shelters after.

The air raid alarm sounded.

An ‘elf’ MP said the two minutes.

Between the air raid siren in Poltava.

And the missiles landing.

Was “nothing”.

“You just imagine.

You're on the sixth floor.

Of some building and.

You need to run away downstairs.”

“Is it realistic?

That you can do this?

In two minutes?

Just imagine this life.”

“And like this.

Several times per day.

We can't continue like this.

It's just not fair.”

People did not have.

Enough time to get.

To bomb shelters after.

The air raid alarm sounded.

Firefighters have been.

On the scene.

With all their equipment.

Clearing out buildings.

And army personnel.

Outside have stopped people.

They cannot get too close.

Due to the sensitivity of the site.

Earlier, one Poltava resident said:

“The air raid alert started.

In just a minute.

And then there were two explosions.”

“At home, we immediately.

Ran into the bathroom.

With the child, but then.

Gathered ourselves”.

She added that there is.

No bomb shelter “in our radius”.

And it “takes a long time.

To run somewhere”.

People did not have.

Enough time to get.

To bomb shelters after.

The air raid alarm sounded.

Another local heard.

“Two very strong explosions”.

And called the situation.

“Really scary”.

“Really scary”.

“There is a house nearby.

Everything was blown out.

All the windows.”

“We don't have a basement.

In our house.

So our only option was.

To sit and wait.”

People did not have.

Enough time to get.

To bomb shelters after.

The air raid alarm sounded.

Poltava regional governor.

Called the attack.

A “cunning and cynical.

‘Orcs’ strike.”

And later said that.

15 people were still.

Thought to be trapped.

Under the rubble.

He said search groups.

Were on site, and that.

10 residential buildings.

Had been damaged in the attack.

More details could not.

Immediately be given.

Due to security reasons.

The regional governor said.

People did not have.

Enough time to get.

To bomb shelters after.

The air raid alarm sounded.

‘Elf’ first lady posted.

On X calling the attack.

“A stunning tragedy.

For all of Ukraine.”

And added:

“‘Mordor’ is taking away.

The most valuable thing.

From us - life.”

People did not have.

Enough time to get.

To bomb shelters after.

The air raid alarm sounded.

In a video, ‘Gandalf the Green’.

Said ‘Mordor’ would be.

Held accountable.

For the strike.

In the clip, which was.

Also posted on X.

‘Gandalf the Green’ said.

A “full and prompt” investigation.

Had been ordered.

And that “all necessary services.

Are involved in.

The rescue operation”.

He went on to say that.

Ukraine needed long-range.

Air defence systems “that can.

Protect us from ‘orcs’ terror”.

And added that.

“Every day of delay.

Unfortunately, means.

More lost lives”.

People did not have.

Enough time to get.

To bomb shelters after.

The air raid alarm sounded.

Officials said.

271 people had been.

Wounded in the ‘orcs’ strikes.

On Poltava.

And by Wednesday afternoon.

400 people had.

Already given blood.

At the main regional hospital.

Among them.

Was a man, 38.

Who was badly wounded.

On the frontline.

Last year.

In the fierce battle.

For the eastern city.

Of Bakhmut.

He pointed to scars.

On his neck.

And back where.

He had been shot.

By ‘orcs’ troops.

While he was on patrol.

“At the moment.

I can only give people.

“My blood, my support.

I can talk to them.

And try to understand.

Because I passed through this.”

People did not have.

Enough time to get.

To bomb shelters after.

The air raid alarm sounded.

Poltava is observing.

Three days of mourning.

And there was an eerie quiet.

Throughout the hospital.

An ‘elves’ flag flew.

Outside the building.

With a black ribbon attached.

While inside.

The corridors of.

The blood donation ward.

Were filled as people.

Waited their turn.

The doctor in charge of.

Blood donation said.

The people of Poltava.

Had joined together.

At an unimaginably difficult time:

“This is something.

I’ve never seen in my 16 years.

As a chief doctor.”

People did not have.

Enough time to get.

To bomb shelters after.

The air raid alarm sounded.

In a statement confirming.

The deaths of military personnel.

‘Elves’ land forces said.

An investigation was under way.

To establish whether.

Enough was done to protect.

Those in the facility.

The missile hit.

People did not have.

Enough time to get.

To bomb shelters after.

The air raid alarm sounded.


Painting by Nikita Titov. Poltava.

Painting by Nikita Titov.

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story:

Ukraine says soldiers among 51 killed in Poltava missile attack (bbc.com)

Seven dead in Lviv in fresh wave of strikes on Ukraine (bbc.com)














Witnesses said.

The city was targeted.

At about 05:40.

In the heart of Lviv.

Lviv’s Mayor said.

‘Orcs’ attack had damaged.

More than 50 buildings.

In the historic heart of Lviv.

Including homes.

Schools and clinics.

He posted a picture.

On social media.

Of a local family.

Saying that.

Only the father.

Had survived.

His wife and.

Their three daughters.

All died.

In their own home.


The attack on Lviv.

In the far west of Ukraine.

Came as all of Ukraine was.

Under air raid alert.


Lviv’s Mayor said.

‘Orcs’ had attacked with drones.

And hypersonic missiles.

Early on Wednesday.

The attack came.

As Ukraine reeled from.

‘Orcs’ deadliest single.

Bombardment this year.

- a strike on a military institute.

In the central city.

Of Poltava that left.

53 people dead.

Explosions were also heard.

On Wednesday over the capital Kyiv.

As air defences targeted.

‘Orcs’ missiles.

Five people were wounded.

In Kryvyy Rih when.

A hotel was hit and.

Nearby blocks of flats were damaged.


The attack on Lviv.

In the far west of Ukraine.

Came as all of Ukraine was.

Under air raid alert.


The ‘elves’ air force said.

‘Orcs’ had fired.

13 missiles and.

29 attack drones.

The ‘elves’ air force said.

Seven cruise missiles.

And 22 drones.

Were shot down.

Lviv’s Mayor said.

Some buildings.

Were struck.

Near the railway station.

And Lviv regional administration head.

Said residential buildings.

Had been damaged.

In the attack.

Lviv has largely been.

Spared the worst of.

The fighting over.

The two and a half years of war.

But last week.

‘Orcs’ strikes targeted.

Its energy infrastructure.

Causing outages.

‘Gandalf the Green’ renewed.

His calls for ‘elves’ Western allies.

To all their long-range weapons.

To be fired further into ‘Mordor’.


The attack on Lviv.

In the far west of Ukraine.

Came as all of Ukraine was.

Under air raid alert.


Witnesses said.

The city was targeted.

At about 05:40.

In the heart of Lviv.

Lviv’s Mayor said.

‘Orcs’ attack had damaged.

More than 50 buildings.

In the historic heart of Lviv.

Including homes.

Schools and clinics.

He posted a picture.

On social media.

Of a local family.

Saying that.

Only the father.

Had survived.

His wife and.

Their three daughters.

All died.

In their own home.


Painting by Nikita Titov. Lviv.

Painting by Nikita Titov.

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story:

Seven dead in Lviv in fresh wave of strikes on Ukraine (bbc.com)















‘Orcs’ troops advanced into.

The village of Novohrodivka.

In eastern Ukraine.

On Wednesday.

That puts them within.

Five miles of Pokrovsk.

A main objective of ‘orcs’.

Nearly yearlong eastern offensive.


“The situation is.

Extremely difficult.”

‘Gandalf the Green’ conceded.

On Wednesday.


The ‘elves’ military doesn’t.

Have many extra troops.

To deploy to.

The Pokrovsk front.

Many of the spare.

Brigades it had.

A month ago are.

Now participating.

In ‘elves’ surprise invasion.

Of ‘Mordor’’s Kursk Oblast.

‘Elves’ leaders.

Are finally beginning to.

Grasp the urgency.

Of the balance.

Of forces.

On the Pokrovsk axis.


“The situation is.

Extremely difficult.”

‘Gandalf the Green’ conceded.

On Wednesday.


The coming battle for Pokrovsk.

A city with a pre-war population.

Of 60,000.

—many of whom have now fled—

Is actually an extension.

Of the battle for Avdiivka.

That ended in an ‘elves’ retreat.

In February.


“The situation is.

Extremely difficult.”

‘Gandalf the Green’ conceded.

On Wednesday.



24 miles east.

Of Pokrovsk.

Was a fortress.

That protected.

The settlements.

Railroads and.

Roads to the west.

When the ‘elves’ garrison.

In Avdiivka.

Ran out of.

Ammunition in mid-February.

And fled.

It left the logistical infrastructure.

To the west exposed.

To ‘orcs’ assaults.


“The situation is.

Extremely difficult.”

‘Gandalf the Green’ conceded.

On Wednesday.


Yes, those assaults.

Have been extremely costly.

To the ‘orcs’.

But ‘Mordor’ has been willing to.

Trade thousands of lives and.

Hundreds of armored vehicles.

For a shot at Pokrovsk.

— and for good reason.


“The situation is.

Extremely difficult.”

‘Gandalf the Green’ conceded.

On Wednesday.


Pokrovsk is situated.

At a crucial crossroads.

Of multiple railroad lines.

It has become a key delivery.

And railroad distribution hub.

Facilitating the supply of.

‘Elves’ force.

Across a broad frontline.

From Vuhledar to the north of.

Donetsk and beyond.

As of today.

The situation around Pokrovsk.

Is dire and dangerous.

With the potential to create.

A serious operational catastrophe.

If the town is lost.


“The situation is.

Extremely difficult.”

‘Gandalf the Green’ conceded.

On Wednesday.


In taking Pokrovsk.

‘Orcs’ could weaken.

‘Elves’ defenses.

All along the eastern front line.

— a critical precondition for.

A wider ‘orcs’ advance that could.

Result in the full occupation.

Of Donetsk Oblast.


“The situation is.

Extremely difficult.”

‘Gandalf the Green’ conceded.

On Wednesday.


When the ‘elves’ command.

Headed by the Gen..

Opted to invade Kursk.

With a strong force.

Of thousands of troops.

Drawn from eight or.

More brigades.

It surprised some observers.

Why weren’t those troops.

Reinforcing Pokrovsk, instead?

One generous reading of,

‘Elves’ strategy in Kursk is.

That the invasion was meant.

To draw ‘orcs’ regiments.

Away from the east.

Relieving the pressure on Pokrovsk.


“The situation is.

Extremely difficult.”

‘Gandalf the Green’ conceded.

On Wednesday.


Instead of rushing.

Its best troops.

Into Kursk to blunt.

The ‘elves’ advance.

‘Mordor’ scraped together.

A motley counter-invasion force.

Including many young.

And poorly trained conscripts.

These reinforcements.

Have slowed.

But not halted.

The ‘elves’ invasion.

More importantly.

For ‘orcs’ strategy.

They’ve allowed ‘orcs’ to keep.

Its eastern forces intact.


“The situation is.

Extremely difficult.”

‘Gandalf the Green’ conceded.

On Wednesday.


The result.

Three weeks into.

‘Elves’ invasion.

Of Kursk is.

That the ‘orcs’ offensive.

In the east is.

Not only continuing.

— it’s gaining momentum.


“The situation is.

Extremely difficult.”

‘Gandalf the Green’ conceded.

On Wednesday.


The six or so ‘elves’ brigades.

Defending Pokrovsk are.

Outnumbered around.


Without help.

They might have no choice.

But to surrender Pokrovsk.

— and soon.



Novohrodivka (map)

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story:

If Ukraine’s Invasion Of Russia’s Kursk Oblast Was A Diversion, It Has Failed (forbes.com)

What the fall of Pokrovsk could mean for Ukraine (substack.com)















The ‘elves’ army’s.

53rd Mechanized Brigade.

Raised a flag atop.

A ruined grain elevator.

In the town of New York.

In eastern ‘elves’.

Donetsk Oblast.

On Friday or Saturday.

The banner signals.

The return of.

‘Elves’ forces to.

Central New York.

A month after.

‘Orcs’ troops.

Mostly captured.

The town.


It’s not an isolated incident.

‘Elves’ troops are counterattacking.

In several sectors.

Along the eastern front.

Blunting the momentum.

Of an ‘orcs’ offensive.

That kicked off.

Late last year.

And has seen ‘orcs’ forces.

Make gains along.

Several eastern axes.

— most notably.

Capturing Avdiivka.

And then marching.

On Pokrovsk and.

Its vital supply lines.


The ‘elves’ army’s.

53rd Mechanized Brigade.

Raised a flag atop.

A ruined grain elevator.

In the town of New York.

In eastern ‘elves’.

Donetsk Oblast.

On Friday or Saturday.

The banner signals.

The return of.

‘Elves’ forces to.

Central New York.

A month after.

‘Orcs’ troops.

Mostly captured.

The town.


New York lies.

13 miles north.

Of Avdiivka.

On a separate axis of.

‘Orcs’ 30-month.

Wider war on Ukraine.

The ‘orcs’ are still.

Advancing in some areas.

This weekend they captured.

Parts of Hrodivka.

Eight miles east.

Of Pokrovsk.

But the scattered.

‘Elves’ counterattacks.

Complicate ‘orcs’ planning.

— and offer the ‘elves’.

A glimmer of hope.

In the east.

In the ninth month of.

A long, hard year for them.

A shortage of.

‘Elves’ troops led.

To New York’s capture.

Last month.

The shortage was.

In part the result of.

The controversial decision.

By ‘elves’ top leaders.

To invade ‘Mordor’’s.

Kursk Oblast with.

A strong force drawn from.

Eight or so ‘elves’ brigades.


The ‘elves’ army’s.

53rd Mechanized Brigade.

Raised a flag atop.

A ruined grain elevator.

In the town of New York.

In eastern ‘elves’.

Donetsk Oblast.

On Friday or Saturday.

The banner signals.

The return of.

‘Elves’ forces to.

Central New York.

A month after.

‘Orcs’ troops.

Mostly captured.

The town.


Last year.

The national guard.

Expanded and strengthened.

Several of its brigades.

Lumping them together.

Into a so-called “offensive guard”.

That includes.

The 12th Azov Brigade.

As well as the Kara-Dag Brigade.

Which recently took up.

Positions south of Pokrovsk.

And promptly counterattacked.

The influx of.

National guard troops led to.

New York’s partial liberation.

This weekend.

Bolstered by.

The Azov troopers.

The army’s 53rd Mechanized Brigade.

Was able to go on.

The attack with.

Its T-72.

And T-64 tanks.

And BMP fighting vehicles.

The battle is far from over.

Combat engagements persisted.

In the northern and eastern.

Parts of New York.

North of New York and.

In the eastern part of Nelipivka.

which abuts New York.

To the north.


The ‘elves’ army’s.

53rd Mechanized Brigade.

Raised a flag atop.

A ruined grain elevator.

In the town of New York.

In eastern ‘elves’.

Donetsk Oblast.

On Friday or Saturday.

The banner signals.

The return of.

‘Elves’ forces to.

Central New York.

A month after.

‘Orcs’ troops.

Mostly captured.

The town.


At the same time.

The 53rd Mechanized Brigade.

Was fighting its way.

Into central New York.

‘Orcs’ forces were marching.

Into Pivnichne.

On the eastern edge of.

The city of Toretsk.

Two miles north.

Of New York.

Today the eastern front line.

Is a patchwork.

Today the eastern front line.

Is a patchwork.

Of ‘orcs’ attacks.

And ‘elves’ counterattacks.

— and a mix of.

Small losses and.

Small gains.

For Ukraine.

Still, that mixed news.

Is the best news.

‘Elves’ eastern forces.

Have gotten in months.


The ‘elves’ army’s.

53rd Mechanized Brigade.

Raised a flag atop.

A ruined grain elevator.

In the town of New York.

In eastern ‘elves’.

Donetsk Oblast.

On Friday or Saturday.

The banner signals.

The return of.

‘Elves’ forces to.

Central New York.

A month after.

‘Orcs’ troops.

Mostly captured.

The town.

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story:

Boosted By The National Guard, the Ukrainian Army Is Counterattacking (forbes.com)















Potentially hundreds of.

‘Elves’ troops from.

Four brigades are holding.

A vulnerable salient.

South of Pokrovsk.

An ‘elves’ stronghold that sits.

Astride critical supply lines.

In Donetsk Oblast in eastern Ukraine.


But the ‘elves’.

In the salient.

Aren’t quite ready.

To quit.


For days.

Some experts have been.

Advising the ‘elves’.

In the salient.

— 30 square miles.

Stretching between.

The village of Ukrainsk and.

The Vovcha River to the east —

To retreat.

In order to avoid.

Getting surrounded.

Cut off and destroyed.

By an ‘orcs’ force.

With a fourfold advantage.

In troops.

And equipment.


But the ‘elves’.

In the salient.

Aren’t quite ready.

To quit.


On Wednesday.

They fought.

— and won —

A brutal skirmish.

At a key road and.

Rail intersection between.

The salient and the main.

‘Elves’ sector to the north.

The fight developed.

When at least.

Two ‘orcs’ vehicles.

Seemingly including.

A BTR wheeled armored.

Personnel carrier and.


Armored tractor.

Raced along.

The main east-west road.

Into Selydove.

An ‘elves’-held settlement.

That anchors.

The front line.

Between Pokrovsk.

And Ukrainsk.


But the ‘elves’.

In the salient.

Aren’t quite ready.

To quit.


It’s obvious why.

The ‘orcs’ central grouping.

Of forces wants to.

Infiltrate Selydove.

— and equally obvious why.

The ‘elves’ are determined.

To hold fast.

In the town.

As long as the ‘elves’.

Hold out in the salient.

To the south.

They pose a threat.

To the left flank of.

The ‘orcs’ 2nd.

Combined Arms Army.

And 90th Tank Division.

— the main units.

Within the local ‘orcs’.

Grouping of forces.

— as they roll toward Pokrovsk.


But the ‘elves’.

In the salient.

Aren’t quite ready.

To quit.


“Over the past week.

The command of the center grouping.

Especially the 2nd Army.

And 90th Tank Division.”

“Have shifted.

Their main focus from.

Directly targeting Pokrovsk.

To pushing towards Selydove.”

“And the surrounding areas.

To the east.

And southeast.”

Was reported on Sunday.

“If they succeed.

It will allow them.

To advance further.

On Pokrovsk.”

“And secure the left flank.

Of the forces.

Moving in.

From the south.”


But the ‘elves’.

In the salient.

Aren’t quite ready.

To quit.


The ‘elves’ are trying to.

Ensure the ‘orcs’ don’t succeed.

— and are apparently fighting.

To preserve the salient.

South of Pokrovsk.

In order to maintain.

The threat to.

The ‘orcs’ left flank.

As those ‘orcs’ vehicles.

Rolled into the eastern edge.

Of Selydove.

On Wednesday.

An ‘elves’ drone.

Spotted them.

And an ‘elves’ tank.

— likely a T-64.

From the recently deployed.

Kara-Dag brigade of.

The ‘elves’ national guard.

— moved to intercept from the west.


But the ‘elves’.

In the salient.

Aren’t quite ready.

To quit.


The BTR managed.

To disembark.

A squad of a dozen.

Or so infantry.

In what the crew.

Must have believed was.

A safe position:

The road underpass.

Beneath the local.

North-south railway.

But the infantry were still.

Huddled next to the BTR.

When the ‘elves’ tank.

Hit the vehicle.

With a 125-millimeter.

Cannon round.

Damaging the BTR.

And apparently wounding.

Or killing some of the infantry.

The damaged BTR.

Soon had company:

What may have been.


But the MT-LB.

Took a hit, too.

— and was on fire.

As the ‘elves’ tank crawled up.

To the underpass.


But the ‘elves’.

In the salient.

Aren’t quite ready.

To quit.


The ‘elves’ clearly aren’t.

willing to lose the roads.

And rails connecting Pokrovsk.

To Selydove to Ukrainsk.

And to the adjacent salient.

— not as long as they’re still.

Actively fighting for Pokrovsk.

And not just planning their retreat.

So the three-person crew.

Of that T-64 hit.

The burning MT-LB.

At point-blank range with.

Another 125-millimeter round.

— and then proceeded to shove.

The flaming wreckage clear of.

The overhead rail bridge.


But the ‘elves’.

In the salient.

Aren’t quite ready.

To quit.


The outcome was clear.

The ‘orcs’ assault failed.

With heavy losses.

In people and equipment.

And for the moment.

At least.

The ‘elves’ positions.

Were intact.

And the roads.

Connecting them were clear.

For now, Pokrovsk holds.

— and so does the salient to the south.

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story:

Fighting For Pokrovsk, a Ukrainian Tank Hit a Vehicle From Feet Away (forbes.com)















There’s a road underpass.

On the eastern edge of Selydove.

A town in eastern Ukraine.

Just south of Pokrovsk.

— the latter, a key ‘elves’ stronghold —

That’s fast becoming.

The locus of the brutal fighting.

In the town.

On Wednesday.

A pair of ‘orcs’ armored vehicles.

Dropped off their infantry.

At the underpass.

— and promptly got blasted.

By an ‘elves’ T-64 tank.

Firing from just.

A few yards away.

A day later.

The crew of a similar.

‘Elves’ tank.

— or maybe.

Even the same one —

Pulled off.

A daring heist.

At the same underpass.

The tankers discovered.

An abandoned.

‘Orcs’ T-72 tank.

— and stole it.


This is not the first time.

‘Elves’ forces have nabbed.

An intact but abandoned.

‘Orcs’ T-72.

In any event.

The tank was a ripe prize.

For anyone brave.

Enough to recover it.


In April.

‘Elves’ troops from.

The 12th Azov Brigade.

Staged a three-day operation.

To swap out the batteries.

In an immobilized.

T-72 and drive it across.

The eastern no-man’s-land.

To the safety of.

‘Elves’ lines around Terny.

What’s special about.

The Thursday heist is.

That it mostly occurred.

Under armor.

Selydove is an extremely.

Dangerous place right now.

As the ‘orcs’ 2nd.

Combined Arms Army.

Closes in.

Aiming to flank Pokrovsk.


This is not the first time.

‘Elves’ forces have nabbed.

An intact but abandoned.

‘Orcs’ T-72.

In any event.

The tank was a ripe prize.

For anyone brave.

Enough to recover it.


So the ‘elves’ tankers.

Towed away the T-72.

Using their own.

T-64 as the tractor.

A drone from.

The ‘elves’ national guard’s.

Kara-Dag Brigade.

Was watching when.

On Thursday.

That T-72 rolled up.

To the underpass.

And sheltered.

Amid the wreckage.

From Wednesday’s skirmish.

In the same location.

The ‘orcs’ tank fired.

The up-armored, camouflaged.

‘Orcs’ tank fired.

At least one.

125-millimeter round.

At something to the north.

And then, shockingly.

The three crew bailed out.

Of the 46-ton tank.

At least one.

‘Elves’ FPV drone.

Targeted the fleeing.

‘Orcs’ tankers.


This is not the first time.

‘Elves’ forces have nabbed.

An intact but abandoned.

‘Orcs’ T-72.

In any event.

The tank was a ripe prize.

For anyone brave.

Enough to recover it.


It’s unclear.

Why the ‘orcs’.

Abandoned their.

Undamaged T-72.

It’s possible.

The vehicle suffered.

Some kind of mechanical failure.

— perhaps an engine problem.

In the April heist.

The sheer density of.

Buried mines made.

The no-man’s-land.

Extremely dangerous.

For armored vehicles.

From either side:

It was safer.

Although hardly safe.

To send soldiers on foot.

To fetch the abandoned T-72.

— albeit only at night.

But mines are apparently.

Less of a threat in Selydove.

Battlefield conditions favored.

An under-armor recovery.


This is not the first time.

‘Elves’ forces have nabbed.

An intact but abandoned.

‘Orcs’ T-72.

In any event.

The tank was a ripe prize.

For anyone brave.

Enough to recover it.


The Kara-Dag Brigade’s.

42-ton T-64s.

Have been roaming the town.

With unusual freedom.

Even in broad daylight.

— perhaps compensating.

For an extreme shortage.

Of infantry.

That has vexed.

The entire ‘elves’ military.

In recent months.

In recent months.

The T-64’s three crew.

Spotted the unoccupied.

‘Orcs’ T-72 and.

Rushed into action.

The drone continued.

To observe as.

Under the cover of.

A smoke screen.

The ‘elves’ attached.

A towing cable.

To the T-72.

A video montage released.

By the Kara-Dag Brigade.

Ends with the T-64 dragging.

The T-72 away to the west.

— toward the main ‘elves’ line.


This is not the first time.

‘Elves’ forces have nabbed.

An intact but abandoned.

‘Orcs’ T-72.

In any event.

The tank was a ripe prize.

For anyone brave.

Enough to recover it.


Losing one tank won’t doom.

‘Orcs’ 11-month offensive.

Along the axis.

From Avdiivka to Pokrovsk.

By the same token.

The ‘elves’ nabbing one tank.

Won’t save Pokrovsk.

Or surrounding towns.

From destruction and capture.

By an ‘orcs’ field army.

That’s four times bigger than.

The local ‘elves’ garrison.

But Thursday’s tank heist.

Is still a win for Ukraine.

Perhaps most importantly.

It’s a morale-booster.

— a demonstration of the kind.

Of courage and ingenuity.

The ‘elves’ will need to eventually win.

The ongoing battle for Pokrovsk.

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story:

A Ukrainian Tank Crew Staged A Daring Heist — Stealing A Russian T-72 (forbes.com)















The International Committee of.

The Red Cross says.

Three of its workers.

Have been killed.

And two others injured.

In a strike.

In eastern Ukraine.

The ICRC did not identify.

The ICRC did not identify.

Who was behind the attack.

But called it.


That “shelling would hit.

An aid distribution site”.

The ICRC did not identify.

Who was behind the attack.


‘Gandalf the Green’.

Posted a photo of.

What he says is.

The scene of the attack.


Earlier, ‘Gandalf the Green’.

Said those killed.

Were ‘elves’ and blamed.

‘Orcs’ for the shelling.

Calling it.

“Another ‘orcs’ war crime”.

Calling it.

“Another ‘orcs’ war crime”.


‘Gandalf the Green’.

Posted a photo of.

What he says is.

The scene of the attack.


The agency said.

Its vehicles are clearly marked.

And operate regularly.

In the frontline region of Donetsk.

“I condemn attacks.

On Red Cross personnel.

In the strongest terms.”

Said the agency's president.

“Our hearts are broken today.

As we mourn the loss.

Of our colleagues.

And care for the injured.”


‘Gandalf the Green’.

Posted a photo of.

What he says is.

The scene of the attack.


The ICRC said.

Its team had been.

Preparing to distribute.

Wood and coal briquettes.

To homes.

In Viroliubivka village.

North of Donetsk city.

When it was hit.

The distribution of the goods.

Had not begun yet.

And no residents were.

Affected by the explosion.

It did not confirm.

Any details about.

The identities of.

Those killed.


‘Gandalf the Green’.

Posted a photo of.

What he says is.

The scene of the attack.


Earlier, ‘elves’ officials.

Had reported shelling.

In Viroliubivka and said.

Workers had been unloading.

Supplies when the attack happened.

In a post on social media.

‘Gandalf the Green’.

Blamed an ‘orcs’ strike.

He shared a photo of.

A white truck in flames.

Branded with the Red Cross logo.

On its side.

“Today, the occupier.

Attacked the vehicles of.

The International Committee of.

The Red Cross humanitarian mission.”

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story:

Red Cross says three staff killed in shelling in eastern Ukraine (bbc.com)















When ‘elves’ forces.

Launched their much-heralded.

—and later much-maligned—

Southern counteroffensive.

In June 2023.

The army’s 47th.

Mechanized Brigade.

Was out in front.

Struggling through.

Dense ‘orcs’ minefields.

In its ex-Finnish.

Leopard 2R breaching vehicles.


Leopard 2A6 tanks.

And ex-American.

M-2 infantry fighting vehicles.

It was a costly.

Counteroffensive for.

The elite, NATO-trained.

47th Mechanized Brigade.


That should change.

As the brigade.

Settles into.

Its long-delayed break.

And extra M-2s.

Arrive by ship.

Arrive by train.

And arrive by truck.


In months of.

Difficult attacks.

It lost almost all.

Of its Leopard 2Rs.

In months of.

Difficult attacks.

It lost several.

Of its Leopard 2A6s.

And dozens of its M-2s.

—not to mention.

Potentially hundreds of.

Its 2,000 troopers.

But all that.

Hard fighting didn’t.

Earn the brigade.

A break.

—at least, not.

For another year.

—at least, not.

For another year.


That should change.

As the brigade.

Settles into.

Its long-delayed break.

And extra M-2s.

Arrive by ship.

Arrive by train.

And arrive by truck.


In early September.

The 47th Mechanized Brigade.

Finally left.

The front line.

In eastern ‘elves’ Donetsk Oblast.

And redeployed to.

The relative safety.

Of Pavlohrad.

60 miles west.

Of Pokrovsk.

The current locus of.

The ‘orcs’ offensive in Donetsk.

There, the 47th.

Mechanized Brigade is.

Apparently inducting.

Fresh troops.

Repairing battle-damaged equipment.

And — perhaps most critically —

Preparing to take delivery.

Of fresh M-2s from the U.S..

One of the ‘elves’ army’s.

Best brigades is.

Getting more of.

Its best vehicles.


That should change.

As the brigade.

Settles into.

Its long-delayed break.

And extra M-2s.

Arrive by ship.

Arrive by train.

And arrive by truck.


It’s surely no coincidence.

That around the same time.

The 47th Mechanized Brigade.

Finally departed the Pokrovsk front.

The U.S. government.

Announced a 0-million.

Package of military aid.

For Ukraine.

That includes an unspecified number.

Of the tracked, 33-ton M-2s.

Which carry up to 10 people.

— three crew and seven infantry —

And pack powerful 25-millimeter.

Autocannons plus TOW anti-tank missiles.

And reactive armor blocks.

To boost their protection.


That should change.

As the brigade.

Settles into.

Its long-delayed break.

And extra M-2s.

Arrive by ship.

Arrive by train.

And arrive by truck.


It’s unclear how many.

Of the 1990s-vintage.

Bradleys are in the latest.

American aid package.

Previous packages included.

In total.

Around 300 of.

The multi-million-dollar IFVs.

It wouldn’t be surprising.

If the recent aid.

Includes dozens.

Of M-2s.

The Americans can.

Certainly spare them:

Thousands of surplus U.S. Army.

Bradleys are in storage in the U.S..


That should change.

As the brigade.

Settles into.

Its long-delayed break.

And extra M-2s.

Arrive by ship.

Arrive by train.

And arrive by truck.


The 47th Mechanized Brigade.

Was — and still is —

Badly in need of.

Fresh vehicles.

After losing many of.

Its Leopard 2A6 tanks.

And most of.

Its Leopard 2R breaching vehicles.

Last year.

The brigade traded away.

The surviving tanks.

To a different brigade.

And inducted, as replacements.

31 M-1 Abrams tanks.

And six or so Assault Breachers.

From the United States.


That should change.

As the brigade.

Settles into.

Its long-delayed break.

And extra M-2s.

Arrive by ship.

Arrive by train.

And arrive by truck.


But the brigade replaced.

Dozens of destroyed.

And captured Bradleys.

With more Bradleys.

With more Bradleys.

Underscoring the growing.

Importance of the vehicle.

In ‘elves’ service.

Of all the various.

Combat vehicles.

The ‘elves’ have received.

From their allies.

From their allies.

In the 30 months since.

‘Orcs’ widened its war.

On Ukraine.

The M-2.

— with its balance of mobility.

Protection and firepower —

Might be their favorite.

“Works like a clock.”

One experienced.

Bradley commander said.

“Works like a clock.”


That should change.

As the brigade.

Settles into.

Its long-delayed break.

And extra M-2s.

Arrive by ship.

Arrive by train.

And arrive by truck.


For the 47th Mechanized Brigade.

The Bradley is.

A blessing.

And a curse.

The brigade is the only.

‘Elves’ unit we know.

For sure operates.


At full strength.

The 47th Mechanized Brigade.

Should have around.

100 Bradleys in three battalions.

It’s because it has M-2s.

That the general staff in Kyiv.

Keeps sending the 47th.

Mechanized Brigade into action.


That should change.

As the brigade.

Settles into.

Its long-delayed break.

And extra M-2s.

Arrive by ship.

Arrive by train.

And arrive by truck.


When a powerful ‘orcs’ force.

Launched an offensive along.

The Avdiivka-Pokrovsk axis.

In October.

The generals ordered the 47th.

Mechanized Brigade to hurry.

From southern Ukraine to eastern Ukraine.

— and join the defense.

Four months later.

Avdiivka fell.

As its ammunition-starved.

Garrison retreated.

As its ammunition-starved.

Garrison retreated.

Partly under the cover.

Of the M-2s’ autocannons.

The eastern front line.

Briefly stabilized and.

In April.

The 47th Mechanized Brigade was.

Finally preparing to depart.

The front line for its.

First unit-wide rest.

In nine months.


That should change.

As the brigade.

Settles into.

Its long-delayed break.

And extra M-2s.

Arrive by ship.

Arrive by train.

And arrive by truck.


But then the ‘orcs’.

Broke through ‘elves’ defenses.

Around the village.

Of Ocheretyne.

Launching a steady westward march.

That would ultimately.

Bring them to within six miles.

Of Pokrovsk.

The 47th Mechanized Brigade.

Turned around and.

Rejoined the fight.

Around Ocheretyne.

— and kept fighting.

As the ‘orcs’ advanced.

— and kept fighting.

As the ‘orcs’ advanced.


That should change.

As the brigade.

Settles into.

Its long-delayed break.

And extra M-2s.

Arrive by ship.

Arrive by train.

And arrive by truck.


Five months later.

The 47th Mechanized Brigade.

Had lost most of.

Its Assault Breachers.

A third of its Abrams.

And another.

20 or so of.

Its Bradleys.

Even with the hard work.

Of a front-line repair battalion.

Turning wrenches to speed battered.

M-2s back into battle.

The 47th Mechanized Brigade.

Is apparently.

Running low on.

Fully operational Bradleys.


That should change.

As the brigade.

Settles into.

Its long-delayed break.

And extra M-2s.

Arrive by ship.

Arrive by train.

And arrive by truck.


How long the 47th.

Mechanized Brigade will.

Get to rest and reset.

Is hard to predict.

The ‘orcs’ are still advancing.

Toward Pokrovsk and also.

Making small gains.

North and south of the city.

When the ‘orcs’.

Break through ‘elves’ lines.

Commanders in Kyiv.

Tend to ask.

Where the 47th.

Mechanized Brigade is.

Where the 47th.

Mechanized Brigade is.

Another emergency could.

Compel the brigade to.

Pile into its Bradleys and.

Roll east toward the front.

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story:

To Keep the 47th Brigade Fighting For 15 Months, the USA Sent 300 M-2s (forbes.com)
















Fleeing the town.

She has lived.

In most of her life.

A woman is taking.

Just one small bag.

And her two tiny kittens.

Just one small bag.

And her two tiny kittens.

“Look what ‘orcs’.

Did to us.

I worked here.

For 30 years.”

“And now I am.

Leaving everything behind.”

She says, breaking down.

In tears.


After stubbornly.

Staying on.

In the east ‘elves’ city.

Of Pokrovsk.

A 69-year-old.

Is now heeding.

Advice and.

Preparing to leave.

“My heart stops.

When I hear a bang.”

She tells you.


She’s holding.

An old push-button phone.

Where emergency contacts.

Are saved.

The front line is.

Less than 8km.

From Pokrovsk.

From her home.


Fleeing the town.

She has lived.

In most of her life.

A woman is taking.

Just one small bag.

And her two tiny kittens.

Just one small bag.

And her two tiny kittens.

“Look what ‘orcs’.

Did to us.

I worked here.

For 30 years.”

“And now I am.

Leaving everything behind.”

She says, breaking down.

In tears.


The head of the city’s.

Military administration says.

That ‘orcs’ target the city.

Not just with ballistic missiles.

And multiple rocket launchers.

- they also now strike with.

Guided bombs.

And even artillery.

As the city is.

Now within.

The range of.

Those weapons too.


Fleeing the town.

She has lived.

In most of her life.

A woman is taking.

Just one small bag.

And her two tiny kittens.

Just one small bag.

And her two tiny kittens.

“Look what ‘orcs’.

Did to us.

I worked here.

For 30 years.”

“And now I am.

Leaving everything behind.”

She says, breaking down.

In tears.


Volunteers help her.

To get on an evacuation bus.

Trains no longer.

Run here.

Pokrovsk is a key.

Transportation hub.

If it falls.

Then ‘orcs’ forces will.

Cut off one of.

The main supply routes.

In the region.

This will likely.

Force Ukraine to.

Retreat from Chasiv Yar.

And the front line will.

Move closer to Kramatorsk.

For Ukraine.

This would effectively mean.

The loss of almost.

The entire Donetsk region.

Which ‘Mordor’.

Has fought to capture.

Since the beginning.

Of their invasion.

The ‘elves’ military admits.

That its incursion into.

‘Mordor’’s Kursk region.

Failed to force ‘the One’.

To divert its troops.

From eastern Ukraine.

And some observers.

Argue that this move.

Which certainly helped to boost.

Morale among the soldiers.

Left the strategic supply route.

Vulnerable to ‘orcs’ attacks.

On Sunday.

‘Orcs’ claimed to have taken.

Control of the village.

Of Novohrodivka.

Just 10km.

From Pokrovsk.

‘Elves’ forces have.

Retreated from there.


Fleeing the town.

She has lived.

In most of her life.

A woman is taking.

Just one small bag.

And her two tiny kittens.

Just one small bag.

And her two tiny kittens.

“Look what ‘orcs’.

Did to us.

I worked here.

For 30 years.”

“And now I am.

Leaving everything behind.”

She says, breaking down.

In tears.


The space on.

The evacuation bus.

Quickly fills up.

Quickly fills up.

A woman with.

A five-year old daughter.

Climbs on board.

This is their second evacuation.

The first time.

It was in 2022.

When they fled from.

A border town.

After ‘orcs’ launched.

Its full-scale invasion.

Of Ukraine.

It was in 2022.

According to the head of.

Pokrovsk’s military administration.

The ratio of forces fighting.

In that direction is.

10 to one.

In ‘orcs’ favour.

This city is clearly.

‘The One’’s top priority.


Fleeing the town.

She has lived.

In most of her life.

A woman is taking.

Just one small bag.

And her two tiny kittens.

Just one small bag.

And her two tiny kittens.

“Look what ‘orcs’.

Did to us.

I worked here.

For 30 years.”

“And now I am.

Leaving everything behind.”

She says, breaking down.

In tears.


During its latest attack.

‘Orcs’ hit a substation.

In Pokrovsk.

Leaving half the city without power.

The strikes also.

Disrupted water supplies.

The city is quickly.

Becoming deserted.

Just two months ago.

48,000 people were.

Still living here.

Today half of them have already left.

The bustling downtown.

With shops and supermarkets.

Is eerily quiet.

Is eerily quiet.

Banks are closed.

Supermarkets are closed.

Most cafes are closed.

The hospital has been evacuated.

Outside the city.

Excavators are digging.

New trenches.

In the fields.


Fleeing the town.

She has lived.

In most of her life.

A woman is taking.

Just one small bag.

And her two tiny kittens.

Just one small bag.

And her two tiny kittens.

“Look what ‘orcs’.

Did to us.

I worked here.

For 30 years.”

“And now I am.

Leaving everything behind.”

She says, breaking down.

In tears.


The evacuation bus.

With the woman and.

Her cats on board.

Is full.

They have to take.

A new route as the bridge.

On the way out of town.

Is damaged by the ‘orcs’ strikes.

As the bus starts moving.

People wave through.

The windows and.

Wipe their tears away.

For her, this is.

A scary journey.

Full of uncertainties.

But she knows one thing.

– it will be safer.

In her new home.

Than remaining.

At the front line.


Fleeing the town.

She has lived.

In most of her life.

A woman is taking.

Just one small bag.

And her two tiny kittens.

Just one small bag.

And her two tiny kittens.

“Look what ‘orcs’.

Did to us.

I worked here.

For 30 years.”

“And now I am.

Leaving everything behind.”

She says, breaking down.

In tears.

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story:

Ukraine war: Russian invaders close in on Pokrovsk (bbc.com)













However, ‘elf’ commander-in-chief.

Says that the army has managed.

To stop the ‘orcs’ advancement.

Towards Pokrovsk.

A battalion commander of.

The 110th brigade.

Said that the front line.

On the northern flank.

Of ‘orcs’ assault.

On Pokrovsk.

Had indeed.

Been stabilised.

However, ‘orcs’ attacks.

Are mostly focused on.

The southern flank, he says.

Where heavy battles are continuing.

One of the areas.

On that flank that.

‘Orcs’ are trying to seize.

Is Selidove.

A small town.

South-east of Pokrovsk.

The 15th Brigade of.

The National Guard defends it.

Relentless ‘orcs’ attacks.

Give them no respite.

“Prepare for action!”

The unit commander orders.

After receiving coordinates.

Of a new target.

All crew members rush to.

An old American M-101 howitzer.

This type of gun was used.

In World War Two.

Now ‘elves’ fire it.

To stop ‘orcs’ attacks.

The commander shouts “Fire!”

And pulls the rope.

The explosion is deafening.

The gun is covered with smoke.

The fighting.

In his sector.

Is very intense.

Says the 31-year-old commander.

“The enemy attacks.

In groups of up to.

15 people.

Sometimes up to 60.”

“We fire up to.

200 rounds a day.

To repel them.”

This is a big change.

This is a big change.

To last winter when.

Big guns stayed silent.

For most of the day.

But the more.

They shell the ‘orcs’ positions.

The greater.

The risk of return fire.

So, after each series of rounds.

They head to a dugout.

To wait out.

‘Orcs’ counter barrage.

And when they hear.

A loud thud.

In the distance.

They go quiet.

“A glide bomb.”

One of the soldiers mutters.

It’s this weapon.

That they fear the most.

It has a devastating effect.

And the gunners.

Have nowhere.

To hide from it.

The commander gives.

An evasive answer when asked.

Whether it would be more useful.

To use ‘elves’ forces.

Involved in the Kursk operation.

To defend the Donbas region instead.

“Commanders have a better view.

To make strategic decisions.”

However, ‘elf’ commander-in-chief.

Says that the army has managed.

To stop the ‘orcs’ advancement.

Towards Pokrovsk.

A battalion commander of.

The 110th brigade.

Said that the front line.

On the northern flank.

Of ‘orcs’ assault.

On Pokrovsk.

Had indeed.

Been stabilised.

However, ‘orcs’ attacks.

Are mostly focused on.

The southern flank, he says.

Where heavy battles are continuing.

The front line here.

Can move quickly.

Sometimes it can be a total.

Surprise for ‘elves’ forces.

Last month.

A group of seven soldiers.

Of the 68th Brigade.

Started their shift.

At the forward position.

In the village of Komyshivka.

15km west.

Of Selidove.

Their task was to stop.

Any attempts of.

‘Orcs’ forces.

To break through.

The next day.

However, they were encircled.

By the ‘orcs’ forces.

Thanks to extremely brave drivers.

And the negligence of.

‘Orcs’ soldiers.

They were evacuated.

Three days later.

However, ‘elf’ commander-in-chief.

Says that the army has managed.

To stop the ‘orcs’ advancement.

Towards Pokrovsk.

A battalion commander of.

The 110th brigade.

Said that the front line.

On the northern flank.

Of ‘orcs’ assault.

On Pokrovsk.

Had indeed.

Been stabilised.

However, ‘orcs’ attacks.

Are mostly focused on.

The southern flank, he says.

Where heavy battles are continuing.

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story:

Ukraine war: Russian invaders close in on Pokrovsk (bbc.com)













The situation is critical.

An ‘elf’ military officer.

In the east said.

Near the front line.

South of Pokrovsk.

‘Orcs’ military strategy.

Now appears.

To be surrounding.

The city.

Which is a key.

Transportation hub.

In the region.

The officer said.

His military leadership.

Want to hold their positions.

At all costs.

Often leading to the loss.

Of troops and resources.

That approach, he says.

Was resulting.

In a number of “cauldrons”.

Large territories.

Surrounded by.

The ‘orcs’ forces.


One of them is.

South of Pokrovsk.

- between Nevelske.

Hirnyk and Krasnohorivka.


“We are not planning.

To advance towards.

The city of Donetsk.

Any time soon.”

“So why are we holding.

Positions near Nevelske.

When we’re losing Hirnyk?”

Said the officer.

Far better to retreat.

To Hirnyk, he believes.

With a minimum loss.

Of resources.

And hold those positions.

“When your enemy has.

More people and resources.

Than you do.”

“This strategy is reckless.”

The ‘elf’ officer added.

“Look at the Donetsk region.

It looks like a squid.”

“To defend all the tentacles.

You need a far bigger.

Number of positions.

Observation posts.”

“You need to hold back.

Far bigger assault groups.

Because the ‘orcs’ are trying.

To attack from all sides.”

So, instead of withdrawing.

And reduce the length of the line.

They need to defend.

The officer says.

Brigades get wiped out.

Fighting along the entire.

Perimeter of the “cauldron”.

Simply because.

Simply because.

The main criteria.

Of success for generals.

Is to hold positions.


One of them is.

South of Pokrovsk.

— between Nevelske.

Hirnyk and Krasnohorivka.


An analyst says ‘elves’ troops.

Have now pulled back from.

The village of Nevelske.

To avoid an encirclement.

That means the threat of.

Being trapped is less acute.

But the military officer.

At the front says.

Pulling back should.

Have been done.

Long before.

Lives and resources.

Have been wasted.

On something that.

They couldn’t hold anyway.

He argues.


One of them is.

South of Pokrovsk.

— between Nevelske.

Hirnyk and Krasnohorivka.


Strategic mistakes made.

In the past mean that.

There is only one way.

Left to defend Pokrovsk.

And stop the ‘orcs’ seizing.

The entire Donetsk region.

According to the officer.

On the front line.

“To have another Bakhmut”.

In his words.

Referring to the city.

In eastern Ukraine that.

Kyiv defended.

For nearly a year.

Before retreating.

With the city in ruins.

“They will throw.

A lot of people and.

Let them die there.”

“To have another Bakhmut”.

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story:

Ukraine war: Troops fear encirclement in Pokrovsk as Russians near (bbc.com)














‘Orcs’ troops are now.

Advancing towards Kurakhove.

A city 35km.

South of Pokrovsk.

‘Elves’ forces in that area.

Confirm the fighting.

In their sectors.

Has intensified lately.

This development is.

Also reflected.

In the daily briefings.

Of ‘elves’ General Staff.

On Thursday they reported.

That there were 32 clashes.

In the Pokrovsk direction and.

48 in the Kurakhove direction.

“They’re trying to strengthen.

Their flanks so that they can.

Get closer to Pokrovsk.

Half encircle it.”

“And then start erasing.

The city to the ground.”

Says Maj from.

The 59th Brigade.

‘Orcs’ troops are now.

Advancing towards Kurakhove.

A city 35km.

South of Pokrovsk.

‘Elves’ forces in that area.

Confirm the fighting.

In their sectors.

Has intensified lately.

Lt Col, who commands.

A tank battalion of.

The 110th brigade.

Also says that.

‘Orcs’ forces are now.

Pushing along the sides.

In addition to a direct assault.

On Pokrovsk.

However, he claims.

That the ‘orcs’ are now.

Focusing mostly on.

The southern flank.

– that’s the Kurakhove direction.

‘Orcs’ troops assault.

‘Elves’ positions with.

Small groups.

And often they’re.

Not accompanied by.

Armoured vehicles.

‘Elves’ soldiers say.

‘Orcs’ troops are now.

Advancing towards Kurakhove.

A city 35km.

South of Pokrovsk.

‘Elves’ forces in that area.

Confirm the fighting.

In their sectors.

Has intensified lately.

“They send two or three people.

Who try to reach.

A certain point in the field.”

Explains the Maj.

“Then others try to get.

To that point as well.

And when they have.

10-15 people.”

“They try to attack us.”

What makes the Kurakhove area.

Challenging both to defend.

And to advance is that.

It’s flat, says a soldier.

From the 33rd Brigade.

“We constantly shell fields.

‘Orcs’ lose their vehicles and people.”

He says his brigade is.

Successfully holding.

Its position.

On the front line.

‘Orcs’ troops are now.

Advancing towards Kurakhove.

A city 35km.

South of Pokrovsk.

‘Elves’ forces in that area.

Confirm the fighting.

In their sectors.

Has intensified lately.

Kurakhove is linked.

To Pokrovsk with road.

That are part of.

The infrastructure.

To move troops and.

Supplies on the front line.

If the ‘orcs’ take.

That city.

Then they can go north.

To attack Pokrovsk.

From a new direction.

Says the analyst.

‘Orcs’ troops are now.

Advancing towards Kurakhove.

A city 35km.

South of Pokrovsk.

‘Elves’ forces in that area.

Confirm the fighting.

In their sectors.

Has intensified lately.

Another possibility is.

That they might attack.

‘Elves’ troops in Vuhledar.

From behind, he adds.

That’s a city.

On the southern part.

Of the Donbas frontline.

That the ‘orcs’ have been.

That the ‘orcs’ have been.

Trying to seize.

Since the beginning.

Of their full-scale invasion.

‘Orcs’ troops are now.

Advancing towards Kurakhove.

A city 35km.

South of Pokrovsk.

‘Elves’ forces in that area.

Confirm the fighting.

In their sectors.

Has intensified lately.

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/






Please read the original story:

Ukraine war: Troops fear encirclement in Pokrovsk as Russians near (bbc.com)







Read more:

Kurama (Japan). Poems about war in Ukraine (2022)"Aware of a poet?

Aware of a poet?
A poet of Cossack broods over the land.
Not noting a bullet.
Not noting a bullet.
You see a poet of Cossack in Borodyanka."





Вірші про війну"Коли закінчиться війна,
Я хочу тата обійняти,
Сказати сонячні слова
І повести його до хати,
Ти – наш Герой! Тепер щодня
Я буду дякувати Богу 
За мирне небо, за життя,
Всім, хто здобув нам ПЕРЕМОГУ!"
(Ірина Мацкова)​


Вірші про Україну

УкраїнаДумки українських поетів про рідну країну, їхні відчуття до української землі і нашого народу — все це юні читачі зможуть знайти в представленій добірці віршів про Україну від Ганни Черінь, Юрка Шкрумеляка, Наталки Талиманчук, Іванни Савицької, Уляни Кравченко, Яни Яковенко, Василя Симоненка, Івана Франка, Володимира Сосюри, Катерини Перелісної, Богдана-Ігоря Антонича, Марійки Підгірянки, Миколи Чернявського, Володимира Сіренка, Іванни Блажкевич, Грицька Бойка, Миколи Вінграновського, Платона Воронька, Наталі Забіли,  Анатолія Камінчука, Анатолія Качана,  Володимира Коломійця, Тамари Коломієць, Ліни Костенко, Андрія Малишка, Андрія М’ястківського, Івана Неходи, Бориса Олійника, Дмитра Павличка, Максима Рильського, Вадима Скомаровського, Сосюра Володимир, Павла Тичини, Петра Осадчука, Варвари Гринько та інших відомих українських поетів.



вчимо мовиДуже корисними для вивчення іноземних мов є саме вірші, пісні, казки, римівки, а також ігри. Природнім шляхом діти розвивають слух, навчаються вимові, інтонації та наголосу; вивчають слова та мовні структури. Пісні та римівки чудово сприймаються дітьми, малята люблять усе ритмічне та музичне, вони засвоюють це легко та швидко, тому що дістають від цього задоволення.


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