New collection of poems about the war in Ukraine by Japanese poetess Kurama (January 2025)
"Pokrovsk in eastern Ukraine.
Is the birthplace of one of.
The world's favourite carols.
The Carol of the Bells.
But there are few.
Signs of Christmas.
In the city.
This year..."(Kurama)
«‘Elves’ forces continue.
To leverage.
Western-provided weapons.
To conduct strikes.
Using more complex.
strike packages.
Against military objects.
In ‘Mordor’’s deep rear.
— some coming.
In high and fast.
Others coming.
In low and slow »
How heroic Ukrainians fight the russian horde — a collection of poems by Japanese poetess Kurama
“The ‘elves’ army’s 33rd.
Mechanized Brigade and its.
German-made Leopard 2A4 tanks
Stand in their way.
“Effective work.
Just blows the heads.
Off the enemies.”
The 33rd Mechanized Brigade crowed.
The battle in Dalnje.
Was a return.
To form for.
‘Elves’ tanks...”
"In the treatment room.
Of a cramped makeshift field unit.
— the first point of treatment.
For injured soldiers.
“This is the most dangerous.
Of all front lines.”
Says the head of a medical unit for.
The ‘elves’ army's 25th Brigade.
“The ‘orcs’ Federation.
Is pushing very hard.
We have not been able.
To stabilise the front.”"(Kurama)
"An ‘elves’ drone team.
From the Nemesis group.
Scored one of the more.
Impressive kills.
Of ‘orcs’ 31-month.
Wider war on Ukraine.
Last week.
When it spotted.
A fast-moving ‘orcs’.
Turtle tank and.
Carefully leading.
The speeding vehicle..."
"Witnesses said.
The city was targeted.
At about 05:40.
In the heart of Lviv.
Lviv’s Mayor said.
‘Orcs’ attack had damaged.
More than 50 buildings.
In the historic heart of Lviv.
Including homes.
Schools and clinics.
He posted a picture.
On social media..."(Kurama)
15 poems by Japanese poetess Kurama about russian missile attack on the Ohmatdyt Children's Hospital
"Today ‘Mordor’ once again.
Demonstrated its cruelty:
A missile attack on.
The Ohmatdyt Children’s Hospital.
Buildings and facilities.
Were damaged.
There are wounded.
And dead..."(Kurama)
Ivan Franko. «Semper Idem!» (translated from Ukrainian into English by Alyssa Dinega Gillespie)
"Swim against the current,
Shove against the lance,
Bear the cross’s burden
Boldly unto death!
Truth will battle power!
Evil will be cowed!
’Midst a people bound to
Freedom of the word!"(Ivan Franko)
"Вони зупинились біля лісу. Поки водій заправляв автобус, Устя споглядала навколишній простір через вікно, зненацька за якусь мить вискочила надвір. І все через дерева, які потрапили в її поле зору. Покручені, з наростами на тілі. До них годі було доступитись, а їй кортіло їх обійняти, і таки зробила це, тільки подумки. Стоячи неподалік від буса, чуйно придивлялась до кожного гінкого дерева, напружено вслухалась у приємний шепіт розгойданого вітерцем листя, і так перейнялась, що мало не виповіла вголос думку, що мигцем пронеслась у голові. І чому вона раніше не зауважувала, що будь-який ґандж — це повідомлення, прохання про допомогу, попередження, застереження?! Що це, як не виразний крик: ''Зверніть на мене увагу''?! Подумала: ''Кожен організм шукає розв'язання, коли виникло питання, — усміхнулась створеній мимовільно римі, — Ми, люди, такі''. Устя намагалась роздивитись і запам'ятати кожне дерево, яке вабило її до себе. І чим довше вона придивлялась, тим переконливішим для неї ставав її власний висновок, що відхилення від загальноприйнятої норми тягнуть на себе увагу. ''Нарости — це сигнал SOS для дерев'', — продовжувала розмірковувати Устя. Їй здавалось, що вона відчуває те саме, що дерева, коли заглиблюються в простір і всередину себе. Устя вдихала повітря на повні груди, а тоді на трохи завмирала..." (Галина Мирослава)
““During the First World War.
Aviation was born.”
Says the drone commander.
“Now we are starting.”
The future war of drones.
Which maybe in two decades.
Will turn the tide.
Of any war.”...”(Kurama)
“I don't have a desire.
For revenge, but I do.
Have a very strong desire to.
Participate in opposition activities.”
What did he want most of all?
He simply replies:
“To hug Mum of course.”(Kurama)
““We are invincible.”
She joked.
She then wished you.
A “quiet night.”
The sun sets on Kharkiv.
And much of the city.
Remains dark.
As residents conserve power...”(Kurama)
““I had a hunch.
That someone was.
Watching me.
My heart was pounding.”
Agent One.
Takes photos.
As he crouches down.
In some bushes...”(Kurama)
“She has now.
Left her village.
Near the border.
With ‘Mordor’.
When ‘orcs’ planes began.
Bombing her border village.
In northern Ukraine.
She refused to leave...”(Kurama)
“A volunteer who evacuates civilians.
Showed you a message.
From a resident.
A few days ago.
“The basement where people were.
Staying on Soborna Street.
Has been hit,” it says.
“A lot of people have died.”...”(Kurama)
“After months of heavy fighting.
‘Orcs’ forces appear.
Close to surrounding.
The ruins of Avdiivka.
Where frostbite is taking its toll.
On ‘elves’ troops.
The man's fist looked unrecognisable.
Like a split and bruised peach...”(Kurama)
"No face, no name.
But minds.
Welcome to secret classes.
In Melitopol.
Like millions of other ‘elves’.
In the early weeks of.
‘Orcs’ full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
She was forced from her home...°(Kurama)
““The entire river crossing.
Is under constant fire.
I've seen boats.
With my comrades on board.”
“Just disappear into the water.
After being hit.
Lost forever.
To the Dnipro river.”...”(Kurama)
““My daughter kept.
Screaming and crying.
That we forgot daddy.
I needed to be strong.”
On 24 February 2022.
‘Mordor’ invaded Ukraine.
That morning.
Her life “changed forever”...”(Kurama)
“He has the sort of chuckle.
That's hard to resist.
Deep and treacly and mischievous.
“I'm still alive.”
He said, tilting his head.
To one side in his wheelchair.
Like a spectator marvelling at.
Someone else's magic trick...”(Kurama)