Публікації за тегом: Нікіта Тітов (Nikita Titov)

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Ілюстрація Нікіти Тітова."Вечір добрий, мої любі! Зорі дивляться на нас!
Тож із казкою новою завітав Дідусь до Вас.
Я привіз її на возі, бо в руках би не доніс!
Дуже хочу розказати — так, що аж свербить мій ніс!
Казочка сьогодні буде — про брехню і брехунців!
Розвелося їх багато — як у стрісі горобців!
Є такі вже в світі люди — їм брехать як танцювать.
Що неправда комусь шкодить — їм на те на все плювать!
Отже, казочка у нас така: "Соловей-розбійник та Баба-Яга"..."

(Дідусь Сашко)


Painting by Nikita Titov."Witnesses said.
The city was targeted.
At about 05:40.
In the heart of Lviv.
Lviv’s Mayor said.
‘Orcs’ attack had damaged.
More than 50 buildings.
In the historic heart of Lviv.
Including homes.
Schools and clinics.
He posted a picture.
On social media..."



'It's like playing with death' - Ukraine's female front-line soldiers – BBC News““It's funny to me.
I am alive.
And I will protect.
My country.”
A slim, blue-eyed.
Brunette woman.
Is working out.
In a gym...”



Painting by Nikita Titov.“Is it a success or a failure?
Gen smiles and replies:
“If the offensive were not successful.
I wouldn't be talking to you now.”
The general in charge of.
Ukraine's stuttering.
Counter-offensive in the south.
Has said....”



Painting by Nikita Titov."Within the first hour.
Of you arriving.
There were two sirens.
And incoming artillery fire.
This city Kupiansk was occupied.
For six months.
And then liberated.
Last year..."



Painting by Nikita Titov."‘Orcs’ captured the land.
‘Orcs’ captured, but she’s back to.
‘Orcs’ captured the land.
‘Gandalf the Green’ announced her release from ‘Mordor’.
“I’m grateful to everyone who worked for this result. Tayra is already home.”
“I know that everything will work out and we’ll all be home as I’m now.”
Tayra thanked ‘Gandalf the Green’ for his efforts to get her released.
Tayra and her driver were taken prisoner by ‘orcs’ on March 16.
The same day an ‘orcs’ airstrike hit a theater, killing around 600 people..."



Painting by Nikita Titov."As he slowly began.
To regain consciousness.
In his hospital bed.
In Kyiv.
He realized.
He couldn't see, speak.
Or feel his legs.
But he could hear his wife’s voice..."



Painting by Nikita Titov.​““I want to shout to the whole world.
To stop all this.
To stop this bloody war.
As soon as possible.”
“I want ‘orcs’ to know.
How their husbands.
Their sons, their parents.
Are torturing ‘elves’.”...”



Painting by Nikita Titov."Now can I talk about where I come from?
Now can I talk about where I come to?
Now can I talk about my homeland?
No, no, not yet, but I show you.
Now can I talk about my history?
No, no, not yet, but I show you..."




Illustration by Nikita Titov"For a moment of life,
For a moment of death,
A poet left already love for home.
For a moment of peace,
For a moment of fight,
A poet left already Lviv for Luhansk.
For a moment of smile,
For a moment of sigh,
A poet left already love for home."


Painting by Nikita Titov.“Her only thought.
When her husband was wounded.
Was to get to.
His bedside.
“I just wanted.
To be with him.
To touch him.
To say that he's not alone.”...”





Painting by Nikita Titov.“As the anaesthetic began to wear off.
The ‘elf’ soldier.
Let out a low wail.
In the back of the ambulance.
Then fumbled with his oxygen mask.
And swore as he mumbled:
“Give me my rifle.”
A scrawny, mud-flecked 19-year-old...”




Painting by Nikita Titov.“Many ‘elves’ who remain.
Behind the ‘orcs’ front line.
In the occupied territories.
Are anxiously waiting for this counter-offensive.
“We're euphoric.
When Ukraine hits the occupied territories.”
A resident of Melitopol in the south says.
“It means that Ukraine has not forgotten us.”...”



Illustration by Nikita Titov."Now I run for the border.
I ran away from Kherson.
Now I run for my dear life.
I ran away from the terror..."






CCTV shows missile striking Ukrainian shopping mall — BBC News"One missile hit close.
While the other struck.
The mall in the centre of Kremenchuk.
“We were working.”
At 16:00 on Monday.
“We thought we were far away from the frontier.”..."





Painting by Nikita Titov."In a shrinking, brackish pool of water.
Within earshot of Ukraine's front lines.
Two small fish gasped and flopped.
In the midday heat.
Around them, vast expanses of.
Mud and rock were exposed to the sun.
A huge grain barge lay.
Sprawled across a nearby sandbank..."




Illustration by Nikita Titov."Bleeding. Freeing.
Willing. Mariupol.
Port town.
The only one for me.
Bleeding. Freeing.
Shielding. Mariupol..."



Painting by Nikita Titov."No face, no name.
But minds.
Welcome to secret classes.
In Melitopol.
Like millions of other ‘elves’.
In the early weeks of.
‘Orcs’ full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
She was forced from her home...°




 Illustration by Nikita Titov."Was it only blind bad luck?
Vanished. What does that mean?
Was it only blind bad luck?
Disappeared. What was that cause?
A father went out on an errand,
and didn't return.
In the village of Hurivshchyna.
She is waiting for her father..."



Painting by Nikita Titov."While he and others were trying to reach.
Their main position in Avdiivka.
Six people were left.
Behind at Zenith.
Five were wounded and couldn't walk.
Including a paramedic.
A sniper.
And an anti-tank fighter..."

Kurama (Japan)


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