Публікації за тегом: Англійська мова

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War in Ukraine, the russian invasion of Ukraine, Avdiivka,“After months of heavy fighting.
‘Orcs’ forces appear.
Close to surrounding.
The ruins of Avdiivka.
Where frostbite is taking its toll.
On ‘elves’ troops.
The man's fist looked unrecognisable.
Like a split and bruised peach...”




Ukraine war: Soldier tells BBC of front-line 'hell'. Krynky. ““The entire river crossing.
Is under constant fire.
I've seen boats.
With my comrades on board.”
“Just disappear into the water.
After being hit.
Lost forever.
To the Dnipro river.”...”



Kateryna said she is grateful to the many people who have helped her and her daughter reach safety. Photo by Kateryna Sievodnieva.

““My daughter kept.
Screaming and crying.
That we forgot daddy.
I needed to be strong.”
On 24 February 2022.
‘Mordor’ invaded Ukraine.
That morning.
Her life “changed forever”...”



Battle of storks with necrophages. Painting by Oleg Shupliak.“He has the sort of chuckle.
That's hard to resist.
Deep and treacly and mischievous.
“I'm still alive.”
He said, tilting his head.
To one side in his wheelchair.
Like a spectator marvelling at.
Someone else's magic trick...”



The eyes of war. Painting by Oleg Shupliak."You heard the screams.
From far away.
They came floating.
Across the rows of the dead.
Across the rows of the dead.
Over other graves.
Still waiting.
To be filled...“



Painting by Oleg Shupliak."He lost his mum.
He lost his dad.
He lost his two grandparents.
Last October.
They were all killed.
In a missile attack.
On his village of Hroza.
In north-eastern Ukraine...




Unconquered. Painting by Oleg Shupliak.““None of us will allow.
Our Ukraine to end.”
‘Gandalf the Green’ said.
In an address in the capital Kyiv.
He was joined by Western leaders.
In a show of solidarity.
‘Gandalf the Green’ said.
In his speech on Saturday that...”




Painting by Nikita Titov."It translates.
As “crooked horn”.
But ‘Gandalf the Green’ calls.
Kryvyi Rih his “big soul and heart”.
‘Gandalf the Green’ credits.
This gritty, industrial city.
With moulding.
His character..."



Painting by Nikita Titov."As he slowly began.
To regain consciousness.
In his hospital bed.
In Kyiv.
He realized.
He couldn't see, speak.
Or feel his legs.
But he could hear his wife’s voice..."



Painting by Nikita Titov."Within the first hour.
Of you arriving.
There were two sirens.
And incoming artillery fire.
This city Kupiansk was occupied.
For six months.
And then liberated.
Last year..."



War in Ukraine. Russia’s kamikaze drones rain down on Ukraine - BBC News. Tetiana and her baby being driven to safety.“Soldiers, of course.
Have the advantage.
Of armour.
Civilians do not.
And around Kupiansk.
The city ‘elves’ recaptured last September.
‘Orcs’ guns are again.
Shelling people's homes...”



Ukraine war. Family reunited 18 months after tearful goodbye on Platform 5.  Jenia said farewell to his family in Lviv railway station shortly  after the russian invasion - BBC News.

““Everything will be fine.”
“Everything will be fine.”
You realise they are more than.
Simply words to this family.
“Everything will be fine.”
“Everything will be fine.”
They are an enduring act of faith.
The war has not destroyed...”



Картина Світлани Верисової."Платон ще маленький. І дуже кумедний. Йому лише п'ять. Але спілкуватись з ним неймовірно весело й неабияк приємно. Якось він йшов з сестричкою Уляною, такою ж синьоокою й сніжноволосою, як він, вулицею. Дівчинка цьогоріч вперше пішла до школи, ще й місяця не минуло, як вона стала школяркою. На хвіртці перед одним з двоповерхових будинків обоє дітей зауважили табличку. На ній красувався напис, однак прочитати його Платон не міг, хоча нещодавно навчився розпізнавати всі літери. Він, майже благаючи, попросив Уляночку допомогти, його вимучувала шалена цікавість, що ж на цій табличці написано. Дівчинка почала помаленьку промовляти..." (Галина Мирослава)


Painting by Fongwei Liu."Весело розгойдуючись на стільчику, Омелянчик взявся до домашнього завдання з англійської. Він силувався скласти англійські буквиці докупки й отримати слова. Коли мама почула слово ''юнн'', вона перестала перекладати речі й запитала: – ''Юнн''? А що це таке? Як воно пишеться? – Хіба не здогадуєшся? Прислухайся... ''Юнн'', майже по-нашому, відразу ясно, що воно означає ''юний'', спочатку пишеться слово ''ти'': ''вай'', ''ов'', ''ю'', а за ними: ''ен'', ''джі'', – розтлумачував Мілько..." (Галина Мирослава)



Painting by Nikita Titov."In a shrinking, brackish pool of water.
Within earshot of Ukraine's front lines.
Two small fish gasped and flopped.
In the midday heat.
Around them, vast expanses of.
Mud and rock were exposed to the sun.
A huge grain barge lay.
Sprawled across a nearby sandbank..."




Painting by Neivanmade."They had been stranded.
In ‘orcs’-occupied Ukraine.
Their village of Kardashynka.
Is an innocuous place.
A quaint collection of houses.
In the marshy lowlands.
Of the Dnipro River's eastern bank.
Under ‘orcs’ occupation..."



Картина Олега Шупляка. Час рікою пливе.

"Words terrify when they remain not spoken,
When suddenly, they tuck themselves away,
When you don’t known how silence can be broken,
For someone else has said all you might say..."

(Lina Kostenko, translated by Ivan Doan)






Painting by Matiz.“‘Mordor’’s anthem.
Booms through loudspeakers.
And the tricolour flag.
Is unfurled.
But look a little closer.
And it's clear that.
None of the children's lips.
Are moving...”



Painting by Oleg Shupliak.«I can only pray all the time.
I can only pray all the time.
My son and his team are in Bakhmut now.
I cannot sleep.
I can only pray all the time.
I can only pray all the time.
My son and his team are in Bakhmut now.
I cannot work...»




 Painting by Alona Shostko.“She was getting dressed.
To leave their house.
When “both doors were smashed out.
By the explosion wave”.
“I ran outside.
And saw that the garage was destroyed.
Everything was on fire.
Glass shards everywhere.”...”



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