Публікації за тегом: Bakhmut (Бахмут)

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““During the First World War.
Aviation was born.”
Says the drone commander.
“Now we are starting.”
The future war of drones.
Which maybe in two decades.
Will turn the tide.
Of any war.”...”



Inside Ukraine's elite sniper unit conducting night raids - BBC News.“Hunting down one ‘orc’ soldier.
At a time from a place.
That can't be seen and.
With a sound that can't be heard.
“The artillery always.
Makes people worry.
You can hide from artillery.
But not from a sniper.”...”



Ukraine war. Bakhmut defender remembered by comrades. Pavlo Kuzin was killed in Bakhmut. Ukrainians are trying to fight off Russia's human wave attacks - similar to tactics used during World War One - BBC News."Suffering from shell-shock.
And with one arm bandaged.
He was the only soldier.
Still able to fight.
The 37-year-old fired.
At the waves of ‘orcs’ soldiers.
He was the only soldier.
Still able to fight..."




"What is alive in the sky?
What is dead in the air?
You are keeping your eyes on Bakhmut.
You need 8 seconds to see Bakhmut.
What is sound in the earth?
What is silent in the mud?
You are keeping your eyes on Bakhmut.
You need 8 seconds to see Bakhmut..."




Painting by Nezoriy."For the freedom.
For the freedom of the entire civilised world.
The light and the darkness.
The light and the darkness between ‘Mordor’ and the entire world.
Three months a soldier.
Three months a soldier had put university on hold.
Engaged he believes.
Engaged he believes in the mission of his life..."




Painting by Oleg Shupliak.«I can only pray all the time.
I can only pray all the time.
My son and his team are in Bakhmut now.
I cannot sleep.
I can only pray all the time.
I can only pray all the time.
My son and his team are in Bakhmut now.
I cannot work...»




Paintings by Olena Zviaginceva."In a bunker just outside.
The city limits of Bakhmut.
Ukraine's 77th Brigade direct artillery.
Fire to support their infantry.
Their last line of defence.
On the western edge of the city.
Ukraine is still clinging.
To the last few streets here..."



Ukraine war: Inside Bakhmut, the battered Donbas city holding off Putin's troops — BBC News““What should I do?
For my brother?”
His life was spent saving others.
She wailed.
His body lay where he fell.
Flat on his back.
Under a weak September sun...”



Painting by Nikita Titov.“He had been fighting.
For 200 hours without a break.
When he was killed by an ‘orc’ sniper.
In the city of Bakhmut.
“For eight days.
He did not eat, or sleep.
He couldn't even close his eyes for five minutes.
Because the sniper could shoot...””



Picture on the wall of the Bakhmut Vocational College of Culture and Arts named after I. Karabyts."Residents of Bakhmut describe.
The city before the war.
As cosy and comfortable.
To live in.
The eastern ‘elves’ town of Bakhmut is now.
Known across the world as the site.
Of the longest and possibly bloodiest battle.
In ‘Mordor’’s war on Ukraine..."



Ілюстрація Нікіти Тітова. "— Алло, привіт, розкажи мені, як ти?
Країна, що варта усіх галактик
Моя незалежна, доросла держава…
Розкажи мені, як ти? Як твої справи?
— Привіт, я в порядку, поруч з народом.
Відтепер, вiн синонім до слова «Свобода»
І це — є найвища винагорода,
Яку не придбаєш за нафту чи газ.
А сусіда мого охоплює сказ…"

(Олександр Висоцький)

