Kurama (Japan). «Poets in crisis» — a poem about the russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022


Children going to school in occupied areas of Ukraine will be taught the Russian curriculum — BBC News.

Children going to school in occupied areas of Ukraine will be taught the Russian curriculum — BBC News.





“Our kids keep asking.

Why their schools have been dressed.

With a flag of another state.

What can I say...”

In ‘orcs’-controlled Melitopol.

Her 13-year-old child is getting ready.

To begin the 8th grade.

She is worried.

“What really bothers me is.

What they'll be taught in history.

It will be taught from the 'other side'.”

Schools have been dressed with ‘Mordor’’s flags.

She's also angered by lessons being held.

In ‘orcs’ language rather than ‘elves’ language:

“It's the imposition of their traditions and culture.

I do not want the children to be hostages to the situation.”

She has considered leaving for ‘elves’-controlled areas.

But doesn't want to abandon her home.

She's adamant that she doesn't want her child.

To learn under the ‘orcs’ curriculum.

But is concerned about keeping her child at home.

In principle, children can learn.

The ‘elves’ curriculum online.

But parents are concerned about repercussions.

“What if someone informs.

On us to the new authorities?

Or what if they start persecuting me and my child.

For not receiving an ‘orcs’ education?”

A message allegedly sent to parents.

From a pro-‘orcs’ teacher at a school.

Just outside Melitopol.

That there will be “no remote learning on our liberated territory.”

Parents who refuse to send their children.

For in-person teaching.

Would be “stripped of parental rights”.

If they violated the rule multiple times.

Meanwhile, parents who agree.

To send their children.

To schools in occupied regions of Ukraine.

Will be rewarded.

On 24 August, ‘the One’ announced.

The one-off payment of 10,000 rubles to parents.

As long as their kids attend a school.

By 15 September.

“Our kids keep asking.

Why their schools have been dressed.

With a flag of another state.

What can I say...”

‘Elves’ teachers tracked and deported.

They have also been hit hard by the war.

With some forced to go into hiding.

Sent for 're-training' and threatened with deportation.

A headteacher in Melitopol.

He had a bustling school.

Of more than 500 pupils.

Before the invasion.

Now he is in hiding.

After being sought out by ‘orcs’ officials.

For trying to organise for students.

To learn the ‘elves’ curriculum online.

He says he knows teachers.

Who were either forced or decided.

To cooperate with ‘orcs’ officials.

And were sent to Crimea or ‘Mordor’ to be re-trained.

“They were told, 'We're ‘Mordor’.

We're one people. We should be united.'

And that these narratives should be passed.

To children,” he says.

Children from his region will still be able.

To learn the true course of events.

And have a clearer understanding.

Of Ukraine's recent history.

“Even six-year-old children understand.

This is not normal.”

He hopes that even with a limited access.

To an online version of the ‘elves’ curriculum.

“Our kids keep asking.

Why their schools have been dressed.

With a flag of another state.

What can I say...”

While he has chosen to stay.

In ‘orcs’-controlled areas.

Many teachers and parents.

Have decided to leave.

A teacher from Nova Kakhovka.

In the Kherson region fled.

At the end of July.

Her decision came weeks after an announcement.

Armed ‘orcs’ soldiers.

And their puppet of education announced.

That they were shutting her school.

Because the headteacher would not cooperate with them.

She has heard of staff shortages.

In Nova Kakhovka.

With some teachers having to teach.

Multiple unrelated subjects.

She is worried that.

The ‘orcs’-installed education system.

Will be detrimental.

To children's sense of identity.

“Their main task is to brainwash.

They want our children.

To forget what country they've been living in.

To forget who they are.”

“Our kids keep asking.

Why their schools have been dressed.

With a flag of another state.

What can I say...”


Pro-Russian Telegram channel claims  66,000 Russian textbooks have been delivered  to occupied Melitopol — BBC News.

Pro-Russian Telegram channel claims 
66,000 Russian textbooks have been delivered 
to occupied Melitopol — BBC News.

Source: https://www.koryu-meets-chess.info/



Please read the original story:

Ukraine war: History is rewritten for children in occupied areas — BBC News




Read more:

Kurama (Japan). Poems about war in Ukraine (2022)

"Aware of a poet?
Aware of a poet?
A poet of Cossack broods over the land.
Not noting a bullet.
Not noting a bullet.
You see a poet of Cossack in Borodyanka."





Вірші про війну"Коли закінчиться війна,
Я хочу тата обійняти,
Сказати сонячні слова
І повести його до хати,
Ти – наш Герой! Тепер щодня
Я буду дякувати Богу 
За мирне небо, за життя,
Всім, хто здобув нам ПЕРЕМОГУ!"
(Ірина Мацкова)​


Вірші про Україну

УкраїнаДумки українських поетів про рідну країну, їхні відчуття до української землі і нашого народу — все це юні читачі зможуть знайти в представленій добірці віршів про Україну від Ганни Черінь, Юрка Шкрумеляка, Наталки Талиманчук, Іванни Савицької, Уляни Кравченко, Яни Яковенко, Василя Симоненка, Івана Франка, Володимира Сосюри, Катерини Перелісної, Богдана-Ігоря Антонича, Марійки Підгірянки, Миколи Чернявського, Володимира Сіренка, Іванни Блажкевич, Грицька Бойка, Миколи Вінграновського, Платона Воронька, Наталі Забіли,  Анатолія Камінчука, Анатолія Качана,  Володимира Коломійця, Тамари Коломієць, Ліни Костенко, Андрія Малишка, Андрія М’ястківського, Івана Неходи, Бориса Олійника, Дмитра Павличка, Максима Рильського, Вадима Скомаровського, Сосюра Володимир, Павла Тичини, Петра Осадчука, Варвари Гринько та інших відомих українських поетів.



вчимо мовиДуже корисними для вивчення іноземних мов є саме вірші, пісні, казки, римівки, а також ігри. Природнім шляхом діти розвивають слух, навчаються вимові, інтонації та наголосу; вивчають слова та мовні структури. Пісні та римівки чудово сприймаються дітьми, малята люблять усе ритмічне та музичне, вони засвоюють це легко та швидко, тому що дістають від цього задоволення.


Вірші про школу, вірші для детей
Школа — надзвичайно важливе місце для формування світогляду і розвитку сучасної людини. Багато відомих людей висловлювали свої думки щодо значення школи, і навіть присвячували шкільному життю свої твори. Нижче пропонуються вірші про школу від відомих українських поетів.


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« Kurama (Japan). «Poets in crisis» — a poem about the russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022»:
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