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War in Ukraine. Russia’s kamikaze drones rain down on Ukraine - BBC News. Tetiana and her baby being driven to safety.“Soldiers, of course.
Have the advantage.
Of armour.
Civilians do not.
And around Kupiansk.
The city ‘elves’ recaptured last September.
‘Orcs’ guns are again.
Shelling people's homes...”



War in Ukraine, the russian invasion of Ukraine, Avdiivka,“After months of heavy fighting.
‘Orcs’ forces appear.
Close to surrounding.
The ruins of Avdiivka.
Where frostbite is taking its toll.
On ‘elves’ troops.
The man's fist looked unrecognisable.
Like a split and bruised peach...”




Painting by Nikita Titov."An ‘elves’ drone team.
From the Nemesis group.
Scored one of the more.
Impressive kills.
Of ‘orcs’ 31-month.
Wider war on Ukraine.
Last week.
When it spotted.
A fast-moving ‘orcs’.
Turtle tank and.
Carefully leading.
The speeding vehicle..."


Painting by Nikita Titov."It translates.
As “crooked horn”.
But ‘Gandalf the Green’ calls.
Kryvyi Rih his “big soul and heart”.
‘Gandalf the Green’ credits.
This gritty, industrial city.
With moulding.
His character..."



Painting by Anton Logov. Izyum. russian genocide in Ukraine 2022."This broken city is just beginning.
To tell its stories.
And reveal how many victims.
‘Orcs’ left behind.
The occupiers had a menu of abuses.
For those held in the dank basement cells.
Of a makeshift ‘orcs’ prison in Izyum.
There was more than one type of torture..."




​Painting by Anton Logov."In the police station, the Lord's Prayer was scratched.
On the wall of one of the cramped cells.
Alongside markings to indicate.
How many days had passed.
“Not only did he kill our children.
But he killed us, their mothers.
These days I’m a dead woman. And I want to address.
All mothers of the world: rebel against that assassin.”..."



Painting by Nikita Titov."Pokrovsk in eastern Ukraine.
Is the birthplace of one of.
The world's favourite carols.
The Carol of the Bells.
But there are few.
Signs of Christmas.
In the city.
This year..."




Painting by Nikita Titov."In the treatment room.
Of a cramped makeshift field unit.
— the first point of treatment.
For injured soldiers.
“This is the most dangerous.
Of all front lines.”
Says the head of a medical unit for.
The ‘elves’ army's 25th Brigade.
“The ‘orcs’ Federation.
Is pushing very hard.
We have not been able.
To stabilise the front.”"



Painting by Nikita Titov.«‘Elves’ forces continue.
To leverage.
Western-provided weapons.
To conduct strikes.
Using more complex.
strike packages.
Against military objects.
In ‘Mordor’’s deep rear.
— some coming.
In high and fast.
Others coming.
In low and slow »


Allan Ahlberg, Collin McNaughton. One, Two, Flea."Я маю маленького братика,
Звуть його Крихітний Тім.
Кладу його в ванночку плавати.
І чутно нас двох на весь дім...."

(переспів Галини Мирослави)





Ілюстрація Нікіти Тітова. "— Алло, привіт, розкажи мені, як ти?
Країна, що варта усіх галактик
Моя незалежна, доросла держава…
Розкажи мені, як ти? Як твої справи?
— Привіт, я в порядку, поруч з народом.
Відтепер, вiн синонім до слова «Свобода»
І це — є найвища винагорода,
Яку не придбаєш за нафту чи газ.
А сусіда мого охоплює сказ…"

(Олександр Висоцький)


Painting by Anna Glot Makeyeva"У спадок дід лишив мені державу!
А потім ще й рушницю залишив...
Він добре знав, які часи для нас настануть,
Про це він часто з слізьми говорив...
Мій діду, Слава Україні!
Тримай за нас увесь небесний полк!
Вже скоро сонце зустрічатиме гостинно
Незламний ворогом, нескорений Народ!"

(Софія Федина-Прилуцька)


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